Rating:  Summary: Stands Out as a Treasure Review: I'm not going to fall into the trap of reviewing the reviews here, some of which are utterly mindless. I've watched at least two movies a week for the past thirty years, not counting reruns on TV. That's a lot of movies, well over 3,000, but I still love them even though we do go through periods when everything that comes to the movie-house is garbage. Last year was a good year. One of the best in the past decade. And "Lost in Translation" was one of the best movies. (I also thought "Big Fish" was brilliant and Tim Burton's best movie so far.)Watching so many movies I can't tell you how sick I get of coming out of the theater knowing that I've just been treated like a lobotomized dummy by film makers who think all movie goers are thirteen year old boys with too many hormones who like to see things blow up. Sophia Coppola, Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson treated me like an adult with enough brain to care about real people making a connection in a strange context. I can hardly praise this movie enough. The low budget does not show, it just serves to make you focus on human details. But then it is always cheaper to make a film about people than about special effects. I'm bored with movies without characters. I love this one because it had characters and I could care about them. And to those who didn't find it funny, you probably wouldn't like Buster Keaton either. Murray's humor is so deadpan it had me cracking up. Not all humor has to be telegraphed. An unforgettable trip to Tokyo in the company of two people who you really hope will find a little happiness in this world.
Rating:  Summary: The cover of the DVD is the whole movie Review: I kept seeing the previews for this movie and kept on meaning to see it in the theatre. Then when it got Oscar attention I figured I would finally rent it. When I picked it up on the video store one of the customers warned me that he bought it and he hated it. I figured it was just one person's opinion and plus I wasn't buying it. Well, I hated it! The only thing worth seeing on the DVD was the extra footage of the talk show. This movie had no point and absolutely no plot. It seems that the only thing the movie tried to do was show how 2 people of substantially different ages can have fun with each other and grow attached to each other without having sex. I don't understand why this movie got so much acclaim during Oscar time. I have only seen one other movie directed by Sofia Coppola which was "The Virgin Suicides." I felt that movie was a bit on the bizarre side...not your typical film but it kept me in the story, wanting to know what would happen next, and made me feel for the characters. The only thing "Lost in Translation" did for me was to hope I could make it to the end of the movie without kicking myself too hard for not following that customer's advice!
Rating:  Summary: A Guide for the Perplexed Review: Ever tasted caviare? To some people it's one of the best tastes in the world. To others it's just a mouthful of fishy stuff. And it doesn't matter how good or bad the caviare is, it's still always going to be - to them - a mouthful of fishy stuff. How do you know whether you like it? You try it. To those not knowing whether to jump in and try "Lost in Translation" I say look at the five star reviews here, many of them long and in depth, and compare them with the superficiality of the "Duh, it's boring" statements. The only way you will know is by trying it for yourself. No, it isn't a riotous bring down the house comedy. Nor was it meant to be. Nor, as far as I know, did it ever pretend to be. What it is is a soulful examination of ships that do a little more than pass in the night. Hollywood screenwriters like to talk about story based movies, and character based movies. This is a character based movie. No diamonds get stolen. No serial killer walks the streets. Nobody is desperate to lose their virginity in wacky and funny ways. There isn't a car chase. And no asteroid hits the planet. If you can stand all those negatives and settle for a loving look at human beings lost in their lives and in a city and culture that's alien to them, you can love "Lost in Translation" and love it a lot. When fewer things happen you look at the details, and that's what Sofia Coppola asks you to do. And to the person who said it had no soundtrack, it has one of the best soundtracks in recent years. The music by Kevin Shields, Air and others is perfect and worth buying in its own right.
Rating:  Summary: 1 hr and 42 mins lost in translation Review: The only good thing about this film was that the title is very fitting, I was definitely lost. I have nothing against artistic films, but they need to have some kind of point. Before you waste your money buying/renting this movie go to your local bar and people watch for a couple of hours. If you find this enjoyable this movie is for you.
Rating:  Summary: Had Sofia Coppola anything to tell? Review: Don't expect a comedy! The only feeling that this film caused me was claustrophobia. One wanted to flee a screen where the characters are incapables to communicate between themselves; where the scenes (all of them we can easily do without) follow one another any old how. We see two hollows persons. Nothing else. There is not even friendship, rebelliousness or tenderness. That's why I didn't feel neither compassion nor interest. Sofia Coppola had budget but not a plot.
Rating:  Summary: Better Every Time Review: I saw "Lost in Translation" once in the cinema. I've watched the DVD five times. If you wonder why, it's probably because the film isn't long enough. To those who think the film slow I'd like to ask them how fast their lives are? This film isn't slow. It's just that the things that happens need you to look for them. It's not all out there. It's not all put into words. And I'm so happy for that. If you've seen the French flic called "The Green Ray" you'll know how rewarding a slightly meandering story can be. Anyhow, by comparison there's a lot going on in "Lost in Translation", brilliantlyconveyed through the mediums of Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson. Through Bob Harris and Charlotte. ill Murray you are great. Scarlett, not only for this but also for Pearl Earring and Horse Whisperer, I want to have your baby. I think Sophia Copolla's taken a lot of garbage from morons for making a film that asks for a little effort. Forget it Sophia. Enough of us love this movie just as it is, and thank you for it over and over again. On a bad note, having watched it five times on DVD, I can appreciate the previews but would rather not be forced to watch them. That really sucks. I burn DVDs so I know how easy it would have been to give people a choice here. A black mark for the moron in marketing who decided this.
Rating:  Summary: Lost In Translation is one of the worst movies I've seen Review: There is no soundtrack. There is no plot. There is no point. Although some would argue that a lack in soundtrack is unimportant, I strongly disagree. A soundtrack adds so much to the moment. This movie lacks this. This creates strange silence as the main characters whisper to eachother. This is not the only reason I dislike this film. It is random. There is no flow from one scene to the next. In one scene the main characters are in a bar, the next they are in a strip club, next you'll see them fleeing a gun fight from another bar, then you see Bill Murray golfing. There is no plot as far as I can see. It is about two "alone" people in Japan who have nothing to do but be depressed, so they find eachother and go to different places. It is very strange and very boring. Some argue that it is "artistic" I say that it is just bland and dull. If Lord of the Rings is DaVinci, Lost In Translation is fingerpaint. It's almsot worth seeing this movie so that all the other movies you've seen look better!
Rating:  Summary: Not bad Review: This is interesting, I'm sure those who are put off by traditional Hollywood productions, which do get old, will love this. I might be crude but I found it a bit too subtle. Chatlotte, played by Scarlett Johansson was a charming character, someone you wish you could be best friends with, but she still looks the 19 years old girl she is. She does not look like the 25 year old married woman she plays. During the whole movie all you can think about is, will Bill Murray and Johansson hook up, will they? Well, Dont hold your breath buddy... This love story might really need some simple translation, into human terms, because it's just too subtle. I felt like i needed a microscope or a giger couter to get in on the action. This was a nice movie, really. But I doubt I'd watch it again.
Rating:  Summary: Disclaimer: Thinking will be necessary... Review: This movie is said by many as confusing. Well the truth is, this movie was one of the best movies in the last 5 years. The movie does not seem like a movie, it feels like a documentry. This movie will not feed you a simple hollywood plot, so if you watch movies to be entertained, dont watch it, it will only bore you. It is a simple plot, but not for the simple person. If you havent allready noticed, I loved this movie. It has a great love story, and the acting is seemless. After watching this movie I couldnt stop thinking about it, it was just a great film. For people who say its quirky, your wrong. Quirky films dont get nomanations for best picture, there is a difference. See this movie!
Rating:  Summary: This movie was ME in Japan Review: I guess you "had to be there" for some people. I was, and this was it. This movie is not a study on the Japanese people, it just conveys the feeling of confused Americans in a few very foreign situations. Of course this is all just a backdrop for a great, subtle piece. To those who complain about the lack a plot or humor, just go back to the regular Hollywood junk and put this DVD back on the shelf for those who don't need constant over-stimulation. To me, it was hilarious and touching.