Rating:  Summary: Humour in good taste? You'll find none of that here! Review: It is a certainty that 99% of the populace would be repulsed, disgusted, horrified, sickened, and thoroughly unable to watch or appreciate this movie. If you're one of the 1% that can truly appreciate disgusting, black humour, you won't stop laughing anytime soon. This movie is totally devoid of anything resembling good taste, plumbing the depths of puppet depravity. Enjoy hours of tormenting your friends, parents, and others with this film.
Rating:  Summary: If you don't laugh at this, you're probably dead. Review: Literally one of the funniest films ever made, if you like your humor warped and subversive. Frogs hooked on smack and the rat drug dealers who sell to them, a sex-crazed lovestruck hippo, a fly reporter who gives new meaning to the words "taboid journalism", the strangest musical number ever filmed, and the most riotous use of the word "Yippee!" I've ever seen. This is not for all tastes. If you have no problem with any of the above, you will literally laugh until you cry. Easily offended people should probably steer clear. Seeing as director Peter Jackson's next project is a live-action version of "The Lord of the Rings," it is difficult to assess if the man is a genius or insane. For those who are a little daring and have a good sense of humor, give this one a shot.
Rating:  Summary: This is the most warped "muppet" type movie in the world Review: I saw this film about 3 years ago with japaneese subtitles on the bottom.If you doubt the oddness of which I speak of, think of hippo's and rabbits making love, animals getting aids, and one hell of a strange, wild, and warped ending. A must must must for all who live. Future Cult classic.
Rating:  Summary: Not exactly Mr. Jackson's best Review: I did not finish watching Peter Jackson's "Meet the Feebles". About 45 minutes into the movie, I became bored and shut it off, deciding that it was time to go to bed. There weren't any points in the movie where I found myself laughing. I'm assuming that the rest of the movie, after the point I watched to, is the funny part... But I wasn't willing to sit through it to get to the funny stuff. I think a lot of people, myself included, find the idea of naughty puppets incredibly hilarious. This movie, however, was not the film we are looking for.Maybe I'm simply desensitized, but I found "Meet the Feebles" neither shocking nor disturbing. It seems to me that they were going for things that were outrageous, like a walrus mating with a cat, but falling short of the bar. There isn't any sort of social commentary that usually goes along with arthouse flicks which are filmed poorly (and make no mistake here, "Meet the Feebles" is filmed poorly) and the story seems almost forced, as if the writers decided - "Hey, let's make a movie about nasty Muppets!" - but then realized that a story is necessary. Scenes jump all over the place and the puppet animation is choppy. I got the impression that some scenes were shot stop-motion, like claymation films. The smut-producing rat wasn't anything to sing home about and neither was the knife-throwing (frog, lizard?). This obviously isn't something you should show to any immature kids, despite it's failure to be abhorrent to me. Not to get down on Peter Jackson and anyone else who was involved - I love Fellowship and Heavenly Creatures and all - but this movie is downright terrible. There is a reason that I gave it 2 stars, though. They were going somewhere with "Wobeht" the hedgehog. His scenes were intelligent and stuck out like a diamond in the rough from the rest of the stuff going on. Also, I found the Walrus and the Warthog playing golf amusing, even though I didn't laugh at it.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: I have looked for a long time for this movie in every video store you could name and I could not find it. So I finally ordered off of amazon actually off Alphacraze ( who is very reliable )Anyway, the movie was great I read many reviews and I defintly enjoyed it for the $15 plus shipping it cost. Its well worth every penny. Just a cult classic and for anyone who collects good/great horror/gore/cult movies should have this in there collection. And when I say good/great i mean movies like P.Jacksons other 2 Bad taste and Dead alive. Along with other great movies like Zombi by Fulci or anyone of the Romero dead movies, Maniac Directed by William Lustig I could go on and on, so please people who consider movies like Scream or I know what you did last summer or any garbage like that to be great dont get this cause you most likely wont like it. I assume that just by the fact you would consider Scream or I know what you did last summer a great movie, if so you dont know your horror. Thats a fact.
Rating:  Summary: Why isn't there a zero star????? Review: I'd really like to say this is the worst crime ever committed on celluloid, but I can't. See, for a movie to be truly bad it can't be made deliberately that way, and that's just what...(shudder) Meet The Feebles was. And somehow, that makes it worse. It's a snuff film with puppets. I can't put it any simpler than that.
Sadly, I'm sure there are people out there who really like this movie. I can only say that they have medication for these people and they should avail themselves of it. There's nothing wrong with pushing the envelope of good taste...but at least have a reason. The only message I could discern from this film was bad guys finish last. And hey...THAT'S NOT TRUE!!! ...coughOJcough cough... South Park the Movie pushed the envelope, but it was funny with a good message. Canada is the source of all our problems.
I wish I'd never seen this movie. Every once in a while, a scene will flash in my mind and I'll shudder. There is nothing redeemable about it. I want the people involved in it's creation to be punished...in TEXAS. The Lord of the Rings trilogy DOES NOT FORGIVE Peter Jackson for making this movie, capiche? Please, don't let my utter contempt for this skidmark pique your curiosity. It's not worth seeing it, you're young, you've got your whole life ahead of you! Consider yourself forewarned. Peace.
Rating:  Summary: Muppets on crack Review: Dead Alive director Peter Jackson directs his 2 second film after his first film Bad Taste. The movie is sick and disgusting but at times hilarious that its hailed as the muppets on crack but the humor seems copied from a South Park episode and the movie gets quite disgusting(Showing scenes filled with drugs,sex,or gore) and the muppet-like characters are nasty and the whole movie fills like your watching 2 hours of odd cinema from the director of Dead Alive. The funny parts are when the frog has flashbacks of his Vietnam duty or when the fly gets flushed down a toilet and they said he wanted to be a journalist and the only thing left behind was a journal floating around a toilet. The sick parts are the rat making porno in the basement and when the rabbit is popping his herpes and brown pus shoots on the mirror.Please rent but do not buy because you do something better with your time or money.
Rating:  Summary: The Muppets show version Jackson Review: Apres un Bad Taste Jackson nous offres un Feebles de mauvais gouts aussi encore une fois, dans celui-ci rien n'est épargné, Sexe, drogue, gore et des personnages tres farfelue. Ce film est tout simplement magique, je n'ai jamais vue le vrai film des muppets, ce qui ne ma jamais interresser étant plus jeunes. Mais Cette version trash en tout cas est génial , cela nous démontre encore une fois le suberbe talent de Jackson bien loin de Lord of the rings. l'édition du DVD par contre est moche, aucun bonus et l'image a quelques bogues. Bref Film culte à voir absolument pour tout fan de Jackson .
Rating:  Summary: To answer your question, L. Griffin... Review: I just recieved this dvd today and the first thing I noticed is that this dvd is in full screen. Was this film originally shot like this or was it originally shot in widescreen?
Rating:  Summary: "The Association was in bad need of a cash injection." Review: This ranks with "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut" as two of the best movie musicals ever made.
I've always said to anyone who would listen that this is, in my opinion, Peter Jackson's magnum opus. And I'm talking about the REAL Peter Jackson, not the hired gun (wisely) brought in to juice up LOTR, which it badly needed after Terry Gilliam got detached. LOTR is exemplary fantasy, to be sure. But "Meet The Feebles" is exemplary filmmaking.
No one has the slightest clue about how difficult it is to make a film, let alone one starring only puppets. Jackson's direction is unbelievably clever yet plays a trick on the viewer: you're gonna forget that these are puppets after -- maybe -- seven minutes, these characters are so unique and well-developed. Plus the shoestring budget could only have been aided by imagination, so fortunately Jackson has that in spades.
The draw of such an ambitious, utterly uncompromising project as this lives inside the dialogue and interaction, not plot progression. You want the plot? A chronicle of the twelve hours leading up to the infamous "Feebles Variety Hour Massacre" that would forever shake the world of Puppeton. There, that's the plot. If puppets acted as crazed, stoned, and unpredictably as ordinary people, that hypothesis is fully realized in "Meet The Feebles." And, though too many people cannot help but grimace and make yucky-face whenever someone spits out this title, this is one of the most brazenly hilarious and smartest satires on the entertainment industry I've seen yet. Yes, hilarious as in "funny". Even when the lines aren't funny, their delivery certainly is. "Did I tell you Sandy's slapping a paternity suit on me?" -- is straight outta Liverpool, baby.
Everyone else that reviews this has given you the cast roster, so I won't bother. But the true scene-stealers are Trevor, Winyard, Louie and Heidi at the finale, for obvious reasons. Star-crossed lovers get engaged after nine hours of knowing each other. A bloated "Feeble" producer screws a pussycat behind his wife's back while drug-dealing with underworld kingpins. A pesky fly-on-the-wall extorts a disease-ridden bunny out of his life insurance just to keep his sex scandal out of the hotsheets. And a 'Nam-vet frog suffers through combat flashbacks and hustles his next quick dope fix before his big knife-throwing routine. Oh, and a perverted, panty-sniffing anteater holds the key to the next evolution in hardcore bondage films... These are the dreams that Peter Jackson is made of.
Christ, I quote from this film almost every day, the dialogue is THAT good. Even if Jackson's self-proclaimed sense of humor is moronic, it's probably some of the smartest idiocy ever produced. That aside, yes, indeed the film is, above all, very creepy, very lurid, very disturbing. The puppets themselves look like something split between your best childhood imaginary friend and your worst nightmare simultaneously. (Jackson also helped design the puppets as well as being the camera operator, co-writer, co-producer and director.) Ah yes, the sheer thrill of guerrilla filmmaking, and this is a prime example of it, folks. He photographs the puppets as he would real people, thereby disjoining your association that these are just pieces of designer fabric with human hands shoved up the wah-zoo, or life-sized costumes, or marionettes, or whatever.
And did I mention the songs in this film? They're fabulous. Catchy, simple, stuck in your head for days. "One Leg Missing", sung by a blunt-smoking Raasta-dog, is my favorite.
Forget the fact that what these puppets are doing is vile and degradable, because actual people do all of these things, too. Is this film for kids? Holy S---, NO! Is it an acquired taste? Hell yes, it is. Is it wholy unpleasant and something that can make you nauseous just watching it? Abso-flogging-lutely, people! Is "Meet The Feebles" so consciously tasteless that it achieves its own level of absurdist brilliance through its stabs at all the worst human vices, and can stand on its own as a superb puppet film, musical, comedy, and low-budget creep exercise...?