Rating:  Summary: More fun than it has the right to be Review: I had to watch this flick again. Though it has one of those simple plots that must take about ten seconds to pitch, winning performances from just about everybody elevate this flick. Sandra Bullock plays a frumpy and unloved Fed. The script is actually paradoxical on this point - she's strong willed and can hold her self against any man, she's weak when it comes to being a woman. Wearing unisex clothing, loping about like something out of "Jurassic Park" (Michael Caine's line), and accompanying her laugh with a distinctive snort, Grace Hart isn't anybody's idea of the perfect woman. Brainy, Hart decodes the latest message from a mysterious domestic terrorist patterned on the "Uni-Bomber", and decides that the next target will be the Miss USA pageant, only days away. Unable to come up with an idea other than substitute a contestant with an agent, and lacking any suitable agents (who aren't on maternity leave) Hart is chosen to step in as Ms. NJ. (The real NJ contestant consented to step down when the Feds discovered her role in a movie called "Arm-a-Get-it-On"). With the help of a disgraced pageant coach (Michael Caine) and a crew of top-notch technicians working out of some remote airfield (Hangar 18?), Grace Hart is transformed into the glam Gracie Lou Freebush. The joke is that beauty is only skin deep and it's always Grace Hart on the inside, the same Gracie that dismisses the pageant and its contestants as airheads who can't think of anything more to say than that they wish for world peace. The script doesn't spend that much time elevating the contestants themselves who are either backstabbers or just dim, but Michael Caine excels as the demented Victor Melling who teaches women how to look desirable even as he has no desire for them. Also look for Bill Shatner as the pageant's over-the-hill MC, the man who can smile through anything, and Ben Bratt as Bullock's chauvanist partner. This was an idea done to death decades ago on countless network shows (Bionic Woman, Wonder Woman, Charlie's Angels) but it works here.
Rating:  Summary: Amusing for you and her Review: As a guy, I'm not expected to like many comedy/romance films, but I really enjoyed this one. So much so that I bought it right after renting it.Sandra Bullock plays her role as excellantly as ever, and Benjamin Bratt, staring opposite, matches her onscreen presence perfectly. It is clear both enjoy thier roles and carry alot of enthusiasm into the film. The DVD special features make it obvious everyone had fun on the set and that carries over into production very well. Candice Bergan and Ernie Hudson also play prominent roles. However, I have to give special note to William Shattner's performance. I never knew the man could be so funny...a 5 star rating for him; great supporting actor. I have watched this DVD serveral times, with and without the commentary, and find it amusing every time. This film is a comedy that I can watch alone, or a romance that I can watch with my girlfriend. In fact, I know several women who say this is thier favorite movie so I am quite surprised that I rank it so high myself. It's a good laugh for everyone. Excellant movie.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, wow! Sandra! Review: This is the coolest movie! Sandra Bullock gives are really great performance as an FBI agent turned Beauty Queen! "Gracie Lou Freebush" is hiliarious and a real quick-thinker! I admire any woman who can handle herself and this woman can! This movie should be taken as is: a great little comedy that deserves lots of laughter!
Rating:  Summary: Miss Please-Please-Like-Me-And-My-Movie. Review: Vapid comedy about a tomboy FBI agent (Sandra Bullock) who finds herself undercover at a nationwide beauty agent as one of the contestants. It occurs to me I was pretty harsh on Ms. Bullock's *28 Days* in another review . . . I'm starting to feel like a meanie, a sourpuss, even a jerk. *Miss Congeniality* falls under the old category of "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all" (in this case, "nothing congenial"). I'm sure Ms. Bullock is a nice enough lady -- she does seem a little more down-to-earth than a lot of the twits in her business. I would like to not have to pick on her. But she's going to have to start making better movies than this. (She also produced *Miss Congeniality*, so the blame for its badness unavoidably rests on her.) In particular, she's going to have to stop TRYING SO HARD!! I think the root of the problem is that she shot to stardom so fast after *Speed* and has been pressured ever since to "carry" movies. The problem might've been solved by not succumbing to those pressures, instead spending 5 or 10 years apprenticing with more experienced stars and directors. (Her co-star here is the guy who used to carry Julia Roberts' purse at awards shows.) Anything good about *Miss Congeniality*? Michael Caine and William Shatner . . . but their roles are such light sketches that they hardly get to sink their teeth into their parts. All in all? Do avoid.
Rating:  Summary: Affable comedy could have been edgier Review: Miss Congeniality is an affable comedy which is pleasant enough to watch. The problems it has are due to the fact that it doesn't aspire to anything more. It was produced by its star, Sandra Bullock, and she seems to have been afraid of offending anyone. The trouble with this sometimes noble goal is that, by playing to the middle, you risk the perils of mediocrity. The film doesn't work as satire or as a screwball comedy. What Miss Congeniality does succeed at is slapstick, and some of this is very funny. Ms. Bullock is not afraid to take a fall or wear bad clothes or put a look on her face that is laughable. I can't help but like someone who will do all that, if she thinks she can entertain an audience. Bullock can indeed do that, and it is unfortunate that over the years her choices of material have been so hit or miss. Bullock plays Gracie Hart, an FBI agent who is such a slob that any femininity she may possess remains totally out of sight. She also have a problem with anger management, and this sets up one of the movie's funniest scenes. After nearly getting another agent killed, Hart storms into her apartment and promptly trips over her bed, which she then tries to kick to pieces. She moves on to the kitchen where she have a nasty encounter with a microwave over. Going back into the bedroom, she again trips over the bed. This time she takes her fury out on a punching bag that apparently is a permanent fixture in her living room. This scene shows us that this is the way Hart's life has gone so far. When the FBI learns that a mad bomber may be about to target a beauty pageant, Hart is dying to be on the case, but no one, not even her partner Eric [Benjamin Bratt], wants her help. Then someone has the idea of putting an agent in the pageant as a contestant. After much searching, it turns out that Hart is the only one available. A beauty pageant 'expert' [Michael Caine] has forty-eight hours to transform Hart from an ugly duckling to a swan. Meanwhile, the hope is that, by being on the inside, Hart can learn the identity of the bomber before it's too late. This is broad comedy. It is neither original nor very bright, but it has a great deal of energy and several amusing scenes. It is greatly helped by the presence of Mr. Caine, as well as by Candice Bergen as the pageant's director. Their scenes with Ms. Bullock are great, and one can only wish that Miss Congeniality's writing talent had been on par with its acting talent.
Rating:  Summary: I love Sandra Review: This was one of her good films, although after i saw 28 days, Speed and Forces of nature i would have never thought that Miss Congeniality would make the #1 film of my top ten list of Sandra Bullock movies. This movie is hilariouse, fun filled and 100% entertaining! This is not a film that you would let run while you take your restroom break, this is a film where you will definitley pause not to miss anything. Miss Congeniality has a good plot and actually doesn't lack anywhere in this movie. You thought Sandra was sexy in her other films... wait until you see this one! i definitley recommend no one to rent this movie, instead BUY IT!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Great movie! Review: Miss Congeniality is an amazing movie! It has the gorgeous Sandra Bullock and she does her job well. As an uncouth FBI agent, she enters the 'Miss America' contest. Sandra would probably be the last person on earth (in the movie) to enter a beauty contest, but she has to do it, because she gets word of a planned attack on the winner of this contest and is determined to find the crooks and hand them over to the cops. That's the basic story line. It is very well portrayed and all the actors do a good job. And the best part is: even kids can watch it! All-in-all, a great buy!
Rating:  Summary: If you like Sandra Bullock... Review: Then you should get this DVD. It has two documentaries plus deleted scenes w/ outtakes, in addition to two commentaries. If you want great actors, you have Ernie Hudson, Michael Caine, and Benjamin Bratt, not to mention Sandra Bullock. Supporting actors include Candice Bergen and William Shatner. The writing is great - when I saw the movie in the theater, I almost died laughing. I don't think I've ever seen or heard Sandra Bullock funnier in another movie.
Rating:  Summary: the original Jersey girl!!! Review: Sandra Bullock shines as Gracie Hart, an FBI agent who undergoes a makeover to go undercover as "Miss New Jersey" at a beauty pageant which a killer is stalking. Benjamin Bratt stars as her partner, and Candice Bergen does an excellent turn as the pageant coordinator. In addition to being hilarious and full of the kind of physical comedy that a talented actress like Bullock can pull off, the story also examines the change in attitude of Grace, who has grown up believing that girls who bank on their looks and winning pageants can not amount to anything important.
Rating:  Summary: Funny Review: This was a laugh at loud. Sandra Bullock as a ...[ugly] girl ,Hart. Then trainer as funny as can be trains her for The Miss.Amerieca compition!