Rating:  Summary: You either Love it or Hate it! I LOVE IT Review: When this movie came out it was marketed to the wrong crowd. I watched it begrudgingly (I'm not too hip on Nicole Kidman). I bought it immediately. I wish I had seen it in the theater.Of course it's the old story of boy meets girl, but there are no original plot lines. The miracle of this movie is in the music and visuals! The humor walks a thin line bewtween art the absurd but never crosses it. It is genius in its music mixes and editing style. Nicole is good not great, but Ewen will break your heart. Watch this movie at night in the dark with no distractions. You may love it or you may hate it, but it will have an impact nonetheless!
Rating:  Summary: Believe in love Review: How could you not by the end of this movie. I will admit that the first 30 minutes leave you a little befuddled and confused. I was not sure what was going on and couldn't really figure out what all those people had to do with the story. I don't know where the movie really grabs you, but I would make a guess that it would be at the entrance of Satine (Nicole Kidman)after that, there is no looking back. You couldn't turn it off if you wanted to. What I would give to be able to watch that movie for the first time again. Wonderful!
Rating:  Summary: Pretty video, good sound, lousy story Review: I had great expectations for the movie, but to be honest didn't have the patience to even watch it to the end. The tunes, while nice, don't fit the period. Just too much creative licence taken and the story, sigh, not worth watching for free, let alone buying it. I enjoy musicals, but this one was disjointed and the story line ... a waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Laugh, Sing and Cry your hearts out!!!! Review: This movie was amazing in so many aspects. The love story (although recycled and kinda rips off of Shakespeare in Love)works really well with Satine and Christian. You follow their love and you feel for their happiness and sorrow...at the end. The music was excellent. "come what may" was especially a beautiful song. Some people are complaining about the use of modern music in this movie! That is just to help the audience relate themselves to people in that era. Demonstrating that love and sex and whatever problems that existed back then still exist today!! It's to bring the characters into the movie. Although I agree that the relationship between some of the characters were undeveloped, we have to remember that if we developed every relationship between everyone (say between Zidler and Satine) the movie would drag on and on for hours exploring nothing but the psychological and sociological relationships of people who aren't the main focus of the movie. That would really take away from what the movie is trying to say!! There is a reason why some actors are called supporting actors and why some are called the leads. Furthermore, although the movie doesn't come out and tell you straight out the history between some characters, the movie seeks to show us multidimensions of the characters, like Zidler and Talous. Anyhow, this movie was amazing, from the costumes and sets and amazing effects, to the wonderful acting of the Kidman and McGregor, to the beautiful music, and finally to the love story. The DVD is great, the 2 disc sets are amazing!! If you want a movie that will make you laugh, make you sing and make you cry...you've got to see Moulin Rouge!!
Rating:  Summary: Why watch moulin rouge? Review: It is undoubtedly one of this year's most polarizing movies - Moulin Rouge, directed by Baz Luhrmann and starring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. Some film critics have put a lot of effort in trying to write as negative movie reviews as possible - the movie has been declared as all too banal. But it might also be stated that this film is a cleverly done persiflage, the work of a genius, a master of creating colorful and powerful images. Firstly, critics have argued that the story behind the movie is full of clichés and simply dull. They might not have considered the fact that Luhrmann uses these clichés, such as the often cited "boy meets girl meets doom", fully consciously. 'Moulin Rouge' can be regarded as a very entertaining parody of the musical genre. Luhrmann constantly gives reference to what is generally known as typical musical elements, such as the overly emotional dramaturgy accumulating to a tearful climax. The attribute "banality" is by no means justified. As a very neat feature, the director constructs an extremely entertaining parallelism between the movie's story proper and the content of the play that the characters in the movie rehearse. It might have been unclear to most critics that this movie definitely is a musical. So complaints about flat, unsophisticated dialogues rather seem of no use. Witty conversation or a complicated storyline is certainly not what musicals aim at. However, what does play an important role in a movie like 'Moulin Rouge', is the music. It has been widely criticized that the clash between the historical scenario and the music consisting of commonly known pop songs was too enormous. In fact, using well known songs for new musical projects is a frequently used method which was especially popular during the forties and fifties. This method is a very clever tool in order to lose the historical distance between the audience and the scenario. By taking up familiar music for the soundtrack, the director creates a direct link between his audience and the story. Another reproach is that the song parts of the medleys are too chopped; by sticking together only small splinters of love song classics like "I Will Always Love You", "Up Where We Belong" or "Your Song", the spirit of the various songs are lost. Therefore, according to critics, pieces like the love song medley cannot touch the heart of the audience. However, this collage of love songs is much more likely to touch the audience because it causes interaction. On watching the movie, the audience is constantly trying to figure out which song is being referred to, and consciously thinking about the lyrics, so that the overall message "The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return" can be perfectly well received. Luhrmann has also been accused of not being able to handle the speed of the movie: according to film reviewers the atmosphere created by the astonishing kick off with fast, almost MTV-like editing then all of a sudden collapses into a too old stereotypical love story. Looking at this from another angle, the powerful opening scene should rather be interpreted as an overture - a direct access for the audience to get at once into the Moulin Rouge feeling. The big plus of the movie is the entertainment factor - and that is what a musical is all about. The comedic presentation of the characters, the impresario Harold Zidler and the Can-Can dancers and the wonderful music contributes to a movie that is probably not full of surprises but comes up with breathtaking visual arrangements, wonderful music and beautiful pictures. It is definitely worth watching.
Rating:  Summary: It took my breath away Review: Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman shoots up in the stars with the movie Mounlin Rouge. When I saw it in theaters the opening day, it took my breath away with all the fantastic coloration in the movie. McGregor and Kidman sucks you into the movie, you wouldn't want to blink throughout the movie. Love it!
Rating:  Summary: True Romantic Escapism Review: This movie is beautifully filmed and wonderfully cast. Ewan does a great job portraying the charming and naïve Christian. And, it is a treat to hear him sing ' he has a beautiful voice. He also looks better than usual ' those 'mohawk' haircuts he opts for in real life do not do him justice. Nicole Kidman was outstanding as Satine. She showed a strong range of emotions and her voice is lovely. She deserved to win a Golden Globe, and she was gracious in later saying she wanted to share the award with Ewan, who lost out in his category. I'm disappointed that 'Come What May' hasn't won any awards to date, and that the Academy did not allow it on its ballot. It would've been wonderful to see Nicole and Ewan sing it together. Oh well, thanks Baz for the romantic escapism that is Moulin Rouge. I play my video regularly to enjoy the Moulin Rouge experience as often as possible.
Rating:  Summary: The BEST Movie of the century! Review: This movie was so brilliantly done that I can't watch it enough times. Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman sparkle together to create a wonderful love story of overcoming trials. I recommend it to everyone I meet!
Rating:  Summary: Don't Resist It -- Just be Prepared for a Wild Ride! Review: Visually stunning, "Moulin Rouge" mixes elements of drama, theater and music in ways that perhaps no other film has ever achieved. Part "Wizard of Oz," part "Shakespeare In Love" this is an original vision from director Baz Luhrman, who has isngle-handledly invented his own style with this one-of-a-kind film. Sure, there are moments that make little or no sense - nonsense in fact - but you'll be entertained in brash, unexpected ways that perhaps you never thought you'd experience on film. I was startled, cajoled and shaken at times, frustrated to miss little details that on repeat viewing make some parts make sense, but always drawn into a roller coaster ride that bears little resemblence to anything ever put on screen, and yet owes plenty to other musical and non musical classics. The revelation here is Ewan McGregor, who seems to be channeling Orson Welles and Robert Downey Jr. at times, but who succeeds beyond all my wildest expectations as an actor, a singer, a performer, and proptagonist. Nicloe Kidman is grand, and beautiful beyond words, with ravishing red hair that sweeps down her graceful back and costumes that set off her famous curves in new almost non-human ways. Both are chameleons as actors, and both deserve tremendous credit for taking on these characters who are colorful yet remote. The supporting cast is tremendous, especially Jim Broadbent. John Leguizamo's turn as Toulousse-Latreque, while intriguing, is the only sore spot. His lisp is unnerving and doesn't serve the plot or character one bit (his parts I found were superfulous anyways.) Other than McGregor (again, phenomenal as the writer Christian) the film soars by being both oddly foreign (no one's ever seen anything like this before) and innately familiar at once (at times, you can practically recite the script.) What Luhrman has done - other than create a masterpiece that will be analyzed and dissected for eons - is to bring pop culture to the plot, via well known songs that Boomers, Gen X'ers and Y'ers all know by heart. "Come What May" the central theme and practically only new song even feels familiar, with its shades of every Broadway musical you've ever loved, from "Phantom" to "Miss Saignon" to "Les Miz." If you dream in Technicolor, your nightscapes will surely be enhanced by this unforgettable film, which must take its place beside the most innovative films of all time, from the "Wizard" to Kubricks "A Clockwork Orange" from a Spike Lee Joint to a Speilberg spectacular. Hats off to Baz Lurhman for creating a spectacle that eludes easy classification, in fact, one that creates its own unique category of film. You'll find yourself wondering how he achieved this vision, and whether mind altering drugs had anything to do with it (it recalls a great and evil acid trip of the Timothy Leary sort.) To be sure, any viewer who resists may find themselces frustrated by the quick edits and tornado-like sequences, but let it ride folks. This is pure movie magic, and destined to be a singular sensation, a landmark achievement in filmmaking that, if you let it, will sweep you away in time and then bring you back to the present before you can say "Moulin Rouge!"
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular Musical Experience on DVD Review: There's no other word to describe this movie other than SPECTACULAR! Coincidentally, the musical being written and performed in the movie is titled "Spectacular, Spectacular". This movie made me realize how talented Ewan and Nicole are. They can sing very well, even better than some so-called professional singers! Now on to the DVD... This one is definitely worth buying. There are lots and lots of extra features. And besides the ones mentioned on the cover, watch out for some hidden extras (easter eggs). This is a true 2-disc-set, with the entire movie on Disc 1 and extra features on Disc 2, unlike the disappointing "Pearl Harbor" DVD.