Rating:  Summary: It's funny cause it's true! Review: I haven't been in the work force for too long, but there's so much in this movie that i relate to. The sick thing is that so many of the gags are so dead-on to reality; you don't know if you should laugh or cry. If you work in an office (unfortunately) you will know all the characters in this movie. My last boss definitely had a good dose of Lumberg in him. All of the main characters are solidly funny, and it doesn't hurt to have Jennifer Aniston as the love interest. There's a moderate amount of harsh language and a naked girl on a TV for about 2 seconds, but nothing gross or in exceptional bad taste. Final Note: It might help to see "Superman III" before you watch.
Rating:  Summary: A straight shooter with upper management potential. Review: This is one of those quirky, highly quotable films that even if it's not great cinema, it holds up to repeated viewings much better than most. In other words, a cult classic. If you've ever been bored out of your mind at work, annoyed by chirpy co-workers, patronized by an idiotic boss, frustrated by office machinery or just plain not interested in going to work, you're eligible for membership in the cult. Yes, there are some flaws. The plot is inconsistent and the ending is too predictable. But these are minor quibbles. There are so many scenes that are perfect jewels of comedy that you can forgive this film any little lapses. The acting is uniformly great, and I think we can all agree that we need to see a lot more of Ron Livingston. My personal favorite scene is his meeting with the consultants, but there are so many to chose from that it's really not fair to select just one. Buy the DVD because you're going to be watching this movie again and again.
Rating:  Summary: Must see if you have been the victim of a ¿reorganization¿ Review: I don't think this is the "best movie ever made" like several other reviewers have stated. *However, if you have been laid-off, due to a reorganization or corporate downsizing, you WILL relate to this movie and you MUST see it. It is quite funny and every character in the movie will remind you of someone you work with. Again, if you have ever been laid-off from an office job, you must see this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Fine Comedy ... Lame Ending Review: This is a fine comedy, with on-the-money humor about the drudgery and frustrations of modern office work, in cubicles, day in, and day out. The performances by Ron Livingston and Stephen Root and Jennifer Aniston are wonderful. The "fax machine-in-a-field" scene will be a classic to remember, epitomizing some common feelings. Diedrich Bader's performance is also very good. The only problem I had with this movie was that the ending was lame. The event that ends the plot of the movie is funny, and is really the end of the story. Unfortunately, the makers of this film felt they needed to include about 3 more minutes of "wrap-it-up" dialogue. This "where are they now (3 minutes after the story ends)" tacked-on-ending is lame. You'll know when the movie is over... the last real action is obvious ... at that point, I recommend stopping the movie. You don't need the last 3 minutes. All in all, however, a fine comedy.
Rating:  Summary: Office Space Review: Office Space is a funny, laugh out loud, side splitting movie. I just got a job in a office (like the movie). Me and several co-workers were talking about this movie at lunch. One of my favorite parts was when all the guys are beating up the fax machine. I would recomend this movie to anyone who works in an office or even people who don't.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie about Mediocrity Ever Review: I'll make this simple. You will either love or hate this movie. If youve EVER worked in a cubicle in an office, with co-workers and over-managing bosses you will rank this as one of your all-time favorite comedies.... On the other hand, if youve never worked in this environment you might find this to be one of the most strange and non-sensical movies ever. It comes down to being able to relate firsthand to almost all the things that make this movie so great. I was laughing from the very first scene (traffic) to the very end, (milton). Perhaps the best comedy of 1999.
Rating:  Summary: One of the funniest films I've seen in ages Review: Very few people have seen the film in England and I keep having to lend my copy out to spread the word about this film. I first saw it when I was working in NYC and I couldn't stop laughing. I usually hate American comedies and I particularly hate Beavis and Butthead. But this is funny from beginning to end. Lumberg is the boss no-one wants to have, the waitress is the girl every man wants. The comedy is very subtle and clever - the "bobs" are hysterical - I mean - who "celebrates a guy's entire catalogue"? I think my favourite scene has to be the very beginning where Michael Bolton is listening to rap music and singing along with it when he spots a black guy SELLING FLOWERS walking towards him and he winds the window up and goes quiet. Or it could be any time Lumberg goes "yeaahhh, Whats happenin?" Please buy - its as essential as your Dilbert book in the toilet!
Rating:  Summary: Oh, puleeze Review: I guess Mike Judge decided it was time to grow up a little. Very little. Office Space does have some lol parts, 2 (maybe 3). If you like tripe, this film is for you.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarous movie Review: Altough this is not a very widely known movie, it is one of my favorite all time comedies. It does not have many well known actors, but I believe they protray the daily 9 to 5 cubicle office job very well. I like the way Peter has a carefree attitude about working. The plot is entertaining and very comical. Since he dosen't like to work he just stops going and decides to make a computer virus to steal money from the company. There are so many funny lines in this movie. I have seen it many times and never get tired of it. I highly recommend it to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: please spare me from these jobs... Review: This is one of those movies that sneaks up on you. I don't even remember it being released, but here we are 2 years later and it's on Comedy Central every 20 minutes and it's just something you have to have seen, because otherwise when you ask what someone does and they say "oh, I have one of those Office Space jobs" you won't know what they're talking about. And they will say that. I did enjoy the movie, don't get me wrong. But watching it was more something I did because as a recent college graduate I just had to have seen it if I was going to be culturally literate. Really, I should be able to quote from it, so I need to see it a couple more times. There's kind of an early Kevin Smith feel to the whole thing. Like, Clerks or Mallrats. By that I mean the characterization isn't super deep and the acting isn't Oscar material, but they don't have to be because the dialogue and situations are on target. Obviously I don't mean most of us are embezzling, but the set-up and the fantasy are realistic. It's funny and close to a lot of people's lives, and it's kind of nice to see normalish lives in a movie. Jennifer Aniston is good, as she generally is, but underused. Maybe the other actors are underused, but since I haven't seen them in anything else, I couldn't know that.