Rating:  Summary: Racism Review: In response to "A Viewer" from VT below - you posted a near identical comment on February 13 under the pseudonym "Projek A". I think that to keep revisiting this site under different names to keep banging the "racist" drum in the guise of a review is a little worrying. As I said below my impression of the Japanese in this film was very positive. I think you have to accept though that the film is a story of alienation, told from the viewpoint of characters in the throes of culture shock, jet lag, and existential doubt. If we are seeing the world interpreted through them it is bound to be painted in broad stokes. I don't believe this film sold itself as an exploration of Japan's very rich culture, it is simply the background and context for an examination of the main protagonists feelings.
Rating:  Summary: Don't do it unless.. Review: Do not watch this movie unless: 1. You adore Bill Murray's goofy face trying to act jaded but looking, well, just goofy 2. You love watching long scenes of people looking out windows, up at ceilings, and into space 3. You crave movies that go nowhere and get there very slowly 4. You enjoy seeing the Japanese made to look small, silly, fawning, and extremely uncool. This movie has some laughs, at the expense of the Japanese. One sight gag is that Murray looms over the Japanese in an elevator. His supercilious glances downward say it all: He is the cool, tall American and they are funny little foreign people.
Rating:  Summary: Racist garbage Review: People, most of the critics of this movie still don't get it. Maybe Lost in Translation is a bit slow,... so what. My beef with this movie is the portrayal of the Japanese. It's like they're in the movie for the main actors' amusement. So what if they get the "L's" and "R's" switched around. Did you ever think that it's cuz English isn't their native language? How many times did the main characters make attempts at speaking Japanese? It's just another racist film trying to paint a picture of the "superiority" of white Amerikkkans. I hope that if any of you see this movie and get inspired to travel to Japan that you won't act like a bunch of bigotted clowns.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible, awful, worthless Review: The most terrible, awful, worthless and meaningless movie I have ever seen in 40 years. I cannot believe that this type of fraud went unnoticed and unpunished in the media. This was a mockery of the entire film viewing community and the cinematography overall. What a waste of time!!! Best movie ???? Best Director ???????????? .... Are you kidding me? This film does not even qualify to be called the best trash of the century. What a joke? Hollywood is becoming more and more detached from the general audience. They make movies just to entertain their own 'refined' or sick taste and fantasies. What a pile of meaningless garbage? I cannot believe I fell into this trap of 'good' previews by questionably professional and at the same time corrupt movie critics. A movie packed with spiritual and mental impotents engaged in emotional hemorrhage for the entire duration of the movie. This is probably the best description of this movie. Stay as far away from it as possible!!!
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful film Review: Clearly this film has polarized people's opinions, but I can't help but look at some of the 'reviews' people have contributed with disbelief. We all have a subjective response to a film, but if you are trying to write a review which is of any use to anyone, chalking up one star and telling people to avoid it like the plague is just ludicrous. If you think this films deserves to be ranked alongside the worst you have ever seen ("Batman and Robin" please take a bow) you're either not getting out much, or your viewing is restricted to the classics! Two believeable, thoughtful, flawed characters are allowed room to experience doubt as they try to make sense of their place in the world. A relationship develops which is unforced, believable and very touching. I felt the film was handled with a deftness of touch which is all too rare in Hollywood. Rather than forcing contrived action and neat resolutions on the audience it seems to reflect the experiences you bring with you into the cinema. Perhaps it is the people who bring nothing who have trouble taking anything away with them. With regard to accusations of racism, I think you have to be looking for it. My impression of the Japanese on screen was that they were polite, friendly, and have a wonderful sense of fun, even if it can seem bewildering to Western eyes. Having only seen the country on a day long stopover, I'd love to spend some time there. This film has resonated very deeply with a number of people, including myself. It is insulting to suggest that these people are simply professing to love it out of a desire to appear 'intellectual', and ridiculous to think that they are influenced by the name of the director's father. If we'd all "done ourselves a favour" and given this a miss we'd have lost out on a wonderful cinematic experience. If you are prepared for a thoughtful study of our relationship with the world and the people around us, I suggest you ignore the vitriol and give it a go. Even if you can't see what all the fuss is about now, maybe one day you will. And if you really think this is bad, well, its only a couple of hours long, and Bad Boys III will be along soon.
Rating:  Summary: Simply Beautiful - Beautifully Simple Review: In response to what jahandar jahanbeglou from weissernhorn Germany wrote ("who would pay 2 million $ for a relatively unknown so called star to just make a wisky advert ??"): First of all, the character Bob played by Bill Murry is NOT an unknown actor - Bob is a very well known, famous and reputable actor. How could you not pick that up while watching the film? Second, MANY A-list Hollywood actors and celebrities go to Japan for short trips to film multi-million dollar commercials, which most people in America will never see nor know about, which is exactly what the actors intend. The character Bob was very realistic and plausible. I think you just didn't quite understand the depiction of the characters, which makes sense considering you are a German watching a film about Americans in Japan.
Rating:  Summary: Look, no clothes! Review: If you want to appear as though you are artistic then you may wish to recommend this film. On the other hand, if you are honest, you may feel moved to saying that the king has no clothes on. This was an atrocious pile of meaningless pap flapping around for what seemed like an eternity in an attempt to be sensitive and deep. Watching it was the visual version of listening to teenage angst poetry. I came out of the cinema feeling robbed. I find the charge of "If you don't like this film then your not artistic" to be as pretentious as this pathetic excuse of a film. Look, look everybody the king has no clothes
Rating:  Summary: lost in translation Review: Having read the reviews of others, I deccided to revise mine. Why make an intelectual debate over such a non-intelectual movie ?? what rubbish!!the plot was silly, the script did not make sense , we are in 2004 and not 1934.Coppola said she made the movie only for bill murry, she is right ,no other well known actor would play such a boring part unless he wanted a free trip to expensive tokyo. those who liked this movie, OK , but do not try to make it out to be intellectual as it is not. it is cheap movie , give me edward burns anytime.
Rating:  Summary: This is a great movie! What's wrong with you people? Review: I just wanted to quickly say that this is a beautiful movie, one in which its strength lies in the visual and emotional aspects. Definitely on of the best movies I have ever seen, and I can't understand why some people don't like it. My best guess is that you just need to be an artistic/creative person to appreciate it and basically be in a kind of pensive mood while watching this movie. I am moved every time I watch it. We have to get the average up from 3.5 stars. This is an Oscar contender, people!! It must be good (and it is - very).
Rating:  Summary: A Beautiful Film - something different at last Review: I am not a huge fans of "art house" movies or, for that matter, of Sophia Coppola. However, "Lost in Translation" is a wonderful movie. You've probably heard it before, but it's true: this is Bill Murray's best work. You've probably also heard that the movie is "deliberately paced". Those of us with less tact use the word "slow." This is also true; however, it is slow in a good way. We might focus for a long time on Bill Murray squirming uncomfortably in a strip club without hearing a line of dialogue, but this speaks of his character, a middle-aged white American out of place in a foreign land. The laughs are well earned and are due almost entirely to Bill Murray's talent as an actor. The movie changes from being serious to funny and back without ever becoming pretentious. If forced to put this movie into a category, I would call it a romantic comedy (the term gives me shivers), but the friendship between Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson is pure. Coppola never betrays her characters. They do not undergo any life-altering changes, but enjoy one beautiful week together before parting. With so many independent films following the standard pacing and plot lines of Hollywood releases, this movie is a very welcome change.