Rating:  Summary: Too contemporary for the period. Review: Loved the costumes, especially the lingerie but I was not satisfied with the historical presentation of that decade, Moulin Rouge. The music was too contemporary for that particular time, the 1890s. I thought it would have been a drama based musical centering around the night club life. But my expectations were not as what I predicted it to be. This movie may have garnered the respect and high praise of the critics but to some viewers, it wasn't that great.
Rating:  Summary: awful Review: One of the most moronic movies I have ever seen. Actually to be fair, it may have gotten better after the first 20 minutes. I wouldn't know, because I turned it off at that point. I just couldn't stomach any more than that.
Rating:  Summary: Tragic, Gut wrenching, Funny... Review: I mean that the acting and plot are tragically bad and the singing evokes a gag response that will make you wish you hadn't eaten the fish for dinner. It is hilarious that THIS movie was so popular. This movie is positive proof that the ONLY things important in selling movies to people nowadays are a couple of well-knowns, a large budget, and a seedy reputation. Personally, I'd take great writing and raw talent over big names and hype any day.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: Firstly, let me say that this is one of the most controversial movies to come out in a while, not because of the subject of the content, but the quality. I personally adored this movie. Ewan McGregor (in my opinion one of the best actors of his generation) and Nicole Kidman (who before this I had grossly underrated) are right on target. The chemistry between them is electric, as is the rest of the film. Though the Moulin Rouge is more of a dark, hellish place than an actual night club, it pulses with life, color and excitement. The world that Baz Lurhmann created is unimagineable, and the music is woven into the movie with flare and style. The soundtrack has everything from a heart-wrenching original song to an out-of-the-blue rendition of "Smells like Teen Spirit". The supporting players also delivered top notch performances, Jim Broadbent as the electrifying Harold Zidler, John Leguizamo as the endearing, odd Toulouse Lautrec and Richard Roxburgh as the extraordinarly evil and weak Duke. Overall, I thought Moulin Rouge was "spectacular spectacular," beautifully done, fantastic characters (if not a few too many cliches) and acting at its best. This movie is like a chocolate/ lemon cake with rasberries on top: rich, spirited and deep red.
Rating:  Summary: I Have Nothing Good To Say About This Movie. Review: Moulin Rouge is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It is very long and very boring. The movie bombards you with recycled old songs, bright colors, and frantic movements. The movie can bombard you all it wants, but it can't make you care. There is nothing to care about in this movie. The characters are less than one-dimensional. The writing is silly and predictable. The direction is absolutely horrible. The camera keeps jumping all over the place.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular Spectacular! Review: Revives the movie musical in a way no other film has. Bold, bright, colorful and dazzling! Truth, beauty, freedom and above all love. See this!
Rating:  Summary: Moulin Rouge is a unique and tragic love story (and musical) Review: When I rented this movie, I kept in mind what others had said about it: that you either love it. Or you hate it. When I began watching it with my parents, they both left near the beginning of it, claiming that it was "too weird". And I admit, it is strange. It is set in the 1900's yet the songs are mainly modern pop music (i.e - Nirvana "Smells like Teen Spirit). And, plus, the beginning is like a total drug trip. But I stayed and finished watching and, and I must say, I am glad that I did. The love story is incredibly beautiful (read: tragic); and Ewan was perfect. I don't care for Nicole Kidman as a rule, but her acting was good as Satine. As the movie progresses, her character grows as Christian and Satine's love grows. I think Directer-man Baz has got the whole forbidden-love scenario down pat. Anyways, I think the bottom line for this movie is: just give it a chance. Some parts are just too amazing to miss. It's just so passionate! I gave Moulin Rouge four stars because it was a tragedy, and I'm more of a happy-ending kind of girl.
Rating:  Summary: Moulin Rouge Review: I really enjoyed watching this movie. If you like romance, then this movie is for you. Especially if you liked Romeo and Juliet, the old version. I found these two movies similar. The first time my brother rented this movie, I had no interest to watch it because it looked boring. One day I just started watching it while home alone and it was a beautiful movie. The songs were beautiful. It never crossed my mind how much I would enjoy this movie but the fact is that I did and I would watch it again, not counting the two times that I already did.
Rating:  Summary: What IS this thing? Review: Along with I Am Sam, this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The singing is horrid and the actors never seem to finish a song, but instead mix it with the title lyrics of other songs, mostly cheesy Elton John songs. Ewan McGregor can't sing. Neither can Nicole. The pudgy owner of the Moulin Rouge can't sing either. It's mostly a shout fest. The costumes are stupid. The dance numbers are rehash of Gene Kelly. There is a dance scene in which Kidman is in a negligee bouncing up and down like muppet -- so incredibly stupid in presentation, it made me feel sad that actors have to make a living this way. The sets are gaudy and inductive of vomit. And the worst thing: THIS MOVIE IS LOOOOONG. The plot is so predictable you know exactly what is going to happen next, and you hope the director doesn't drag it out, but he does. This movie is like the guy in the office who is so amused with his jokes he keeps going on and on while everyone leaves because they can't stand the hackneyed schtick eructating from his flatulent cheeks. If you're a masochist, be sure to rent this movie. If you're fool, make sure to purchase the DVD keepsake edition.
Rating:  Summary: Superficial, Sentimental, Sappy Swill Review: I know it's been praised by fans and critics. It got the Oscars it deserved (Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design). It was totally undeserving of its Best Picture nod, as well as all the acting nods. Where does it fail? Oy vey...The story, for one thing. One cliche after another, to the point where it becomes boring and predictable. Within a half hour of the movie's beginning, you know everything that's going to happen and how it's going to end. Yawn. The acting? Kidman is good (but not Oscar-worthy...she was far superior in THE OTHERS) and her singing is not bad at all. But she shouldn't quit her day job. Ewan McGregor was OK, but as a couple, they failed miserably. Zero chemistry. Just not believable as a romantic pair. The rest of the cast just stood around and looked grotesque. The direction? What a mess! MR fans whine about Luhrmann not getting a Best Director nod. Guess what? He didn't deserve it!... The movie lurches drunkenly between comedy and tragedy, and never fully succeeds at either. The tragedy is too contrived and artificial, and is weakened by the attempts at comedy. The comedy doesn't work because it's very forced and cartoonish, and is undermined by the tragedy. The editing? Another mess! It looks like it was edited with a Cuisinart. I found out recently that this movie was heavily re-edited several times, and its general release delayed for almost a year, while they fine-tuned it. A lot of continuity was probably left on the cutting-room floor. The first 30 minutes is the most maddening film ever put on celluloid or DVD; when I saw it in the theater, half the audience walked out during the first half-hour. And what's the use of all those gorgeous sets if you can't focus on them for more than a nanosecond? This film also pretends to celebrate love, but never explores it more than on the most superficial level. Christian and Satine are never truly in love, only infatuated; we never get to see their love develop into any real maturity, and never get any sense of an intellectual or spiritual connection, just physical desire. And that gawdawful line..."The greatest thing you can ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return." BARF!... What a treacly, mawkish, manipulative piece of garbage!... Obviously a cynical attempt to appeal to the Lydia Languishes of the world. (For those who don't recognize the name, it's a character from the play THE RIVALS, a girl more interested in the glamor and intrigues of romance than in actually having a deep, mature, enduring love.) MOULIN ROUGE is horrendously smug and inordinately pleased with itself. Watching it is like having Baz Luhrmann sitting next to you, nudging you with his elbow and saying, "Look! Look at how I did that! Isn't that cool? Aren't I so hip and cool?" This movie pretends to celebrate its oversimplified version of Bohemian values: Love, Freedom, Truth, and Beauty. But it ends up making a mockery of them. There's so much grotesquerie...it wallows in artifice and contrivance....love is never realistically explored...and expressing your freedom comes at a horrible price. And how about that ending? I found the end of the film profoundly depressing. Not only was Satine dead, but I was personally left with the feeling that Christian was going to kill himself. The Moulin Rouge cabaret was closed because of him. His friends were now all unemployed because of him. He had ruined so many lives, just so he could pursue an adolescent crush. The final message MOULIN ROUGE gives is not that love is wonderful...the message is, "Don't fall in love. You'll just get hurt, and hurt people around you. You'll just end up abandoned and alone, ready to put a bullet in your brain." I'm amazed that this film's fans ignore that, or aren't able to pick up on that.