Rating:  Summary: One star Review: I thought that this movie was bad and way too predictable. I do NOT reccommend it!
Rating:  Summary: pleaseing but lacking a lil spice Review: This was good movie...Ashley Judd always does a good job. And Greg Kinnear what a cutie. This movie is along the lines of i love you, but you love him..don't know what ya got till gone..type of deal. You laugh, you aww, you get teary eyed. It has all the base elements of a romantic comedy. But at the end i felt there still should been more of something. DOn't get me wrong it still was a good movie....but it needed just a lil more spice to it to make it a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Now, who's a cow? Review: This movie was not promising from the beginning. You know when Marisa Tomei, who reminds me of a Female-Italian Woody Allen wannabee, begins analyzing yet another relationship dynamic. Now she has enlisted the help of 21-forever Ashley Judd. Of course it is Ashley who comes up with this new-age bunk that becomes the "bible of the month" to women who always seems to get dumped on. I got a good one for you women. Date a man uglier than you and he will be faithful forever. Ashley Judd plays Jane Goodale (not the one that saves the monkey), a self absorbed TV booker for a tabloid talk show a-la Sally Jesse Raphael. She seems to have things going well in her life, when she meets Ray Brown, a loveable guy who is new the job. He's in a three year relationship but of course it is ho-hum. So he initiates an relationship with Jane and they get hot and heavy. Two months later (although in the movie it is more like 4 minutes), they move in together. But nay...Ray gets cold feet and runs back to his sweetie. This leaves Jane in a bind and heartbroken. She has given her notice (and in NYC you're screwed if you do that...trust me) and is forced to roomie with the company playboy/badboy/chauvenistic pig. The pig (or bull) is Eddie Alden, played by Hugh Jackman who looks like a cross between Tim Daly/Wayne Gretzky and Scott Baio and he is the little playboy, seemingly picking up all the sleazy women. This of course infuriates the hurt Jane and she focuses her thoughts on why guys leaves women. Hence her "new cow" theory. Her theory goes like this....Men are the bull and women are the cows. The bull will shack up with the new cow, but once he has spread his seed, he will look for the "new cow" and never touch the now "old cow". I guess this is one of Darwins theory of evolutions brought to mainstream pop culture/new age. Of course, the roomies become closer and the inevitable begins to happen. Jane's article which appears in a magazine makes her the talk of the town and she finds happiness with the man she thought she would never want to hook up with.... This movie stank on all levels. First, the psychology makes no sense. They throw some dubious facts and call it reality. This "new cow" theory I guess would make no sense in places like Asia, where the divorce rates are less than 10%. I guess half the Americans who live monogamously would find this bunk laughable, as would those men who want to be monogamous. What about "new bull" syndrome? Don't cows also leave bulls to be with other bulls? Give me a break. Even worse than this silly theory/philosophy is the script. Jane is given a little treatment and we do feel a little sympathy for her blindness (cause we all probably did a "Goodall" once in our lives), but her relationship with Ray is passed over so quickly, that many of my friends agreed that Jane and Ray never developed a bond with each other. I mean, in the couple of scenes, they have sex and BOOM, they move in together!? The other failed relationship is between Jane and Eddie. They pretty much stay out of each other's hair. She hates Eddie for the way he is, because he proves her theory right, but there should be at least a little sexual tension or flirting right? Nothing. They just kiss at the end because the script called for it. I didn't even know that they were in to each other at that point. This movie attempts to be a Sex in the City, but it is contrived and never develops into anything. I know that this was based on a book, but if the book is anything like this stinky movie, I would recommend that you try something better....like Chocolat.....Rating: D
Rating:  Summary: Not the greatest, but not terrible either. Review: I would actually probably lean toward giving this movie 2 1/2 stars, if that was an option. This movie has potential, but it is largerly undeveloped. Definitely not something I would recommend as a top pick, but an OK second pick. I just feel that it wasn't the best possible use of all the talent in the movie. (And there is a lot of it.)
Rating:  Summary: A Lot Of People Told Me It Sucked But I Loved It! Review: Okay so yeah it was strange with all the whole theory about men and cows but it was a cute romantic comedy. Personally I love romantic comedies no matter how cheesy they are , okay so I don't love every romantic comedy but a lot. Anyways this movie is one of those movies I can watch over and over. If you get the DVD version check out the alternate ending, definetly corny and I'm glad they decided against that ending. I love Ashley Judd's emotional breakdowns, reminds me of every girl I know. I luv Marisa Tomei's character too. She has a cute little personality like she always does in film. Watch this movie for all it's quirky human traits.
Rating:  Summary: Moo... Review: Jane is intoxicated with the idea of finally figuring out how men think. Her first mistake is assuming men are just instinctual. She goes with the theory and then later discovers her theory is not quite correct. The new cow/old cow theory gets rather complicated when the old cow gets the man when she thinks only the new cow should. The problem with her theories is that she doesn't seem to consider that if you give away the milk for free, why would the men want to buy the cow (um, marry the woman)? It seemed very obvious to me. While there are many snappy lines, this one line seems to haunt the movie: "There are few things sadder in this life, than watching someone walk away after they've left you. Watching the distance between your bodies expand until there is nothing left but empty space and silence." A light story, with some deep thoughtful moments about how relationships work and why we love. Jane (Ashley Judd) seems to represent the modern woman who is free to explore various aspects of her nature, but doesn't ever seem to really find her inner beauty or find out why we are alive and why we love. Her journey, while comical, is not exactly one of much depth. I did however think Ashley Judd brought a certain intelligence to this movie and loved her acting in "Where the Heart is." If you have ever tried to understand why someone walked away from you, this is an entertaining look at one theory. So, get out some Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream and enjoy. Now their ice cream is definitely something to moo about. Hugh Jackman should be in way more movies. ;>
Rating:  Summary: Fluff Review: This extremely lightweight comedy/romance is not very interesting but the actors are likable and there are a few (mind you, A FEW) laughs along the way. The plot is very thin indeed and the whole scenario with Judd researching bovine behavior to explain the actions of men never really catches on or clicks with the audience. The movie is so predictable and boring that I kept waiting for the Ellen Barkin scenes to try and figure out what on earth she has done to herself to look completely different (never did figure this out although I'm sure a knife was involved). The film also brings another question to mind and that is why Marisa Tomei is not used more often and to better advantage?
Rating:  Summary: Hugh rules the screen Review: I picked this movie up after work the day of it's VHS release thinking that I would fall in love with it. I like Ashley Judd and though I cannot stand Greg Kinnear I also "adore" Hugh Jackman since his arrival in X-Men and wanted to give it a try. I guess...I wished there was either more to it or the parts that WERE in it were just played out better. I was disappointed in Ashley's Judd's character and her "Old Cow" routine. It got a little...sickening. Not that I didn't agree on some fronts but the whole movie was about her selfishness and pity party. Hugh Jackman was a good time almost classical "jerk" sometimes which made him adorable but I think he was the one that lit the stage in this performance. Ashley either should have left the role to "Someone Else" or...fought with the director to change her character...
Rating:  Summary: If you are in a mood for some good fluff... Review: While not a cinematic masterpiece, and certainly not Ashley Judd's finest work, this is an entertaining film. And if all you want is a little eye candy, this is definitely your movie. Lots and lots of cute boys... A good movie for a night with the girls.
Rating:  Summary: ZZZZZ..... Review: I fell asleep on this one. Enough said.