Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Review: Kidman, McGrgor and Luhrmann combine in a brilliant whirl of vibrant colours and outstanding dances. Australians Nicole and Luhrmann have shown the world some of their personal best in this movie( and Ewan isn't bad either!) A fab. DVD!!
Rating:  Summary: Potpourri on Parade Review: "Camille" musicalized for the DVD era, this post disco potpourri is a flamboyant, kinetic rollercoaster, that features an idealized, anachronistic vision of 1900's Paris, with an explosive musical soundtrack of this turn-of the century (with incredible versions of hit songs of Elton John, Madonna, Queen and even Nirvana, among others). Bazz Luhrman's over-the-top, entertaining and emotionally overpowering masterpiece is definitely an improvement from his Romeo + Juliet, if it's certainly not-for-all tastes. Even to devotees of classic musicals, Moulin Rouge won't be specially satisfying, but if you are a real musical fan, you know that it's always been a genre that constantly break its own rules. Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor make a wonderful pair (and they both sing quite well!).
Rating:  Summary: Moulin Rouge the best movie of 2001! Review: Moulin Rouge! the best musical of 2001.This movie shoula won Best Picture at the oscars. But the academy gave it to A Beautiful Mind!? and Baz Luhrmann did not get nominated for Best Director!? how bad!Well, however this is the typical musical you will like if you like cool music and slow music. Well the dvd is presented in a box,inside is a small booklet that contains the chapters,the information you need in order to find it in the disc,there are 2 discs,disc1:movie,disc2:making of'Moulin Rouge',interviews with actors etc.Moulin Rouge is a colorful musical hot sexy movie. Nicole is so preety and really is a sparkling diamond!!!!especially in the movie.A movie and dvd you must watch and have!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Truly an amazing...ly awful experience! Review: I love musicals adore them infact , wanted to love this , IT IS NOT A MUSICAL ! its a bunch of poor old pop songs masking themselfs as classic musical songs. Nicole has an awful voice , Ewan can sing shame he had to land himself in such an awful movie.
Rating:  Summary: A genuine bedazzlement. Review: This movie is definitely one of the best I've seen in a long time, and I have to take issue with R.P. McCosker's review. How can this movie "go to show the decline of our culture," yet Legally Blonde is "Good Silly Fun?" I prefer to think of the success of a movie like Moulin Rouge as more of an indicator of a culture that can appreciate art.Everything about this movie, from costume design, to set design, to music and dialog comes together in a truly awe-inspiring display. It's worth watching more than once (if just to catch the little things most will miss the first time through), and the music will be stuck in your head long after the movie ends. Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor should be applauded for being brave enough to take on a project like this. While I won't expect to see either actor leave Hollywood in pursuit of a music career, I was surprised to hear how good they really are. The use of their own voices for the singing parts helps to keep the story cohesive, and allows for a seamless transition from song to spoken word that couldn't be done with a voice double. The choice of songs was outstanding, with representations from many different musical genres and eras. It's not often you can put Smells Like Teen Spirit, Like a Virgin, Your Song, and Come What May together and get something so fluid. Not only did the songs serve to bring the decadent, 19th century bohemian movement into modern times, as well as truly further the story, but I found myself more fully understanding the same songs I'd been hearing for years, yet never really listened to. I'll never again hear Your Song or Roxanne the same way again. The editing was excellent, and the sometimes manic cuts from shot to shot within a scene (like the opening Can Can scene, or the final production scene), or between two scenes happening simultaneously (the Roxanne scene) gave a heightened sense of emotion, and let the audience feel a little of the excitement that the characters would have felt. This isn't a movie for the attention-deficit crowd, and it isn't a movie for people that like 2-hour rock videos. This is a movie for anyone that enjoys art, music, and love.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, A Fun Movie for Adults Review: This was the forerunner of the current movie-musical craze. It's fabulous. John Leguizamo sucks, as usual, and I can't get next to Ewen McGregor doing Your Song as badly as he does, but these are small moments from an overall dazzling visual feast! Turn the lights out at home get the popcorn and prepare for the nonstop ride of your life!
Rating:  Summary: Not Your Typical Musical Review: I'm a big fan of musicals, and it's taking me a while to get used to MR. They used so many different types of existing songs, the whole movie seems very disjointed. My husband likes the way Nicole Kidman looks in the movie, but we both agree that she's not a strong singer. The love story is nice. There are some very funny moments, and I think it's easier to watch if you don't take the movie too seriously. In spite of my mixed feelings about the movie itself, the DVD is great. I love the way they did the "behind the scenes." If you've seen the movie and know you like it, you definitely should buy the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Movie musical for the rock video generation Review: This movie calls to mind an interview I saw with the great actress Ellen Burstyn: She mentioned that her son was a rock musician and, though she didn't care for rock music herself, she'd heard from people who like that sort of thing that "he's very good." By the same token, I've no doubt this is a very fine movie -- if you happen to like two-hour rock videos. Laden with references (few of which its intended audience will recognize), this movie unabashedly borrows its rapidfire cinematic devices from classic movies, musicals, operas and novels, and packs them into a nonstop mishmash of smirking postmodernism. It doesn't merely consist of clichés: It exults in clichés. Flashing lights, quick cuts like you've never seen -- just the thing for stupefied youths reared on SESAME STREET and MTV. No sustained thought or emotion, just one flashy effect after another, perfect for those with practically no attention span. And popular, too: Just going to show the decline of our culture.
Rating:  Summary: A Great, Fun, well done movie Review: Such a creative, amazing, bright, fun film. With excitement and popular music. They take a period piece and turn it into an amazing modern day production. Using music, from Nirvana, David Bowie, Marilyn Monroe and more. It is such an original creation. Not for everyone, but those who like comdies, romances, and trajedies this is for you. The DVD also comes with very interesting special features, in clusind deleted/re-vamped scenes, audio commentaries, and much more.
Rating:  Summary: I'll never leave a single thing out about this movie! Review: I was at first scared to approach this movie after seeing the previews on T.V, still one day I flipped through my channels and stopped at Moulin Rouge I stood there for about a minute thinking about the previews I saw and realized this could be awesome. Not thinking twice I quickly pressed select and saw the ending (Where Satine died, how sad). Then not long after that I knew the charatcers names, the storyline, and almost all the lyrics. The story begins like this: 1900 in the city of Paris we zoom over Paris to find the adult Christian curled up in a ball holding a bottle of wine in his hand, Christian decides to type his story about the woman he loved that was ...dead. Paris a year back Christian travled from London to go to Paris to seek his fortune as a English Writer, while pondering at his typewriter an uncouinscous Argetnina fell through his roof, he was shortly followed by Toulouse, a dwarf who was rehearsing a play with his friends. Next thing Christian knew he was standing ontop of a ladder standing in for still uncounicous Argentina. Everyone started arguing about what Toulouse would sing about, everyone started bickering and thinking hard all the sudden Christian started singing THE HILLS ARE ALIVE WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC. Everyone fell in love with Christian's wonderful voice and words he sang they decide that Audrey and Christian write Spectular, Spectular together still Audrey filled with rage and left the apartment. The four knew that Christian should write the show, Christian at the same time tried to escape the Bohmeins quickly stopped him and ask him if he believed Beauty,Freedom,Truth and Love? Christian said yes to all of them espicelly above them all love (Let's skip ahead to the good part). Christian soon falls in love with Satine still The Duke is head over heels as well, shortly after saying she will leave happily with Christian , Harold stops her and tells her straight out that she is dieing. Satine then knew she had to protect Christian in anyway possible even if she had to hurt him (emotionally. Satine dresss in her black dress and rushes over to Christian's apartment and tells him that she can't see him , because she wants to stay with The Duke. Christian becomes heart broken that following night while rain poured down Christian ran in front of the Moulin Rouge screaming his true love's name. The two guards punched Christian down and soon Christian passed out, luckily for him his good friends The Bohemeins took him under there wings espicelly Toulouse who stayed by Christian's bedside to see if he awoke from the fever. Christian felt like he had to shut out Toulouse for a while , and return to the Moulin Rouge (Even though ailing) one last time. At the end you know she dumps the duke, goes for Christain.. she dies ... The End. I know I skipped more than a few details I just like the good parts, (When they found him is my favortie part , don't know why). I love this movie, the music in the movie and every single scene is the best (Expect when Christian gets angry with Nini and Toulouse I hate those two scenes they make me cry, again I don't know why). See it, rent it , buy it for Easter. Happy Holidays and Good - Luck finding another copy of this film.