Rating:  Summary: Worst Musical Ever Review: I find it hard to believe that people actually enjoyed this movie, and am glad that it only won Oscars for costumes and scenery. At the opening of the movie I hoped that it would be a mocking homage to the MTV generation, done in a very interesting style. I soon found out that the movie could not decide if it was the former, a stream of consciousness comedy bizarre, or a serious (albeit extremely trite) love story. Some people bill this as the genius of the movie, I see it as serving no larger artistic purpose, and thus merely distracting and frustrating. Add to this the facts that all of the music was stolen, not performed in ways that give integrity to the original artists, and the lead male vocals were horrible; spell an absolutely horrible cacophony of a movie. If this opens a new era of similar musicals, I'll be in the basement staring at the wall.
Rating:  Summary: the worst movie I've seen in a LONG time! Review: There are plenty of [bad] movies that I don't waste my time seeing because I can tell from the trailer, title, etc. that they'll [are bad]. This one, however, had a great trailer. The trailer was much better than the movie itself. The whole movie (or rather, the hour and a half that I saw, because I left before it was over) was like a trailer, like a commercial. . .I was sitting there in agony, wondering, When is the movie going to actually start??? I have seen plenty of musicals and do not hate musicals. . .which made me hate this travesty of a musical that much more. It does not reinvent anything! It's a gigantic waste of acting and technical talent. After an hour or so of valiantly trying to give it a chance, I decided it was wasting my time too, so I got up and walked out, and I have never walked out of a movie in my life. For all the people that liked it. . .I have to sigh, I feel like an old codger, I wonder what is wrong with people's minds these days. . .have you never seen a good musical. . .how could anyone in their right mind like this?? There wasn't a single enjoyable moment in the whole thing!!
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular, Spectacular, Moulin Rouge! Review: This film, is wonderfully.....Suprising! Nicole Kidman singing? I must say she is delightfully suprising in that she is a very talented vocalist! Ewan McGregor also has this suprising talent, in this Spectacular story of Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and above all, Love! This story of a cortisan, Satine, and penniless sitar player, I mean writer, Christian, is timeless, yet refreshing. Like many recent films,(Titanic, Pearl Harbor, etc) this film takes a time in world history, in this case Paris's infamous nightclub, the Moulin Rouge, and injects right into it a lovestory, that suprisingly, works without a hitch! Unlike those films, the emotion of love is not shown though the action of love, but rather, the sounds of love, taking to song, which of course reminds us that this story is one of fantasy, as all films seem to be, as is there reason for existance. It is true that this seems to be a love it or hate it film. But those who hate it, are those who cannot understand the language of song, and hate it in film. Those who love it embrace song on film, and would also be recommended to take a look at the legandary Judy Garland's body of work, including "A Star is Born", "Meet Me in St. Louis", "The Harvey Girls", and "Easter Parade", just to name a few. I think Nicole Kidman was perfectly cast as the ill-fated cortisan Satine, and brings an Acadamy Award nominated performance to the screen, one that is undoutedly not to be missed! This DVD is packed with extras, which makes it all the more desirable to those wanted to know every backstory of this film's construction and creation from concept to completion! A wonderful film, with a wonderful cast, rent it now, you will love it!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful in every way Review: This is a wonderful movie, and a great production on DVD. The DTS Surround Sound is stunning (most important, since this is a musical) and the video quality is excellent, often beautiful. The bonus material is very well done and fun to see. I love this movie, tremendous fun, a wonderful love story and touching ending. I was swept away by the wonderful selection and arrangement of music, the acting is wonderously good, and the singing excellent (I didn't know Nicole could sing). In all, this is the most viewed DVD in my collection now. A real masterpiece. (why has no one pointed out the plot relation to La Traviata). Enjoy it!
Rating:  Summary: Unwatchable Review: This movie was just plain unwatchable. We tried and tried but after 20 minutes turned it off. I am sure we would have walked out of the movie theater if we had seen it there. It was boring and to be honest just plain stupid. How this movie was even in the running for an Oscar......We usually keep all movies in our collection. This one we gave away and to be honest apologized to the person we gave it to.
Rating:  Summary: The Worst Film Ever Made! Review: I guess it's right when they call it the "love-hate" movie. Personally I cannot see why anyone would love it! This is not a musical! It's like a bunch of pieces of music videos stuck together and strung out for over 2 hours! Most songs where copyed. In fact so many songs where copyied that it took them about 2 or 3 years to copyright them all. Go ahead and buy a Madonna CD, then pick up Whitney Houston, Elton John, Pink, Fat Boy Silm and a few others and listen to them. You'll get the same expiercance as you would from watching the movie, except without all the frantic camera movement that made me sick and the strange, perverse way they portrayed the songs all smushed together like, "Creloe Lady Marmalade!" "Because We Can-Can-Can!" "Diamonds Are A Girl's--" "We Can Be Heros!" "I Will Love You!" "How Wonderful Life Is..." "Come What May!" "Like A Virgin!" "Because We Can-Can-Can!" "Everybody Can-Can!" Okay, so it doesn't really go that way, but once I got through with it, it sure felt like it! And the story is lame to boot! This is not about true love! Maybe in sappy romance novels full of gushiness. Everyone is portrayed in a cartoonish sort of way. You know the ending after five minutes of watching it, it so predictable. Firts it starts out so jerky and the talking is jumbles you have no idea what's going on. Then it's as slow as hell as they rejoyce about their love. We know you're in love already, shut up about it! Oh, no the duke is trying to take Satine away! Who cares? You know the end result.[...]
Rating:  Summary: a VERY GENEROUS two stars. Review: A few of the musical numbers ARE actually stunning. Many are atrocious. There is a great deal of talent and imagination on display - unfortunately in the context of some of the worst taste imaginable! Occasionally brilliant, but frequently nauseating and bad, bad, BAD. I mean - so bad you won't believe what youre seeing (or hearing) - bad.And I have a really high tolerance for style over substance, bombast, anachronisms and all the rest of it. It's about LOVE! (allegedly.) To say that this is Baz Luhrmann's very best film isn't saying much. His is one of the most obnoxious artistic sensibilities to surface in a hundred years of cinema. Hopefully he will perish of consumption or ebola or the trots or something before he gets a chance to top this, his masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: new and different Review: I loved this movie, it was fresh, funny, and kept reminding you that you are watching a movie, which is bold, but they pull it off. The best art is that which sparks controversy, and this one has to be one of the most controversial pieces of art from the movie industry. I've noticed that pretty much all the bad reviews were from men so I'm guessing they can't stand the fact that this film was made to be that, a film. Moulin Rouge wanted the boundry between the audience and the story to be prominent- sometimes pulling you in just to push you right back out-toying with the audience. Films that are strong enough to do this are amazing to watch emotionaly.
Rating:  Summary: Moulin Rogue Exhibits Nice Cinematography; Little Else Review: I remember quite clearly, about a year ago I told my best friend Rebecca that I was interested in going to see that new movie that was coming out, Moulin Rogue. After having only seen the whirlwind, loud, colorful trailer that only suggested that the film is a musical and it involves a lot of dancing, a lot of red lipstick, Nicole Kidman, Ewan Mcgregor (sigh...), and some French place called the Moulin Rouge, Rebecca responded with a confused, "Moulin Rogue? No way, she's a prostitute or something..." After getting one of those pains in the back of my head that I always seem to get whenever Rebecca hurls a statement of just this type in my general direction, I proceeded to sift through the debris that this argument had left between me and coherent thought, and I proceeded to explain the actual reasons that I was attracted to the movie. But honestly, how and why would the fact that the leading female character in a film is a "prostitute" serve as a basis to write the film off entirely? I really have to let that one go, anyway, I listed several reasons: I thought Baz Luhrmann's cinematography in Romeo and Juliet was choice so I was interested in seeing his work here, I thought "hmm, musical...sounds refreshing," and mainly I had been in love with Ewan McGregor's Scottish-turned American actor appeal for quite a while. After seeing the film I had sort of mixed feelings, more leaning toward disappointment in the film than in admiration of it. While McGregor's voice was more than enough to keep me entranced through the entire two hours, I was disappointed both in Satin's (Nicole Kidman) character as well as the shallowness of the storyline. When a movie's theme can be summed up in four words, in this case "truth, beauty, freedom, and love," that leave little more to think about than the universal call of the '60's, the impact is less than noteworthy. The plot honestly relys on little else than a dreamer/writer who falls in love with a woman of immense beauty, but the evils of the world will not let them live for all they ave ever asked, once again, truth, beauty, freedom, and love. I was disappointed in the development of Satin's character, not so much in the way she was played, but in the choices that she makes in the film. If the love between her and the writer really was true enough to act as the binding force of the film, then she would never have chosen the "brave" step to walk away from him and perform in the play. I didn't feel the alternative, her illness, was enough to tear her away. Overall, the film was an outburst of style, racing through a story that shouts its meaning in your face, and leaves you with little to think about afterword. Ewan, you're beautiful, but stick to star wars.
Rating:  Summary: Not good Review: This is a movie you either love or hate. I hated it! It was just plain stupid.