Rating:  Summary: a real sleeper Review: This disc is great for those who need sleep and are afraid of sleeping pills.you'll be in snooze world before you can say, where's the remote.What a waste of talent.Murray and Johansson deserved better than this coma of a script!
Rating:  Summary: Whatever else it is, it's also slow and boring. Review: This is the story of two lonely people, both alone in a strange culture and both questioning where they're at in their lives. They find each other and supposedly "connect". I say supposedly because the way they interacted with each other was annoyingly unrealistic. Essentially, they just hung out and engaged in stilted small talk for most of the movie, neither of them coming remotely close to exposing their feelings.Oh sure, "non-verbally" they both communicated their situations to the audience, but aren't people going through existential crises supposed to TALK TO EACH OTHER? All I wanted was for just one little conversation between them that had any depth at all. I kept thinking it would happen but it never did. (Bill Murrary's character whispered something in her ear during the last scene but since we don't know what it was I'm assuming it also had no depth - probably a knock knock joke or something like that.) The depiction of japanese society was interesting and the film maker did a good job conveying aloneness and alienation. But don't go into this with really high expectations.
Rating:  Summary: We thought it was a pretty good movie ... Review: We just returned to the States after living in Seoul and Taegu in South Korea for four years. We thought the movie was pretty good, especially the parts about miscommunication. My wife undertands Japanese and I think that made the movie even funnier for her. The part where they are in the hospital and Morris is talking to the old man/woman was very funny, especially the reactions of the two women in the background. For those that have lived overseas, especially Asia, they will "get" this movie. There was a previous comment where someone's opinion was the movie was racist. Far from it; it is just a slice of life and it pretty accurate at that.
Rating:  Summary: Lost in Character Development! Review: This is one independent film (and believe me their are great ones) that had no business entering the mainstream fray - especially Best Picture territory. All you art film institute "types" need to get off the valium and stuff this one back in to Cannes film festival and keep it there. The film goes absolutely no where and takes 90 minutes too long in trying to develop its characters. By the time Murray delivered any scenes worth chuckling about or the occasional dialog that even REMOTELY left you anticipating the next scene, I was already in desperate need of shock treatment. I don't care if Nicole Kidman looked like a post Cival War barbie doll in Cold Mountain - that film runs circles around Lost in Translation and deserves to take its place in the winners circle.
Rating:  Summary: funny...but overrated Review: As a military member that just got stationed in japan i can say that the movie depicts the honest thoughts of an american in a different culture. This movie contains nothing racist. Americans and not used to pornography within a childs grasp or small showers and the loud in your face television shows. If you take anyone out of one environment they are going to find little intricacies that seem odd and out of place to you, this movie just depicts that. For the story i just didnt buy it, not to mention these are two married people having affairs its just plain wrong. but i the end has a few funny parts and Bill Murray is perfect for this roll. But this is definetly a rent not a buy.
Rating:  Summary: WORST MOVIE IN THE WORLD Review: this has no plot what so ever. it's dull and nothing ever happens in the movie. At the end of the movie my head was ten feet in my sofa. I never want to see this movie again. ONE OF THE WORST MOVIES IH AVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: I wish they Lost the film.... Review: I'm still waiting for the film to begin.
Rating:  Summary: Three cheers for humanity Review: Much has been written so I will try to add a new perspective. This film reminds me of the best work of Eric Rohmer (Summer and Pauline at the Beach, for example) or even the Antoine Doinel films from Truffault. When the film ended I felt a bit happier about humanity, and made me appreciate the wonders of a strong marriage (mine is 20+ years and still terrific.) Rohmer. Truffault and Sofia Coppola all love their characters and it shows in every scene. The result is a movie in which every moment rings true. Murray and Johansson come across like people in the real world, not like characters in a movie. And when they do the right thing at the end of the film (we don't know exactly what Murray says, but we know for sure it is the right thing), we realize that we would have done the same, because deep down that is just how most of us are. So why do some folks detest this film? The people I know who didn't like it would also be put off by a Rohmer film. Nothing happens, except nice people behave like nice people. Why see a movie when this is all that happens? For me, it is to think a bit more about ourselves, our relationships, and humanity. Maybe some folks don't need to think about these things. But I do, and I relish this film for inspiring warm thoughts. Question: All the Karaoke tunes are from 1977-1983 -- a musical period that was a bit late for Murray and much too early for Johansson. Was this on purpose? And what did it signify?
Rating:  Summary: Typical American Arrogance Review: This movie is terribly condescending to Japan and its people. Exactly what is the movie about? Its certainly not about understanding other cultures and showing respect for them. It looked more like about a lonely married American in a weird county and the only person he can truly connect to just happens to be a fellow married American staying at the same hotel who drinks like a lout and lives in her underwear. I hardly think this movie would be embraced by American film-goers if it was shot with the same screenplay, same director, same cast but under the premise of a European actor coming to Hollywood to shoot a commercial. How would Americans feel if this actor walked into an elevator with a bunch of morbidly obese people stuffing french fries in their mouth? Its this type of movie that cements stereotypes into people's head. Sophia Coppola is a racist. I hope the Academy does not honor her and this film. It is one thing to make fun of yourself but to ridicule and mock and entire nation on a global scale is demeaning and cruel. It is no wonder that Americans are hated around the world.
Rating:  Summary: Subtlety is the word. Review: Subtlety people. 1. The quality or state of being subtle, or sly; cunning; craftiness; artfulness. 2. Nice discernment with delicacy of mental action; nicety of discrimination. It's what makes this film great. It's what's lacking in these brash, pompous, pretentious critiques I've seen here. If you have the ability and patience to appreciate the slight subtleties in the film, then it will be a rewarding experience. If you expect to be handed a simple "boy loves girl story" with standardized plot lines, then prepared to be disappointed. If you've seen it, and loved it. Wait for the next incarnation of this film on dvd.