Rating:  Summary: really funny but falters in the end Review: this movie is really funny. if you have a sense of humor you will find yourself laughing out loud at many parts. jay is awesome, silent bob is hilarious, and this road movie, and all their accompanying hijinks, is a real laugh riot. the film does falter in the end though, where they try to out-satire themselves silly with the whole miramax, hollywood thing. will ferrel looks lost, chris rock's character is misplaced and only evokes a few laughs. the last 30 minutes seem bumbled and slapped together, but the journey there with jay and silent bob is absolutely entertaining!
Rating:  Summary: Funny, but Very Low Quality Review: While the dialog was pretty hilarious, this film was often painful to watch. The editing is horrible. It has no sense of pacing or rhythm about the scenes and transitions. There's a whole lot that should have been tightened-up in postproduction. The sound editing is also lackluster. That lightsaber scene almost made me fall asleep -- the sound fx was SOOO quiet and subdued compared to the music and dialog. Too much of the postproduction on this thing reminds me of a film student's first school project. Even if this stuff had been fixed it would still only get 4 stars, because some the jokes get a bit tiresome and the acting sucked.
Rating:  Summary: Jay & Silent Bob almost, but not quite, ready for primetime Review: Writer/director Kevin Smith's characters Jay and Silent Bob made their first appearance in 1994's cult favorite, "Clerks". They stood outside a convenience store. Ostensibly, they were selling pot, but, for the most part, they just hung out waiting for something to happen. They appeared in all of Smith movies over the next five years ["Mallrats", Chasing Amy" and "Dogma"]. Now comes "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back", in which the pair must carry an entire movie, rather than playing minor roles. Because they are basically one big joke, the results are uneven. The scenes that work are some the funniest moments in recent movies. The rest, which are in the minority, are pretty painful. Whatever the scene, be forewarned that these guys remain consistently perverse and offensive. This is a road movie, and the plot is just an outline to which the various skits are attached. The movie starts off outside the very same convenience store where Jay and Silent Bob [Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith] were first seen in "Clerks". They learn that a movie studio is about to make a film based on "Bluntman and Chronic", a comic book. Jay and Bob were the inspiration for the comic, and they are furious that they are getting neither cash nor credit from the project. They decided to go to Hollywood to stop the movie production and to get revenge. Along the way, they become the unwitting pawns of a beautiful girl gang of jewel thieves. They're easy targets since both Jay and Silent Bob are complete morons. Whether or not you find the movie funny depends on a couple of things. One is an appreciation of Hollywood in-jokes. Rarely has a movie been so full of them. The title itself is a reference to "The Empire Strikes Back". The original Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamil, have cameo appearances. So do lots of other actors, like Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. Smith executive produced the movie that made them famous, "Good Will Hunting". The girl gang is a parody of "Charlie's Angels". The movie references are so numerous that there are references to references. For some viewers, all this insider stuff will become exasperating. Others will love it, as they try to recognize as many as possible. I found it all to be fun yet completely self-indulgent, since, ultimately, it's all about how hip and knowledgeable Smith and his buddies are. The other thing required to enjoy this movie is a fondness for crude humor, or, perhaps in this case, a love of it. There is enough bathroom humor and profanity in the first twenty minutes to last some people a lifetime. I read that a certain four-letter word is used here 228 times, a figure I've no reason to doubt. Graphic sexual references abound, due mainly to Jay's complete obsession with the subject. Since many people are already familiar with Smith's characters, they won't be seeing or hearing anything unexpected. It's other people who need to be warned. This movie goes way beyond merely risqué. It is only fair to point out that several groups have protested Jay's totally homophobia behavior. I doubt these attempts to censure Smith are necessary. He's a satirist. No group, be it women, blacks, Catholics, teenagers, old people or gays, escape his twisted humor. Even the stars playing themselves, such as Damon and Affleck, come off as ditzy fools. Smith himself laughs the criticism off, noting that everyone knows Jay and Silent Bob are idiots. At least we hope they do. On the other hand, aren't there always a few idiots in an audience?
Rating:  Summary: Absolute Classic Review: This is what I have been waiting for. A movie dedicated to Jay and Silent Bob. Basic jist, Jay and Silent Bob have a restraining order put against them at the Quick Stop. Find out a movie is being made about them. Then discover the internet. A trip to Hollywood to stop the making of the Bluntman and Chronic movie then ensues. Tons of cameo apperances in this one. Judd Nelson, Will Farrell, Kevin Smith's wife is one of the chicks in the van. She is the tall, dark haired one that has the tandem ponytails. His daughter plays the baby Silent Bob at the beginning of the movie. Ben Afflack and Matt Damon make appearances. Plus a whole bunch more folks you already know. The only thing I would lke to add is this. This is NOT the movie to begin a journey down Kevin Smith Lane. Many of the jokes that my wife and I were laughing hysterically at were totally missed by others in the theater who had not seen the previous movies. You MUST, and I mean MUST, see in the following movies in the following order. Clerks, MallRats, Chasing Amy, Dogma and then Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Dogma could be skipped because other I do not recall any references back to it, unless there was a Buddy Christ on someones dash board. But I recommend seeing them all. They are all great. But in order to fully appreciate Jay and Silent Bob you have to view all the lead in material. When Broadie asks if you want a chocolate covered pretzel, if you have not seen Mallrats you will be asking yourself what was the big deal with that. Many tie ins.
Rating:  Summary: Instead of one jar jar there are three cliché females Review: When I first saw this movie in the theater, I thought it was pretty funny. Though I wondered about the sort of homily cliché bad girl. From watching the commentary I learned it was Kevin smith's wife who pressured him into giving her the part. If they were to just cut out the whole bad girl jewel thieves plot line the movie, would have been great. Every time, they come on the screen I just lost all my attention span. I think they were supposed to be really cool but they came off as lame. I got the same feeling when I first came to the realization that jar jar was ruining episode one when the trio kept popping up in the story line. Kevin smith acknowledges that test audiences didn't really care for when the plot veered to far from the jay and silent bob. I guess he chose not to listen to the audience. Jay and silent bob were great, along with the rest of the cast. They bonus futures on this disc are staggering. It is worth it for the bonus disc alone
Rating:  Summary: Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes are not great primary characters Review: There were a few funny parts in this movie. A small few. And most of them had other people as primary characters. I love Kevin Smith and all of his other movies, however this one is one to skip. It seems Kevin Smith has finally tried to cash in on his own little Hollywood juggernaut. Too bad it failed miserably.
Rating:  Summary: The funniest movie ever! Review: This movie was absolutely hilarious from start to finish. Jay and Silent Bob rule in every way imaginable. Featured hilarious camios from just about every major star in hollywood. Not for those with old and dry sense of humor but would definitely recommend to anyone with a crude sense of humor.
Rating:  Summary: Ha...hah! No, stop, I can't take it anymore! Review: This is one of those movies that you must watch alone, because in a group, everyone will be saying "this is so disgusting," then you'll have to agree so as not to be "the strange one." But if you totally disregard all your inhabitions, and laugh like you know you want to, this movie's a riot!
Rating:  Summary: BUY IT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This is one of my favorite comedies ever. A must - have for any Kevin Smith fan or any comedy fan at all. It is an awesome special edition DVD, with great special features.
Rating:  Summary: If your stupid enough to search for a plot . . . Review: All these negative reviews seem to miss the point of this movie. When I heard the title, I knew going in, that this movie could not be taken seriously. Shame on those who did. This movie succeeded on the only thing that mattered. It was funny from beginning to end. As a bonus, it had plenty of View Askew inside jokes and even Starring Actors referring to the stupidity of this movie while giving the camera a sideways glance. Yes, Kevin Smith even wrote in scenes which blatently made fun of the fact that this movie had a silly simple plot and very little point, other than to make you laugh. Which, apparently, was lost on these "Kevin Smith" connoiseurs. Buy or rent it, expect nothing and be entertained. Duh!