Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie I've Ever Seen Review: My title pretty much says it all. This movie had it all and I can't wait for it to come out so I can buy it on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Great Casting! Review: I had never thought that Nicole Kidman is beautiful nor she can sing. This movie had gave me a big surprise. Nicole was actually at her best, she was shinning like a diamond! She had the sad, humour and joy emotions control brilliantly. Not only she acted well, her singing was superb, simple fantastic. Ewan McGrepor has great voices, and the handsome look that matched well with Nicole, to make this movie with great romance, made to believe. The best musical movie this year so far! Great Director Lurmann to put up with such such a fantastic casting, setting, musical arrangement, cinemaphotography!
Rating:  Summary: Stunning, lavish, breath-taking!!! Review: This is a mesmerizingly lavish rendition of the familiar love triangle set in Paris circa 1900. The cinematography is remarkable in its oddity, the costumes are glittering and glamorous and the music is a collection of twentieth century anthems presented together with a jarring but effective twist that is both rejuventating and nostalgic. The story itself is simple so as to not detract from the wonders that appear on the screen and in many places its advisable to let the story take a backseat and allow yourself to carried through the dizzying array of colours and sights. Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman both exhibit vocal skills that seem to erupt with emotion and conviction and effectivately remind many of us why we love musicals. It's possibly the oddest movie made this year - odd but refreshingly so.
Rating:  Summary: It's smashing Review: I love it, absolutely fantastic. Marvelous love musical. Classic plot and ending - that doesn't matter, the presentation is astonishing.
Rating:  Summary: A Visual Spectacular! Review: I went to see this movie without ever seeing any advertisements for it, except for a billboard. I didn't expect anything of it but I was blown away nevertheless! This isn't your typical film. It's absolutely wonderful and Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor sing with their own voices. The costumes were great, the dialogue was great (even though it was, at times, borrowed). It must have been hard to make entirely new songs out of lines from old ones. I loved this movie so much I bought the book and learned little secrets and got to see excellent photographs you don't see in the film. I'm going to buy it when it comes out on tape and DVD! I recommend this to everyone!
Rating:  Summary: A classic love story...carpe diem! Review: Due to my carelessness of trusting "critics",who most of the time turn out to be quite off the "point"...i missed this masterpiece. I regret not having seen such a classic on the wide screen at the cinema. However by chance,i saw it on the plane during a biz trip..i watched it over and over through out the whole course of the flight...i could not help myself from crying when Satine was at her last breath. And suddenly I came to realise, "love" when its 'true', is frankly something quite very 'simple'. Many on the otherhand, I guess think otherwise --assuming it to be that of a 'complex' nature. The reason i say what I say is simply due to the the critism of which the movie had received -- being a very "obvious" and "sappy" love story. But hey, isn't love "obvious" and "sappy"...and thus what is wrong with it being so? Remember that these are the things that make us "pure" and "hopeful". And I must admit that it was quite refreshing to actually see one of those "classic" love stories come to life on the screen again - and that of which was so magically done! The actor/actresses were breathtaking...the music was so moving, so creative and so well sung...as a lover of the arts...i was blown away. I especially would like to give my highest regards to "Nicole"..."you are an amazing actress"and of course, " Baz", I would love to be inside your head.....you are one dedicated genious". Sweet, lovely, moving...so much talent...simply the best i have yet seen in a long time! I feel truly sorry for those -- especially the "critics" -- who cannot see that 'love' is actually something quite simple. Moulin Rouge...CARPE DIEM!
Rating:  Summary: A refreshing and totally magnificent movie Review: LONG LIVE LOVE!!! I thought that this was the best movie out of the whole year. That person who wrote that terrible review is the stupidest person in the world, a person who cannot understand good work when they see it. It was so well put together, and Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman did an absolutely marvelous job, and they have wonderful voices. And the dialouge especially was fabulous. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return." The fabulous actor that plays Toulouse is very good. I encourage the whole world that has any sense of music or talent to see it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: I absolutly loved this movie and actually went to watch it 4 times in the theatre and can't wait for it to come out on video. I just looked through all 354 reviews on this site and about 30 people said they couldn't stand it. Unfourtunately, most of those people said they left after 15-20 min. True the first 20 min of the movie are very fast paced, but it is mainly setting up the movie. Also many people say that the movie was predictable, probably because they say what happens in the begining. Most people who see this movie will not be dissapointed. from this site alone, it shows about 90% of people will consider it the best movie they have seen in a long time!
Rating:  Summary: How Wonderful Life Is Now "Moulin Rouge" Is In The World! Review: I recently saw this movie, with no pre-release hype, during my stay in New York in August. I came out intoxicated, bought the soundtrack, and have been under the spell of the "Moulin Rouge" ever since, reading up on the actual nightclub, discovering amazing new things about gay Paree, and wanting to magic myself back to that seemingly extravagant era where "anything goes" and "the show must go on"! The film, which I just saw again on opening night in the UK, is very theatrical, not just in it's scope and directorial feel, but the writing, staging, sets, performances and, of course, the choices of music and songs, seamlessly interwoven into the plotline (and if you've heard that it is a simple love story, then you'd be right, but what's wrong with that? And with everything else going on, the introduction of subplots would kill the whole mood)! The movie has apparently done very well for a film of it's type (what type of film has ever been like this??) so hopefully it's going to warrant a very decent (2-disc?) DVD edition (I can just see Baz getting to work on those menus!) with hopefully a couple of docs, the great "following Baz on the promo junket" doc shown here in the UK, and the usual extras (teaser, trailers, "Lady Marmalade" music vid?) - this picture really deserves it, and because DVD can-can-can! One thing, Fox and Bazmark: any chance of a second CD? The soundtrack gives a great representation of the film ("Your Song" and the "Elephant Love Medley" are highpoints), but why no Jim Broadbent tracks?? "Like A Virgin"? "The Pitch"? "The Show Must Go On"?? Some of the best moments! And to all those who have not given into to the Moulin Rouge's pleasures, do yourselves a favour and get out there and see it, or buy this DVD on the day of release! Life really is wonderful now this tale of truth, freedom, beauty, and, most of all, love, is now in the world! A true classic of all time!
Rating:  Summary: What I think Review: Well, I noticed some mixed reviews so I will make this as comprehensive as possible. First, I thought that Nicole Kidman just stood out too much and she did not fit into this role the right way. Her character was not playful/light enough. She is definitely sexy and beautiful, but she seemed too mature for the part. Also-Ewan Mc Gregor's singing, it almost made me mad with irritaion. The movie is too sappy in that too much emphasis is put on his pathetic emotional obsession with Satine (Nicole Kidman) Not to mention she is taller than him! They look awkward together and there is hardly any cohesiveness between the characters. I felt uncomfotable with the plot. I think it was too constipated in some parts-pent up with drama where it does not fit, and a love affair that moves too fast. I liked Leguizamo -the comic relief -his lisp was a little entertaining. I admit some of the scenes were funny-in that I giggled a little, but the other parts that were musical -like remakes of Elton John, Madonna, Nirvana, Gloria Geynor song clips just made this movie's musical aspect so unoriginal, banal and trite-especially since that kind of kind of stuff tends to get the bad rep of being Hollywood showbiz trends. I think this film did not have any depth but was a costume frenzy and over-bloated with pretentious sentiments. I was first intrigued because of its setting and romantic previews, but after 15 minutes into the movie I so desperately wanted to walk out. Unfortunately I was with a couple of friends and one of them really liked it. Well that is what I think. I would not suggest paying to see it, wait until it comes out on VHS.