Summary: Worst dog ever...
Review: Beautiful costumes. So what! Stolen music. Never mind that, they probably wanted to save money or didn't want to hire a good composer. Beautiful dance sequences destroyed by poor camera work. When skillful dancers are doing their thing I don't want to see ceseless closeups of heads or feet. I want good lighting, and love to see the whole figure, not a palette of color from 50 feet up in the air. (As an example of good camera work for dace sequences, "Center Stage" comes to mind). For the first 42 minutes of "Moulin Rouge," the camera never pauses more than 5 seconds on anything. When it does, it's such a relief you feel like crying, but you can't because you already have a terrible head ache. Oh, the plot is nice, but that's too little too late. This dog will go to the pound in a short time. It's an atrocity done with a lot of promotion. They wanted to buy an Oscar. Fortunatelly they didn't, but a lot of people was fooled by the hype, including myself.
Summary: Moulin Rouge
Review: I never like a musical movie. But this movie is different.
It's unique. Very entertaining and romantic. Ewan and Nicole sang beautifully. They have chemistry. And Baz, the director is a genius. The first time i saw the movie, i thought it was weird. But my friends told to watch it again. I bought the DVD, and they were right. I'm beginning to think i'm obsessed with this movie.
Because i watch it so many times. And the more i watch, the more i like the movie. I keep thinking about it. For me it's the best movie of the year.
Summary: Excellent Movie
Review: This was my favorite movie of the 2001, great perfomances especially from Nicole Kidman (She deserved all the awards and reconigtion She got this past year) and Ewan was excellent too.
The DVD is perfect, great sound, picture and the second disc has wonderful features. I recommend this DVD to everyone who enjoy musicals and simple to everyone who love movies.
Summary: Sheer excess.
Review: Yup, it's true. You will either love Moulin Rouge, or hate it. The movie is so utterly loaded with excesses that there is no room left for middle ground on the matter. The movie is simple spectacle for spectacle's shape.The plot is simple. Penniless author falls in love with a beautiful and unattainable artist but has to keep her away from the incredibly rich, powerful, and square duke. In other words, it's nothing Shakespeare In Love didn't do better and you'll probably be able to guess how the story ends within 20 minutes. That's not the point, however, as Baz Luhrmann uses the story as a backdrop and send you spinning into a fantasy world. The sets and costumes are spectacular but the music is so outrageous, so over-the-top that your reaction to it will make or break the whole movie. The first big dance number is a medley of two original songs, 'Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend,' 'Material Girl,' and 'Smells Like Teen Spirit.' Somehow, it works.
I will admit, this movie is not for everybody. I liked it - which is why I'm giving it four stars instead of three - better than A Beautiful Mind or The Fellowship Of The Ring. Others may find the movie's excesses too much to stand. The beginning is a bit absurd (my reaction to the first five minutes was one of skepticism and disdain). The directing style is hyperactive, but Lurhmann is nowhere near as jerky as he was with William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet, a movie that was literally making me motion sick watching it. Still, the acting is solid, particularly Nicole Kidman, John Leguizamo, and Jim Broadbent. Broadbent's performance as Harold Zidler alone is worth watching the movie. Even Ewen McGregor, whose voice doesn't quite stand up to Kidman's or Broadbent's manages to hang in there musically and make up the difference with his acting.
That said, if you willing to accept Moulin Rouge for the simple, absurd, over-the-top spectacle that it is, watch it and you will not be disappointed. If not, you're better off looking elsewhere.
Summary: A brilliant romance that revives the musical genre.
Review: "Moulin Rouge!" (2001)
You may have never liked musicals before. You may have always hated when the characters in a live action film burst into song. I personally always quite enjoyed a not-too-frequent good musical number in a movie, and I haven't seen a great musical film in quite some time. Moulin Rouge! completely restored my faith in modern musicals, and in all good movies for that matter. This is quite simply the best romantic tale ever told, and an amazing odyssey through a visionary director's mind that is not easily forgotten.
That director of course is Baz Luhrmann, who has directed such films as Strictly Ballroom in 1992 and Romeo + Juliet in 1996. With Rouge, Luhrmann uses more energy than in any of films. The sheer sense and atmosphere in Rouge is all thanks to a marvellous director who really knows his stuff. Luhrmann is very artistic with the big picture and uses nifty little technical marvels to make the movie even more heart-warming and colourful (an example is of several scenes where the moon smiles down on Christian and Satine while they are dancing to 'Our Song').
The performances by an all-star cast in the film also provide to the greatness of the movie. Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman are Christian and Satine, lighting up the screen with their stunning performances. It seems like these 2 actors we're meant for each other, a sign of really getting into your character - these 2 deserve Oscars! And to boot, they both have incredible singing voices. Jim Broadbent is almost equally fantastic as the huge, moustache-twirling Moulin Rouge owner Harold Zidler, and Richard Roxburgh is powerful and engrossing as the Duke, who is also after Satine. John Leguizamo doesn't disappoint on the comic side of things at the beginning, but him and McGregor also have a very powerful dramatic moment near the end.
The sets for this movie are what really set it ablaze. From the giant elephant to a windmill of a nightclub, the film is tightly edited and decorated brilliantly to bring the millennium side-story to life. The visual effects are also very good, and very noticeable. You can't really tell their visual effects, but the wizards on this movie used plenty of techniques (exploding colours, mist on rooftops, a brilliant swoop over Paris) to make this look more daring, and more artistic.
Unfortunately this may come as a love-it-or-hate-it film to some. Possible reasons people might not like it is because they don't like musicals, they think it was overstylized or possibly even melodramatic. I really loved this movie as you already know. I have no negativity towards musicals, I loved the way the style of the movie was over-the-top and flashy, and the drama was not at all cheesy or corny, it won my heart by using natural scenes and lines.
Keep an open mind with Rouge and you'll be fine.
Overall, this is my best film of 2001, an overwhelming, sexy, daring, highly anticipated, brilliantly made, with kinetic energy and incredible musical numbers (Come What May is the best film song for the new decade!). I couldn't take my eyes off this movie, and it is one of my personal all-time greats. I might've not said much about this film to make you believe that, but trust me, this is an almost indescribable film, and no amount of adjectives than really sum up how much I loved the movie. See it now!
NOTE: If you buy the special-edition VHS you get a great making-of featurette with interviews with the cast and a couple of deleted scenes. It's worth the couple more dollars, trust me!
Summary: I Feel Very Strongly for This Movie!
Review: No other [recent] film ... got quite as strong an emotional reaction from me as did Moulin Rouge. ...
Of course the story has been told hundreds of times, and that's the point: to tell a simple story but in a revolutionary way. The plot is just a rip off of the Orpheus myth (I don't think it has anything to do with a "generation gap"... they TELL you evetything that is going to happen at the very beginning, and this is the point, and anyway the real meat isn't what happens but how), but the way it is told redefines the movie musical, and for someone really in to movies, that is kind of a big deal. Many people also had trouble dealing with the editing, feeling they were watching MTV or just took a lot of E. Usually when movies have such a rapid editing style I get annoyed as well, but on this movie it made the emotional impact of what happened to the characters very immediate. No other film last year gave me as heavy and intense an emotional response as Moulin Rouge. As for the music... well, what are you supposed to give someone with a ridiculous obsession with love to sing? It Was like playing the board game "Encore" with the word "love," and instead of annoying, I found it endearing and true to / perfect for the character of Christian. He is an archetype.
And plus it has Nicole Kidman who is a goddess and makes me sweat and short of breath. The DVD is spectacular with two amazing commentaries and, I believe, 16 easter eggs.
Summary: As was the case with TITANIC...
Review: ...it's likely that a lot (not all, but a lot) of the contempt exhibited toward this film is really directed at some of its more zealous fans, many of whom aren't old enough yet to realize that MOULIN ROUGE isn't the be-all and end-all of musicals. Nor is it likely a 'reinvention' of the genre, if you use that word to define something influential; or at least, if it is, and we can look forward to many more musicals composed of 1000 cuts per minute, it would greatly lessen this film's appeal, as that very novelty is what makes it interesting.
As for its other virtues, it has beautiful costumes and sets and attractive actors--but then, so did the 2001 version of PLANET OF THE APES, and I doubt THAT is going to hold up well in the future, because it doesn't have a noteworthy story or dialogue. MOULIN ROUGE suffers from the same problem (and the apes gave better performances). Will it retain its appeal years from now? Depends. In any case, at this time it provides two hours or so of continuous entertainment, which is more than most other major films of the past year could do.
Summary: Very interesting movie...
Review: It seems like everyone I talk to about this movie has a strong opinion of it. They either absolutely love it or absolutely hate it. There have been a few borderline opinions, but for the most part it's a love/hate movie.
I thought I would love Moulin Rouge. It seemed like my kind of movie. I've always been a sucker for musicals, afterall. I didn't hate it, but I didn't really love it either. I'm one of the few people who falls in the in-between pile. I thought that the movie was great as far as visual effects and costumes go. The acting was also very good and the singing could have been much worse, but a note to the leads- don't quit your day job. The movie managed to be funny, happy, thought-provoking, and ultimately tragic. It was a very emotional movie and even made me get a little teary eyed at the end.
The main plot in Moulin Rouge centers around the love between Satine and Christian. Their love was really a fairly typical Hollywood love affair though. They fall for each other too quickly and form an inseperable bond that was really unrealistic. While I did think their relationship was very sweet, the cynical person in me couldn't help noting how completely unrealistic it was.
I can see how a lot of people would hate this movie and how others would adore it. It really depends if you let yourself get into it, I think. Only if you ignore the semi-butchering of songs you love and the underdevelopment of the characters, and just let yourself get lost in the eye-candy and craziness before you, will Moulin Rouge really take off.