Rating:  Summary: HIALRIOUS Review: This is a perfect entry in the vacation series. It is packed with howls of laughter. This movie will have you rolling on your floor laughing like you've never laughed before. But.....just because it's a christmas movie doesn't really mean it's a kids holiday movie. I don't really know if it's ok for your kids to watch, I mean, i let my kdis watch it and they laughed really hard, but it did have crude humor and some pretty fowl language. You better watch it first and make a choise. Anyway, this special edition is quite nice. With a very entertaining commentary with the griswalds and alot of other special features, it's well worth the price. Go ahead and get it. You won't be dissapointed
Rating:  Summary: Maybe the funniest movie ever made Review: Christmas Vacation has more humorous scenes than any movie short of Airplane and Naked Gun and it's funnier than either of those two movies. As I sit here in February, I can't remember a single scene from Christmas Vacation that wasn't funny, most of them are cracking-up funny. I've laughed at scenes in only two other movies in my life so hard that it brought tears - the "We're not moving!" scene from The Sure Thing, and the bathroom scene from The Cable Guy. This movie has at least four scenes that genuinely, literally had me out of breath, tears rolling down my face and chest aching from laughing so hard - the attic scene, the main catastrophy scene with Todd and Margo next door, the Aunt Bethany scene (both her gift and her jello) and the squirrel catching scene. The Christmas lights, lingerie shopping, sledding and final scenes are close behind. Chevy Chase is a comic genious (at least in Christmas Vacation - he's been in plenty of movies with inferior writing, too many, sad to say). No other comedic actor - including such greats as Charlie Chaplin, Laurel & Hardy or the Marx brothers - comes close to being as funny as Chase is with physical comedy. I've seen two sorts of non-positive reviews for this movie. The first sort comes from people who found this movie too lowbrow for them. It's not sophisticated or dry humor like This is Spinal Tap or Best in Show (both among my favorites, incidentally), nor is it cutesy humor, such in a Hugh Grant romantic comedy. Christmas Lampoon is flat-out, ridiculous humor. It is so poignantly ludicrous, absurd, childish and downright silly that it is hilarious. A lot of other silly humor - Adam Sandler and David Spade movies come to mind - has nowhere near the level of clear focus on the ridiculous and that explains why Christmas Vacation is so funny. The second group of people are complaining about the "Special Edition" additions to the DVD. Some are explaining that their low ratings are on the DVD, not the movie, and that is fair, while others seem to think that the movie itself is of secondary importance to the special features on the DVD. Now I've not seen the Special Edition (I just jumped to the first result from an Amazon search of "Christmas Vacation"), but what most people are complaining about is the voice-over commentary on the SE DVD. I've probably listened to the commentary on maybe four DVD's out of the hundred or so I've rented or bought, and I really cannot understand how that one feature could make or break the movie so significantly. In my opinion, the commentary, whether it is the best or the worst ever made, can only effect the overall ratings by maybe one star at the most. Oh, between the laughs, the movie also has a nice Christmas theme of treating everyone well and being generous during the holidays. In summary, if you can't crack at least a few smiles watching Christmas Vacation, have the paramedics bring the electric paddles, because you have no pulse.
Rating:  Summary: best holiday movie ever!! Review: this movie always put my family in a good mood during the holidays. we love everything about it!
Rating:  Summary: Christmas - Griswold style Review: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation will without a doubt become a Christmas classic on viewer's lists. Viewing this film is a great way to relieve tension during the holiday season. With his usual enthusiasm Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) sets out to have a fun old-fashioned family Christmas in this sequel to the Vacation movies. Cousin Eddie once again played by Dennis Quaid does his part to help. Beverly D'Angelo is back as Ellen, Clark's wife, who struggles to make everything work smoothly. In true National Lampoon style this film is a funny look at family traditions and holiday events. With a house full of relatives, decorations and animals the Griswolds once again turn the magic of the moment into a hilarious situation.
Rating:  Summary: Are you serious, Clark...? Review: This is by far one of the best comedies I have ever seen. This fresh, imaginative comedy can be watched year after year, and the humor never gets old. In fact, Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without the Griswalds! Although their children are always different, Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo are a perfect match for portraying the campy couple, Clark and Ellen Griswald, who want to have a nice Christmas at home with the family. One disaster after another ensues, and every one of us can relate to something. Has your cat ever chewed on the Christmas tree lights? Ever accidentally taken off an old man's toupee? Spend endless hours putting up Christmas lights and they won't come on? Of course, no National Lampoon vacation would be right without Cousin Eddie (Randy Quaid). Although is brain is on the small side, and his wife and kids are straight out of a trailer park, he has the best of intentions. When Clark describes to the children at Christmas Eve dinner that the newscasts have reported sightings of Santa's sleigh, Eddie wonderingly asks, "Are you serious, Clark...?" Another great aspect of this movie, is the addition of the snobby, yuppy neighbors, Todd and Margo (Nicholas Guest and Julia Louis-Dreyfuss), whose biggest pet peeves revolve around the lovable Griswalds. You will love to hate this stuck-up couple, and take great glee in watching them suffer the torments piled on by Clark and family. From the blinding light of 10,000 white Christmas lights, to the tree crashing through their window, it is high comedy living next to the Griswalds. Chevy Chase is truly at his finest in as Clark W. Griswald. This film promises endless laughs, lots of good times and a true classic to be revered for all time.
Rating:  Summary: A great movie but there is some awful commentary Review: When you buy Christmas Vacation buy it for the movie that it is not for the special features and just watch the movie that way it is. Although stay away from that commentary track because you will probably hate this movie after viewing the commentary track. O.K there are just too many people talking on that commentary I used to wonder the more people on a DVD commentary track the better looks like I was wrong these actors in the film most of them except the king of the film Chevy Chase? are just talking and talking about some of the worst things Beverly D'Angelo talks about her hair and people just interrupt each other like they have no manners or something and they talk of Chevy Chase like he has passed on or something. The commentary on the original vacation is much better Chevy Chase is on that one and Director Harold Ramis and Matty Simmons give alot more insightful information about the film. I do not know what happened on the Christmas Vacation DVD though the commentary stinks! Just watch the film as it is and laugh your butt off I wish though Warner Bros would released alot more on the DVD like how about a featurette or maybe the Making of Christmas Vacation or possibly there had to have been at least one Deleted Scene. I know Warner Bros has these things but they are just not releasing these bits. The picture though looks great. Warner Bros needs to add more to there DVD's they are kind of plain and has anyone ever seen the DVD for that other Chevy Chase movie Funny Farm it just doesn't get any plainer than that but anyway Christmas Vacation is a winner but the extras are WEAK.
Rating:  Summary: "Special Edition," my Aunt Fannie! Shame on Warner Bros. Review: I can't believe this. Folks, if you haven't bought the (cough, cough) "Special Edition" of this movie yet, don't waste your money. Seriously. If you are really curious about it, rent it and see for yourself. The only "special" feature is one commentary. And it is truly the worst commentary I've ever heard on a DVD. For one thing, too many people are doing it, and Chevy isn't even one of them. They are all talking over each other, and they are talking about the DUMBEST things. D'Angelo keeps rattling on about her hair. Who cares??!! You can tell right away that D'Angelo REALLY likes to hear herself talk. Oh, and did anyone catch the special ornament that came with the DVD? It's garbage. It's made of some kind of foam, or something. Unbelievable. I'm going to sell this thing on eBay, and keep my original DVD version until something respectable comes out - if that happens. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this movie. I watch it a dozen times every Christmas, and I laugh every time. I adore it. But I am just seriously disappointed in this joke of a "special edition." :-(
Rating:  Summary: Give it 6 stars Review: Christmas time always brings head aches and frustration because you are filled in a room with people you hate to see, but its that time a year where you have to be nice. Be a good sport and put this DVD on, All of you would die with laughter, swearing that cousin eddy is everyone but you. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: what a fun christmas dvd i watch it every christmas Review: let's all remember to keep Christ in Christmas
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious!!! Review: If you haven't seen this before---Where have you been this is a classic. If you like slapstick comedy you'll love this. And watch for Chevy to ride the snow saucer, I almost hurt myself laughing. There's a great cast, including Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Dennis Quaid, and many great character actors. There's a of discussion about what constituits great features, but the film alone is worth the price----You won't be sorry if you get this one!!!