Rating:  Summary: A truly hilarious movie Review: This movie is perhaps one of my favorites. Fans of Robert De Niro, one of the greatest actors of all time, will love his interplay in this movie with Ben Stiller. For a comedy, this movie's storyline seems very well crafted. There aren't too many loose ends that leave you hanging. The comedy is fresh upon multiple viewings.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Comedy Review: If you don't think this movie is funny, then you're either dead or have no sense of humor. I'm not into comedies but I really like this one.
Rating:  Summary: Has it's redeeming qualities Review: This film is okay. It has some good scenes, but a person nemed 'Greg Focker' it not funny in and of itself. There is a funny scene towards the end where Ben Stiller breafly imitates De Nero saying it. The infamous car ride and dinner scenes are very funny, but the dinner scene borrowed from Annie Hall. The scene with the bomb on the airplane is funny too. But the septic tank is just blain dumb. Thank you for taking the time to read my review and feel free to leave me a helpful/not helpful feedback. God Bless America!
Rating:  Summary: Parental Dissent Review: What a waste of time and money. "Meet the Parents" is a painfully UNfunny film only slightly redeemed by Robert DeNiro parodying his traditional "tough guy" role--who wouldn't be intimidated to have him as a father-in-law? Ben Stiller proves again, however, that he A) can't select good material to star in or B) is a terribly overrated talent. Pass.
Rating:  Summary: Full blown comedy with a killer cast Review: Meet the Parents is one of the best comedy movies to hit the shelves in recent years. With an all-star cast including Ben Stiller, Robert DeNiro, and the one and only Owen Wilson, this movie delivers the laughs perfectly! Greg Focker, male nurse, is about to propose to Pam, his "special friend" of ten months, when he hears about her recently engaged sitster, whose husband to be made the right move and asked her father first. Now he's got to do the same, which means he's got to meet the parents. And with the plot set, the laughter ensues... What really makes this movie work is the characters we can all relate to. First there's Greg, who is desperately trying to win the parents' approval, but somehow manages to screw up everything he possibly can along the way. And to make matters worse, he's got to to deal with Pam's ex fiance while he carries out this death sentence of a weekend. And then there is Pam, whose father is well...just a little strange to say the least. Also, Owen Wilson is just insane in this and the movie is worth it for his performance alone, not to mention being able to see DeNiro do a comedy this good. See it for the laughs, see it for the cast, see it for the experience, because this is one of the best lately. And if that is not insentive enough, I leave you with a quote..."Well I have nipples Focker, could you milk ME?"
Rating:  Summary: Laugh Out Loud Funny! Review: This is one of the funniest comedies i've seen, i went to see it in the movie theatre and i was so embarrassed cause 15 minutes after a joke i was still laughing at it, I laughed through out this whole film, I love Ben Stiller (with the exception of Zoolander), Owen Wilson was great in this, and Robert De'Niro was great as well, the whole cast worked well in this film, it's defitnitley worth checking out, and it was huge at the box-office, stayed #1 for four weeks.
Rating:  Summary: Great Fun Review: This wildly funny movie barely gave me a chance to breathe during the time it was playing. Ben Stiller is a comical genius and Robert Deniro plays a great out-of-style role (normally acting in more serious movies), yet their chemistry was great. The movie has Ben Stiller, who would like to propose to his girlfriend, meeting her parents...and that's where the fun begins! I recommend this movie to everyone, it's one of the better comedies i've seen in awhile.
Rating:  Summary: I Lived a block away! Review: The reason i gave this film 5 stars is because a good prtion of it was filmed in my hometown (or should i say where i grew up and lived for 23 years) of Port Washington, New York. The restaurant scene in "Louies" was a block away from my house, although in real life it's a dump inside. The scene were Stiller sees DeNiro getting tickets is filmed in front of a pharmacy i used to work at, and the race down main street was ...well down main street. By the way a funny movie, i'm just amazed that they picked my home town!
Rating:  Summary: Very Funny Review: This movie really made me laugh. I am usually hard to please when it comes to comedies and find alot of movie humor just silly rather than funny. I was surprised to find myself laughing outloud til tears came to my eyes at some points in this movie. The whole dinner with her parents that first night just kept getting funnier as things went from bad to worse. I don't think you need to be a Ben Stiller fan to find this funny. This was the first movie with Ben Stiller I had seen. By all means rent it before you decide to buy, tastes are subjective, but this movie is at least worth a look.
Rating:  Summary: Gratuitously cruel and painfully unfunny Review: It has been said that comedy usually incorporates some element of cruelty, but "Meet the Parents" crosses the line somewhere in the first half hour. The plot centers around a male nurse named Greg Focker (and yes, they make the usual gags over his name) who visits his girlfriend's family on the occasion of her sister's marriage. Of course, disaster ensues, from Greg breaking the bride's nose in a game of pool volleyball to burning down the wedding gazebo. But it all comes off not as a light family comedy, but as both gratuitously cruel and painfully unfunny. There are a number of reasons why "Meet the Parents" is an almost complete failure, despite inexplicably being one of the biggest hits of 2000. First of all, Ben Stiller and Teri Polo, who plays his girlfriend Pam, are a completely mismatched couple. We were wondering why on Earth he is determined to get in good with her family when it would be so much better for him to tell the lot of them to get lost and hop the first plane home. The way they interact, it would be no loss to him. Not to mention that Owen Wilson, as Pam's gentle ex-boyfriend, shows much more chemistry with Polo than Stiller does. But the biggest problem with the film is its cruelty towards Greg, heaping indignity after indignity on him. Now this can be used for genuine comedy were Greg a character who deserves it -- take, for example, the nasty Sam Stone in "Ruthless People" or the arrogant Gaston in "Beauty and the Beast." But since he's just a nice guy who wants to make a good impression, everything he has to put up with is just abuse. And none of the jokes even work; they're about as funny as kicking a puppy. After staggering to the end of this movie, we looked at each other and gave thanks that we have a relatively normal family and not the monstrosity shown in the film. But we were horrified to see that Greg will be back for more abuse in "Meet the Fockers," due sometime in 2003.