Rating:  Summary: Fantastic! Visually Stunning! Review: This had been, by far, the best movie of the year. It's a great adaptation of an old legend, and it's superbly acted by all in the movie. Finally...a musical to rival the classics.
Rating:  Summary: Do you know your musicals? Review: Moulin Rouge was a trip down memory lane for all the 40's and 50's type musicals where the main characters would burst out in song whenever the spirit moved them. I loved the juxtaposition of modern songs with classic dance numbers that were "adjusted" for the attention span deficit MTV audience while still making the film good for us oldies but goldies.. The Mack Sennett-type comedy was also on target and very enjoyable. The villian twirled his moustache appropriately and sneered with the best of them. The cast capered around like monkeys in several hilarious scenes. The whole movie was very enjoyable. Nicole Kidman should get great acclaim for this movie as your eyes never left her whenever she was in a scene. I understand she was in crutches during the final closeups because of those ridiculous high heels she had to wear. Lots of grit there and one hopes she has no lasting ankle and leg problems because of it. Ewan McGregor was also a winning actor, handsome and passionate in the role. John Leguisamos was just perfect as Toulouse and was a film highlight. All sang wonderfully. Not too professional but right for the role. I felt Moulin Rouge was a perfect picture and the director should get many accolades for it. Go see it for all the memories, the comedy and the sheer beauty of it. It is the last you will see of the beautiful set. They burned it soon after the movie release. What a dumb thing to do. Maybe that's the message of the movie.. You can only go back in time once. But in this case, see this movie many times. You won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Hollywood Revives the Spirit of the Musical Review: With Moulin Rouge Hollywood the spirit of the greatest musicals are reborn; this is one of its more representative genders, but at the same time more abandoned by the Studios in the last decades. Moulin Rouge is the top of ability, but at the same time is a triumph of an imaginary, dreamed, idealized universe: the night of Montmartre, with its sorrowful intelectuals and its voluptuous prostitutes, with its lust and its decline, with its flashes and its lights, with the multitudes enjoying fascinated the can-can dance in the renowned and eccentric cabaret. The director disposed of a generous budget that let him set free his imagination: like a child filled with new toys, not only did he manage to film some kind of pompous opera about the pasional love, the dreams and death, but he also used all the stylish resources of the video-clip language. Because this is a musical thought for teenagers used to an accelerated rythm and a constant fall of bombastic events, and not for a classic and retrogressive audience. In Moulin Rouge the spectator will be able to sense a very strong effort, dedication and a creative exuberance that will pass through sensations such as atonishment to a state of ecstasy and euphoria.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie of the Year Review: This is the best movie of the year. It'a magical. I have seen it several times. It has everything: singing and dancing (Ewan and Nicole sing beautifully -- especially Ewan WOW!) it's funny and sad and beautiful. I didn't want it to end. It's a wonderful, wonderful film. Baz Luhrman's finest.
Rating:  Summary: Best film I've ever seen! Review: Moulin Rouge has it all. The time period/history and the music/ language are juxtopositioned. The music and dance are glorious and just a blast. Music from various time periods connects with people of all generations. This is a true academy award winner! Enjoy it many times!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best films ever made Review: Seeing the previews early on, we were impressed with the visual display and that Baz made the film (being a big fan of his Romeo & Juliet). Moulin Rouge is more than just the story of Christian and Satine. It is the story of you. In a very musical-like fashion, you are forced to tell large parts of the story to yourself, without benefit of having it spoon fed to you on the screen. Short visual cues are used to advance significant elements of the plot (such as the scene where the Duke finally learns the truth). Along with other genius ideas, this film constantly invites you into the "real" movie. If you watched the film and got distracted by the glitter and colors and everything spinning around in circles, then you missed the boat. Those people who hated the film all seem to fall into this. Give the film another chance and let it suck you into your soul. If you do not believe in love, then you will also not enjoy this film. The last time I watched it, in a crowd of 30 or so people, not one person got up when the lights came on. When I finally got up (and was the first to leave), many people were crying, everyone else seemed to be in deep reflection. This film will touch you as deep as you will let it. This film, more than any other film I've seen, tells the truth about love, and the magic is undeniable. Watch for the story of Orpheous, watch for the story of the audience, of the duke, and ask yourself what you really saw. Congratulations to Ewan, Nicole, Baz, and everyone else who had a part in the creation of Moulin Rouge. This is cinematic art at its finest.
Rating:  Summary: Moulin Rouge Review: I couldn't stand this movie, nor could my friend who was with me. We got up and left after about 15-20 minutes. It was loud, gross and the story line stunk. If I had not been to the original Moulin Rouge in Paris in 1994 I would have never gone to see the movie. I was grossly disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: most original for hollywood in a while. Review: Moulin Rouge was a 2 hour freight train, that continually flew at you with no hint of stoping. Being a musical you have to allow for the characters to break out into song and dance. But the music is amazing, renditions of Madonna's "LIke a Virgin", the Police's "Roxanne", Elton John's "Your song" and many more allow the film to be open to all age's. And be enjoyable just for simple recognition. Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor where fantastic. Nicole sings with the elegance of a Maralyn Monroe(literally ) , and the range on Ewan tops that of the great David Bowie. Completely surprising. The story is full and dramatic. The music adds to the climatic points of the film. Baz Lehrman is a genious. He tells you that your one out of two main characters are dead in the first five minutes of the film. But he is still able to bring full emotion when you are incapable of tearing your eye's away from the screen as the character die's. This is one of the most wonderful current films. When a world full of general public are all forming together and enjoying film like "Tomb Raider", and "Jurassic Park III" , the real film fans out there have Baz Lehrman.
Rating:  Summary: Simply Stunning Review: This movie had the power to make me see it 5 times. To leave me wanting to see it again, and cursing the theaters for dropping it. It made me laugh with complete joy and cry in utter misery and sadness with each viewing. Simpky listening to the "Come What May" reprise is heartwrenching, and brings tears to my eyes. I felt Christian and Satine's pain- shared it with them. I fell in love the minute the curtain parted and Toulouse started to sing...."There was a boy...a very strange envhanted boy..". "Moulin Rouge" also introduced me to the amazing, fantastic, wonderful, fabulous(insert similar words) acting talents of Ewan McGregor. Since, I have watched Emma, Trainspotting, and StarWars Episode One: The Phantom Menace, and have yet to be disappointed. He really will just take your breath away...and [...] can that boy sing. Nicole Kidman is stunning as the star of the Moulin Rouge- "the sparkling diamond". You cant keep your eyes off her as she graces the screen with her talent and beauty. Baz has yet another masterpiece on his hands, and I personally cant wait until the Red Curtain Trilogy comes out on DVD, where I here there will be a two-dvd special for his latest and greatest creation. I know I have rambled, but it is only out of love for this film. See it, and be amazed.
Rating:  Summary: Shakespeare In Love Done Right Review: This movie, which begins go gaudily and with an unparalleledly jumbled mishmash feeling that it sent more people than I've ever seen walking out during the first half hour, turns increasingly serious, focused, and, above all, passionate. Despite a cartoonish character or two and a series of musical sequences which manage to be off in a variety of different ways--- almost always with the volume turned down too low (which is odd given the volume of the visuals) and always with a kitch anachronistic flair that only occasionally works, this movie tunrs out to be rather emotionally charming, compelling, and in the end, tragically satisfying. The script is for the most part quite clever in pulling off farce, tragedy and romance and manages to give the audience just enough information in the beginning to foreshadow part of the impending emotional tone of the end---we are told right off that she will die, and yet we do not know the circumstances which are to color that death. Much like in American Beauty, there is such a wonderful dramatic and emotional tension and curiosity built in when the fate is known but not its cause. It is as though the knowledge of death turns one's attention away from how things must end to looking to see how we can feel about what goes before the end. It feels like a dramatization of our own condition when we see our deaths as inevitable and turn our attention not to where we will end up, for there there is no happy ending, but rather to how we will live in the meantime, for in the end, "all men die but not all men really live..." to quote a film starring a different aussie. Anyway, not to wax to existentially, the sense of tension is spectacular when you know it ends badly but not how. Normally one knows the bad guy simply will lose. But here we know she will die, does that mean that the bad guy might win? And Kidman is beautiful, as always in more ways than one. So emotionally captivating. Ewan McGregor also does a fine job here. In the end, this felt like Shakespeare in Love as it would have been had it not been written as one big inside joke for literary people who get to feel all excited by jokes because they are the only ones who understand them and who then acclaim the movie because of how good they felt leaving the theatre. Despite the obvious similarities to "Shakespeare in Love" in love triangle, passionate romance of youth, playful revisionism and the crossings of art and love, this film exhibits a vision of love with quite a bit more depth than the sex and rhetorical prowess that seemed all the "true love" of "shakespeare in love" seemed really to be about at bottom. This film's praise of love has more gravity and credibility for more closely sticking with Shakespeare and the classical tragedians' sense of the power of tragedy, amidst its comedy and revelry. How almost Dionysian... All in all, quite a satisfying film despite being musically hit and miss.