Rating:  Summary: pleasantville (the perfect world) Review: Movie review (Pleasantville) The movie it's about a perfect world, which is interrupted by a boy and his sister (who were not perfect). The perfect world was called Pleasantville and at first it was a TV show but magically these two guys get in it. They tried to live just like the other persons in Pleasantville but they couldn't, because they were humans so they give up, and made the people from Pleasantville think the way they thought. That change make the people from Pleasantville looked like real humans. I'll classify the movie as comedy-fiction because sometimes it was funny and fiction because there were some things uncommon and unreal in the movie. Gustavo Sanchez
Rating:  Summary: pleasantville Review: The history is about a perfect world in black and white and there were no mistakes but then came two kids and all started changing, the world then started to have mistakes and then people started to seeing colors. People in Pleasantville were perfect and they didn't know what was out side of Pleasantville, they said that main street starts over. People started to get color and find about book, rain, and other things, they didn't have sex, and then Bud and Marisa change, the town of Pleasantville but people were not happy whit the changes, but at the end all was they were happy.
Rating:  Summary: pleasantville Review: Pleasantville is a movie where everything was perfect, there was no sex, toilets, big bed and everything had color all was, black and white. The imperfect world was wrong, there was a girl named Jan. She always had problems. She did not like to go to the school and read books. She love go out with her friend. She never was at home on time. Also there was a boy named David and he was smart. He likes to go to school and he was a nice boy with their parents. They were twice, but they were very different. They entered Pleasantville when they were fighting with the TV Control suddenly they were than. Jan did not understand what was happening she did not like Pleasantville because everything perfect and they cannot be like the others girls. David understands more that Jan because he did know more about the Pleasantville he explained what was go on there. Also there were named with others names Jan was named Mary Sue and David was named Bud. One day Skip when he was going to his home he found a rose in color. He did not talked about it. There started some problems in the Pleasantville because something was started having color. In Pleasantville also was not rain one day was raining and there was a rainbow. People hate the people how dress clothes in color and they were fight to destroy all that was in color. People started doing things wrongs and Mary Sue started read books and she did things that she never like to do. One day their mother change to color but her husband did know what was happening to her, Bud helped to her by putting make up in he face. Later they went to court to talk about what was happening there were people in color and people white and black. When one people hate the persons in colors he said than that could not happen there because here was a perfect world, but suddenly he change to color and they cannot believe it. There was more people and things in color; Mary Sue was reading a book when she changes to color. There started everything wrong, people started doing things wrongs and finally everything and the persons change. This movie was good I learn that people live better with out problems and is bat to live doing wrongs things.
Rating:  Summary: pleasantville its o.k. Review: Pleasantville The movie was about a guy named David that was going to watch a TV marathon. But his sister was going to watch a concert in TV with her date at her house. Then they fought over the TV remote, the remote breaks. An old dude comes to their house door. He is a TV repair dude. He gave a new remote to David. David presses a button and hi and his sister into the TV in Pleasantville. David and Jell his sister became Mary and Bud the two kids on the TV show. They start to mess-up the town with their ideas of the world where they use to live. The idea on this movie in my personal opinion is that you can't have a perfect society or maybe you can but the persons on it may not be really happy. I think that a perfect society would be really boring. This movie is for the families that like nice movies and for the old people or people that likes funny movies. in my personal opinion I liked it. By Rogelio Campos
Rating:  Summary: the skandal Review: "Pleasantville" The name of the movie we watch was called Pleasantville, it all starts with this family whose they have a broken home, the main characters are David and Jen, Jen is a wild girl she likes to go out and party, on the other hand there is David who is a big fan of this black and white TV show, which is called Pleasantville where everything is basically pleasant (this show starts at 6:30). Jen has a date at exact same time as the show starts well, its 6:30 and they are both coming down stairs, David to watch his TV show and Jen to meet her date, David turns on the TV and his sister starts telling him to go upstairs, because her date could be there at any minute. They start arguing the remote is being thrown around and accidentally breaks, but by coincidence there is a TV repairman outside. He gives them a weird looking remote control that takes them into the TV and they've become part of the show Pleasantville, everything is changed his family is real polite towards David or should I say "Bud" everything is black and white, but Jen is still the same wild girl, her new name is Mary Sue and that's when the whole big deal starts happening.
Rating:  Summary: PLEASANTVILLE Review: "PLEASANTVILLE" This movie is about one brother and a sister who are very different one from other, but something really weird happened with them that helped them to change their attitudes for the better. There is this guy named David who is very shy and he only likes to watch TV. Especially one program named Pleasantville, and it is on TV Time. His sister is Jen. She is only preoccupied with herself, and being cool. She never studies. One day they were fighting because both of them wanted to watch TV at the same time, but the control remote broke. Suddenly a repairman appeared in the door and he gave them a magic control. They got into the TV and appeared in the TV show David used to watch. The place is called Pleasantville, it supposed to be a perfect place, but it really is not for me, of course. Many things happened there and everybody changed and also the place. I think everybody changed for good because everything in that place was the same always. David, now named Bud, changed his attitude. He was shy and a coward, now he was brave and Jen, now named Mary Sue, was a very studious girl and concerned for her future. Cecilia Lopez
Rating:  Summary: pleasant Review: Movie review of Pleasantville The story begins when David and his sister Jen are fighting over the remote control and than one minute later they were in the TV. In Pleasantville and everything in Pleasantville is perfect .There is no rain and no bad days and everything is very perfect. Later on in Pleasantville David and his sister name are changed. His name is bud and his sister's name is Mary Sue and everything in Pleasantville is black and white. Later on some things start to change in Pleasantville. In Pleasantville nobody knows about sex until Jen has sex with her boyfriend Skip and then all the young people start to have sex with each other. Everything in Pleasantville starts to become in color and David goes home and his sister goes to college. And then everything in Pleasantville is normal like in other places and now the roads go on and on and they never finish. The End Edwin Yanes
Rating:  Summary: pleasantville Review: Pleasantville, is a place where everything is pleasant and perfect. The main characters are David and Jen. David is very shy around girls, Jen doesn't like to study, both of them fought over the remote control then, they got in Pleasantville where everything is perfect. Their new names are Bud and Mary Sue. At first, Jen/Mary Sue gets mad because they're in Pleasantville. They see everything perfect, Bud works in a ice cream shop. Mary Sue is popular in Pleasantville. This guy named Skip likes her. One day, Mary Sue and Skip, they went to the ice cream shop. Then they left the shop. They went to the lover's lane. Bud was afraid that might do something that might change Pleasantville. Mary Sue teaches Skip how to have sex. Then that same night as Skip drives home, he sees color. Things start changing in Pleasantville. The basketball loses the game to another team. More people in the lover's lane start to make love. Bud is afraid that things will get worse. Then people start to appear in color and some people agree with that. Mary Sue tells her mom about sex. Then things start to change between Bud's parents. David/Bud changes colors when he punches the guy who was bothering his mom. Mary Sue changes color when she starts to study and to read. Finally it looked like the people in Pleasantville agreed to be in color. It was time to go home for David and Jen, but then only one that left was David, Jen stayed because she wanted to study there. One interesting theme from this movie is that it was better when David and Jen changed the old Pleasantville into a better Pleasantville. By: Jesus Ortiz
Rating:  Summary: how i like this movie Review: It all begins when David is at school in the real world. He very much likes "Pleasantville" a TV show about a perfect world. He really is only trying to escape from the reality of his life. One day he and his sister Jen get an opportunity to change when they transport themselves to Pleasantville. In Pleasantville (at the beginning) David seems happy and Jen unhappy. After some days that they have been in Pleasantville it all begin to change little by little, and the most unusual change of all are the colors that began to appear and the weather changes. Not all the people react well to all this changes; the black and white people began to treat badly the people with colors. After having many troubles with the black and white people David makes them all see the truth about the color of people. Suddenly after that Pleasantville got all colored. Back home in the real world David learned at last to be happy with what he has and that there is no perfect world but you can make it look like if it were a perfect one. I liked this movie because it makes you think about how would be a perfect world and what would happen if there were not music or books to read.
Rating:  Summary: Pleasantville Review: Movie Preview Pleasantville The story Pleasantville is a comedy drama. Very entertaining, good family movie. The main character is David and Jennifer, they are twin brother and sister. David is very shy and he love to watch Pleasantville series. Jennifer is very cool and popular in school. Then one night David wants to watch Pleasantville but Jennifer want to see MTV concert with her date. Suddenly they have fight for their remote and suddenly it broke. An old man knocks on the door and give them a new remote control and they started to fight on remote control again. Then something happens. It a magics. They were in the movie Pleasantville. Every thing is black and white. David is a Bud in Pleasantville, and Jennifer is Marry Sue in Pleasantville. Everything start change when David and Jennifer were in the Pleasantville. People in Pleasantville learn from Jennifer what is sex is, and learn how to stop the fire, and many new things for Pleasantville people. The main idea about this movie I think that perfect world is may be not good for us real people. It would be not fun if everything is perfect. Watsamon Manintu