Rating:  Summary: This DVD is awesome Review: Whoa, what a bad movie. Now I'm only in 7th grade so if my mom or dad ever saw the vulgar stuff in this movie they would faint. Some examples of this include jay popping a huge, um [erection] whn he sees a really hot girl and other bad stuff like this. The basic plot is this: Jay and Silent Bob discover that a movie based on Bluntman and Chronic and they go to Hollywood to get they're ... movie check. When they discover they wont get any money they try to stop the movie from being made, so they head to Hollywood and meet all sorts of outrageous characters on they're already outrageous adventure. This dvd is packed with special features which are: 1. Commentary with Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes and the producer which is quite funny though not very informative. 2. Deleted Scenes- there are 42 of them, all with introdutions by Kevin Smith and peoplesuch as Jason Mewes and his wife, however most of these are just extended scenes. 3. The Scret Stash wich is a bunch of Improvised scenes from the movie including the CLIT rant with Will Ferrell. 4. Outtakes which are very very funny and come with an intro with Kevin Smith ad Jason Mewes. 5. TV spots which are basically commercials that were shown on TV. 6. Still Galleries which feature Jay and Silent Bob comics, on thee set pictures and movie posters. 7. Storyboard drawings from the movie 8. A behind- the-scenes feature which gets kind of boring. 9. Morris Day and The Time- Learnin' The Moves is just a feature that shows Jay and Silent Bob learning choreography. 10. Guide to Morris Day and The Time is a bunch of writing which tells about the band. 11.A comedy central special about the movie which also gets boring. 12. Stroke 9 "Kick Some Ass" music video- this is a funny video it shows Jay and Slent Bob kicking people's[behinds]. 13. Afroman "Because I Got High" music video- this is a great song and it is a hillarious video. So, all in all, if you love comedy, then you'll love this movie. It is Hilarious!
Rating:  Summary: Stupidly inspired genius Review: I am a big fan of Kevin Smith, and as such was terribly sad when I heard that this film would be his last with Jay and Silent Bob, the two characters who have run throughout his films inspiring lunacy, mayhem, and guilty chuckles. However, as far as swan songs go, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is an utterly perfect accomplishment, a geeks love letter to his two favorite characters.As can be imagined, the film is stupid, an endless string of crude humor and fart jokes. Too bad it is so FUNNY! I love every moment of this film, from Jay's opening rap outside the Quick-Stop (which me and my 15 year-old brother had to watch over and over again until we had it memorized because itt kept getting stuck in our heads) to the victorious dance at the end with Morris Day and the Time. Along the way, absolutely nothing is sacred, and this film achieves a beautiful balance of high-brow satire of the film industry (and itself) and low-brow humor. Jason Mewes is a surprising standout in this film. It's great to go back and watch the entire Jersey Trilogy to see how much he has grown as an actor, from charismatic scenery to a lovable side-story to a full-fledged leading man. He really carries this film in an utterly charming way. Every fibre of your bieng screams out, "I SHOULDN'T BE LAUGHING AT THIS!" but his performance is so winning, and Smith's directing so sincere, that you really just have to give yourself over to it. This DVD is a great set as well, as usual. Kevin Smith is an ubergeek, and he knows that he has fans out there who are just like him, and as a result his DVDs are packed with more worthlessly entertaining bits than any normal viewer could possibly have time for (I of course watch them all). This one is no exception, with over an hour of deleted scenes (check out Scooby's "lipstick!"), behind the scenes tomfoolery, and pointless gags. There is no pretense in this film, no glossy Hollywood cool, just a bunch of friends who somehow made it big making a movie because they can. This film is an hysterical, honest, sincere and loving tribute to all things ridiculous, geeky, and crude. Good-bye Jay and Silent Bob. We hardly knew ye.
Rating:  Summary: no... i mean it, no. I SAID NO.... aaahhh! Review: oh christ. what happened here? before i review this movie i should start off by saying i am by far the biggest kevin smith/ jason mewes fan there has ever been. i own all the movies, and have spent literaly hundreds of dollars on merchandise, so don't dismiss my review. well what do we have here... a bad movie, a bad script, and absoloutly wonderful actors. i don't even know where to start on this one. script- this script could never be funny. jay doesn't say a single sentance without using the F word AT LEAST 8 times. it's just NOT FUNNY. clerks had the same deal, but it was so original and halarious that i can't even describe it. the script here is just kind of blahze. it's an obvious story line with none of the quarks that came with the previous movies. it's very mediocre. it's on the same level as all the saturday night live movies like chris katan's corkey ramano and rob shneider's animal whatever and the other one where he's a fishtank guy. sorry i don't remember the names, but they [stunk] too. this movie is not inteligent, and definetly does not display that which is the incredible inteligence of kevin smith. i'm sorry this made it to the screen, they could have done so much better. don't ever watch this movie. watch clerks, then dogma, then chasing amy, then mall rats. all of those are absolute classics that i will never regret watching again and again. this is just an attempt at funny that was rushed and was bad because they had money. clerks was funny as hell because it was so low budget and raw. this is what happens when something becomes main-stream. and for christ' sake what's with the song that jay sings? it's just a string of stupid childish obscenities. it's not funny at all. i'm not saying that they aren't completely briliant guys, i'm saying this movie is just horrible. this is what hollywood does to good people. however, i do have faith that they will pull through for their next movie (although they've said this is their last, that's bull). much love to jay and silent bob, don't ever pull this mainstream high budget junk again.
Rating:  Summary: An EXTREMELY disgusting display of garbage Review: This is by far the WORST movie I have ever seen, totally topping supertroopers. It doesn't have a real plot, and is just an excuse to corrupt the youth of America with vulgar obscenities, total sexual displays and language, and promotion of drug use. How this movie ever made it to theatres I will never know. Absolutely a waste of time, lucky for me the store I bought it from refunded me since I was so disgusted with it. If you have any morals or sense of a good movie of any kind, stay away from this one!
Rating:  Summary: bad humor. bad acting. bad script. Review: I highly suggest you rent this before buying it. If you're waxing nostalgic, thinking that perhaps Kevin Smith has regained something from his Clerks/Mallrat days, you'll be sorely disappointed. The thing I loved about Kevin Smith was that he had intelligent humor. He was funny. He was witty. And the cast complemented his vision. Even though he wrote what some people would refer to as "trash", he wrote it well and made me laugh. I did not experience any moments during this movie that made me laugh out loud. There were times I chuckled to myself, but overall this whole movie was a disappointment. Kevin Smith is relying more on shock value, controversy accompanied by publicity to make people see his movies. this is one person who will never see another movie he makes. buh bye.
Rating:  Summary: Jay and Silent Bob are here Review: ...I have to say Jay and Bob is just one of those movies where you can mentally transport yourself into the movie and feel like you're having a great time hangin' with the characters instead of just watching them . Jay and Silent Bob are here, and the movie business will never be the same. When I went into this movie, I didn't really know what to expect, because truth be told, I'm not a very big fan of Jay and Silent Bob. Having never seen any of the hard-core movies of Kevin Smith, (except for Dogma, which is one of my favorite movies of all time.) I wasn't sure what to expect. All I have to say is: I love this movie. I really love this movie This movie is also Ultra-Funny, Original, and funny again. Jason Mewes is one of the funniest people I've ever seen. His Jay is so raw and honest that he comes off being howlingly funny. Kevin Smith's Silent Bob was also tremendously funny even though he didn't really say that much, just his looks and mannerisms were hilarious. Also the whole irony thing worked well for the movie too. Also what surprised me is how the movie kept making fun of itself, also I don't know how they got Ben Affleck and Matt Damon to make fun of their previous roles, but that was hilarious. I saw all their movies so I totally got what they were talking about. Now the Plot of the film was pretty inventive, with the formula for a road trip movie put in there. The way this movie flowed was simple and didn't leave anything out, and that really worked for it. Also I honestly want to know where Kevin Smith gets his inspiration from, because all of the smart and snappy dialogue in this movie is something that I haven't seen in a long time since such great movies as "Fight Club," "Dogma," "As Good as it Gets," and "Good Will Hunting." I honestly would say that I hope that there's gonna be a sequel to this movie, because I would love to see what happens to Jay and Bob next, and who'd they meet along the way. Something tells me that that probably won't happen, but I hope it will. I enjoyed this movie because I really enjoy Hollywood actors who can make fun of themselves.
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly stupid... Amazingly funny... Amazing Movie. Review: ...let's get to the latest (and supposedly last) film from the View Askew-niverse. Everyone else gives plot summary, so I'll tell you what's important: See the other 4 movies (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Dogma, in chronological order) before you see this. You'll get a great taste of what Kevin Smith movies are like, and plus you'll get all the inside View Askew-related jokes...After making 4 of the best movies America has ever seen, he needed to do something fun. This is the result, and you can't deny the benefits of putting your brain on autopilot for a time. Watch it, it's funny. And, by the way, for God's sake, get a sense of humor that can APPRECIATE disgusting sexual jokes before you do. It will help you to no end...
Rating:  Summary: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back Review: I saw this movie when it was new in a theater, and I though that it was good. I saw all of Smith's 4 other films and the cartoon a couple of months before I went to see this. It was so much more funny after seeing his other movies because of all the references, even the ones from "Clerks,the animated series". The cameoes were all pretty funny. The DVD special features are all good. The deleted scenes and the introductions to the deleted scences were all funny and good. It has everything that they cut out.(It was orginnally rated NC-17.)There is so much extra stuff on this that it does deserve an extra disc.(I am referring to the "Clerks, the animated series" Double Disc. I just didn't think it had enough extra stuff to have the 2nd disc.) The only hidden secret thing I found was an extra preview on the second disc.(Find it yourself, you dependent people. I won't supply you with it. If you care so much about a 30 second preview, take 15 minutes searching for it.)The special features overall are really good. Kevin Smith's other movies are: Clerks(1994), Mallrats(1995), Chasing Amy(1997), and Dogma(1999). He also had "Clerks, the animated series" in 2000. Overall this is a good buy, and you should buy it if you want to laugh for exactly 104 minutes and have a good time.
Rating:  Summary: BONG!!! Review: This movie will have you laughing from the first scene to the end. Theres something for everyone in this movie. For the Hardcore followers of Kevin Smiths films, there are tons of tie-ins with the past movies, things that nobody else would understand. And for the regular guy just looking for something funny, well, just watch the movie. It's hard to decribe how good this is while keeping this review clean.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Comic Genious Review: Snootchie Boochies. Jay and Silent Bob Strike back is one of the best comedies I have ever seen. Like the cover says Hollywood had it coming, and with director kevin smith it happened. Jay and Silent Bob are out to stop the production of the flick based on the comic Bluntman and Cronic which they are the bases for. This movie is awesome and will keep you laughing over and over again. The cast of Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Chris Rock, Shannon Elizabeth (hotty),Jason Lee, Jason Mewes, Will Ferrell and more is amazing and dont seize to put on show. I recomend this movie if you like comedies it will keep you laughing.