Rating:  Summary: Astounding Review: Directed by Peter Jackson who has newfound fame thanks to his work on the Lord of the Rings trilogy, this movie (his second, after Bad Taste) has to be seen to be believed.Jackson takes the basic concept of the Muppet show (combining puppets and humans in animal costumes to tell the story about the action backstage at a popular variety show) but carries the concept to a sick extreme, creating a hybrid offspring of the Muppets and such schlock entertainment-industry classics as The Valley of the Dolls. For example, look at the absurdity of the relationship between Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog. In the Feebles, animal characters eat other animal characters or have hybrid offspring. Characters have drug addictions, extramarital affairs, degenerative diseases, star in S&M porn movies on the side, etc. There is an amazing Deer Hunter inspired Nam flashback, a hillarious war between drug dealers and some entertainment bigwigs on a pier (which includes a whale, giant crabs and a giant spider), bodily fluids fly all over the place, a massacre ensues near the end, and it is all topped of by a "where are they now" type of ending as in Animal House or American Graffitti. Oh, yes, there are also musical numbers (I won't spoil the title of the best one). Not as gory as Jackson's Dead Alive, but MUCH sicker.
Rating:  Summary: An Oddly Funny Bizarre Flick. Review: The Leader of the Gang-Bletch (Voiced by Peter-Vere Jones), a Cigar Chomping Walrus has his Hands full trying to Keep his Cast of Egocentric Show-Biz Stars. Stuck with an Incompetent Panic-Stricken Fox (Voiced by Ross Jolly), a Junkie Knife Throwing Frog (Voiced by Brian Sergent) and a hare with a fatal disease as Mc, doesn't look too good to be Sunny. But Bletch biggest problem with his star & long time lover-Heidi the Hippo (Voiced by Mark Hadlow). Which Hippo suspects Bletch to be having an Affair with One of the Cast Members:a Siamese Cat named Samantha (Voiced by Donna Akersten). Directed by Peter Jackson (The Frighteners, Heavenly Creatures, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy) made a strange likeable Knockabout Comedy about in the World of Muppets. The film seems to be playing like The Muppet Show meets Seasme Street with Acid. The film is Undeniable Sick Delight, it's Rude, it's Lewd & Wild. DVD's has an fine Pan & Scan (1.33:1) transfer and an good-Dolby Stereo 2.0 Surround Sound. This film is not for all tastes. Screenplay by Jackson, Daniel Mulheron, Frances Walsh & Stephen Sinclair. Grade:A-.
Rating:  Summary: "...LADIES AND GENTLEMEN...YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE..." Review: And so it begins. One of my all time favorites. There's a whole world inside this strange little movie. When I first saw Meet the Feebles (NOTE: the Spectrum Entertainment/Dead Alive Productions Region 1 DVD edition) I didn't understand half of what was being said by the characters due to the poorly recorded sound, lack of subtitles, and background music being too loud. But something made me come back and watch it again. Maybe it was the amusing dialogue, earthy puppets, and (deceptively) cheap production values - all set against the backstage drama of a variety show. Obviously, a lot went into the making of MTF. Peter Jackson isn't so in love with his work that he lingers on shots too long -which is the pitfall of many filmmakers, amateur or not. Unlike many DIY movies the editing here is swift which keeps the ball rolling. And it only gets better with repeated viewings. You can see that he totally was going for something. It's dark and funny and the fact that someone would even go to the trouble to do all of this should be inspiring to would-be directors. Ultimately, the film has a big heart (like its director) and I'm always sad when it ends! The DVD I have (the EXACT version I mentioned above) is rather sad. The picture's dark, the sound is bad, and there's no indexing of chapters [no individual scene selection]!!! That said, it's still worth renting if you can find it. That's why I gave it 5 stars. One day some company might do The Feebles justice on DVD: a reasonably good film transfer, better audio, subtitles, and maybe some extras like interviews, commentaries, outtakes, deleted scenes, stills, etc. Perhaps they're already working on it... Until then..."Somebody call the network...the show will go on!"
Rating:  Summary: another cult favorite of mine Review: I could probably recite every part of this movie by heart if I wanted to. I have seen this movie literally over a hundred times, and I love it each time I see it. I love impersonating my favorite characters, like wyniard the frog, Wobert,Harry, Heidi and all the other hilarious characters with so many excellent one liners. Reading through the reviews I don't understand wy peiple are offended by this movie. It is just hilarious, and it really isn't even that disgusting. So many memorable moments, including the sodomy song( "I want that fudgepacker eliminated"), Wyniard's war flashback,and his numerous knife throwing slipups(...) Harry's vomiting incident, Bletch's drug deals.... I just can't give this movie enough praise. Very hilarious movie. Great to watch with friends at sleepovers over and over again
Rating:  Summary: There are 2 DVDs of the same movie, which do I chose? Review: I love this movie and have it on VHS. One of the best moives ever. Currently, I want to purchase this movie on DVD to expand my collection of DVDs; except there are two DVDs to chose from. Now I have read and tried to find this movie through many rental stores just so that I can compare the two different DVDs, but I had no luck in finding any of these version of DVDs. Next, I found these reviews on this site describing to be unhelpful because one would say how the poor quality of sound and picture are and says how prestine this DVD is. In both cases, all of these reviews shown are irrelevent and will not be helpful in finding an excellent DVD like any other DVD, (such as the Matrix). Also, I know this is not an official review, rather a case where sites and information cetners are ignorant or will not display the quality of a product caption along with the product trying to be sold. It makes me so mad that out of 134 reviews and purchases made by the 'reviewers' are not able to give accurate information reguarding the quality of a DVD and to wich the item was purchased from. Overall, all of these reviewers display their ignorance because no site is willing to give the quality conditions of the "Meet The Feebles" DVD. In other words, ignorance leads to ignorance and so on. This review, ((comment)), is no intended to heed my frustrations against the other reviewers, but at the fact there is no information to display the quality this DVD is in.
Rating:  Summary: Goodbye lunch, hello toilet bowl Review: In the 12 hours before The Fabulous Feebles Variety Show stage spectacle production extraordinaire is set to debut, they've done this before - so it's not really a debut - all hell is breaking loose. Star bunny Harry looks to be coming down with a sexually transmitted disease, chorus dog Lucille is drugged and raped, elephant Sid is having a paternity suit brought against him, frog Wynyrd is having a crack attack, and poor Heidi the Hippo discovers her longtime love interest walrus Bletch is cheating on her with cat Samantha. Get all that? Well sweet, innocent, and unsuspecting hedgehog Wobert picks the wrong time to join the cast- because Heidi's losing it! After looking at Peter Jackson's first three films, the splatter trilogy, it doesn't take a genius to figure out this is the least of the three, which include the equally off-the-wall sci-fi themed Bad Taste, and the zombie horror-comedy-thriller Braindead (aka- Dead Alive). Because for a film that's primarily a comedy, this isn't funny. Just undescribably and excrutiatingly unpleasent. For some movies, this formula has really worked. Pink Flamingos, Society, hell- even Nekromantik. But, what's the niche for this film? Doesn't it have to be funny to be any good? Yes, it's outrageous and audacious. And it pretty much goes all-out to gross-out the audience. But it's just not any fun, to someone who's seen the grossest of the gross. I guess in the end, it all comes down to whether or not a person is easy to make nauseous or shock. I've seen a lot, and I've seen better than this film. This movie needed more moments where the tone would change- such as the sequences where Bletch un-officially interviews an enticingly yummy fish, rat Trevor bites into one of those frykid / mogwai-looking furballs, and the jaw-dropping start of Heidi the Hippo's machine-gun massacre... I'm the last person who would want to develop a tolerance for this sort of movie, but I was disappointed. I expected a little more visual flair, some genuinely likeable characters, and a lighter atmosphere. This movie just comes off as a big downer. Though the musical numbers were catchy.
Rating:  Summary: 'Dead Alive Productions'? Not What I Got.... Review: What A Movie! I'd Been Reading About This Movie For Months Before I Saw It And When I Finally Did, I Wasn't Disapointed. I Won't Say Much About The Plot Because Other Reviews Have Given Good Descriptions. All I'll Say Is Its Pretty Much Muppets On Acid. Anyway Onto The DVD Transfer. All The Reveiws I've Read Have Been Abusing 'Dead Alive Productions' For Their Crap Transfer Of This Wonderful Film. Now... Thats All Fine And Dandy But The DVD I Received In The Mail Was Not Released By Dead Alive Productions At All. It Was Released By 'Substance'. Its Was All Region And Was Copyrighted 1999. It Had No Special Features At All But It Did Have Scene Selection And There Was Nothing Wrong With The Quality Of The Film Or Sound, Which Is Apparently Better Than Dead Alive Productions Could Do. Anyway, No Matter Who Its Released By You Should Buy This Movie, Its Friggin Brilliant.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty wild Review: Hey any movie about gay foxes singing about sodomy, rabbits with venereal diseases, heroin addicted frogs having Vietnam flashbacks, and rats directing s&m films with a cow and a cockroach all made with muppet-style puppets certainly deserves a look. Ironically this is the darkest film I've seen of Peter Jackson's (I haven't seen all of them, just his first three splatter ones and his Lord of the Rings ones), the fact that puppets perform horrible acts throughout the film only makes it darker than it probably would be with real actors. It's entertaining though, and pretty funny even. Worth a check, definitely.
Rating:  Summary: First for me Review: While I had been exposed to a few movies of the same type as Meet The Feebles, I was mainly a mainstream girl before this movie. A friend of mine at the local video store recommended it when I finally became bored with the crap on the new releases wall. I think his exact words were "You should get this. It's crazy." I took it home unsuspecting and watched with some friends. It was amazing. The story is absolutely twisted,the puppets and the setting are so dark it just grabs your attention and doesnt let go. It's one of those movies you turn the lights on afterwards and everyone kind of laughs nervously. It's funny yes,hilarious actually but it is also fairly disturbing. Since then I have purchased a copy and make sure I recommend it to everyone, as well as any other Peter Jackson films. This was my first step into a world of depravity I never new existed in filmaking. Unfortunately the other reviewers are correct about the quality of the DVD. I would say go with the VHS as I did just so you can watch it without feeling like it's a crappy bootleg
Rating:  Summary: One of the most bizarre, demented movies ever made Review: I've seen a lot of bizarre movies. Unusual, weirdo films are one of my biggest passions. I can easily say that Meet The Feebles ranks as one of the most bizarre, even downright crazy films that I've ever seen. It's about a puppet variety show, similar to Jim Henson's Muppet Show from the 1970s, The Feebles Variety Hour. It begins with a little musical number, "Meet The Feebles", complete with a singing hippo, bunny and all sorts of other creatures. Unlike the Muppet Show, however, Meet The Feebles is far from wholesome, as the backstage lives of the performers reveal. The boss, a giant walrus, makes porno films in the basement involving a cow in S&M gear. The walrus also does drug deals with an evil warthog. There's a heroin-addicted Vietnam Vet frog, a hippo with an eating disorder, a rabbit who believes he has AIDS, you get the picture. The film's finale must be seen to be believed. The hippo loses it and goes on a shooting spree while a fox sings a production number about sodomy. At this point, the viewer must think to him or herself, "this is one ... up movie". It will make you laugh, it will make you cringe, it will shock and disturb you, it will make you question the sanity of the filmmakers that made it. The filmmakers who made Meet The Feebles, oddly enough, are now Academy Award nominees. Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh (director and co-screenwriters of The Lord of the Rings trilogy) were responsible for this sick little film. Who would have guessed that a mere ten years after making Meet The Feebles, Peter Jackson would be directing the greatest fantasy epic in film history. A grand epic completely devoid of vomit, porno and drug-addicted animals. Well, it's a crazy business. Peter Jackson earned himself a large cult of fans with his early films beginning with Bad Taste, a horror-comedy about aliens invading New Zealand and dining on the inhabitants. Meet The Feebles followed, and then came Dead Alive (aka Braindead) in 1992, a film that still ranks as one of the goriest movies in existence. These films cemented Jackons's status as a cult film icon. Now, added to that cult are millions of J.R.R. Tolkien fans, and soon Jackson may even claim the title of Oscar winner. Anyone who was introduced to Jackson via Lord of the Rings would be interested to see his early films, but they should be cautious. He was a daring low-budget filmmaker. Admittedly, demented at times, he nonetheless displays a true passion for his craft. The title of his first film, Bad Taste, lets you know what to expect from his early films. They display a joyous dementia that is sure to offend prudish types. Those who get the joke however, will be delighted with his audacity and enjoy the ride. Cult movie fans should certainly check out Meet The Feebles and Jackson's other early films. Just be sure that you know what you're in for.