Rating:  Summary: 'LOST' CURE FOR INSOMNIA Review: Waste of time, one of those movies where you keep watching, telling yourself "10 more minutes, I'll turn it off it doesn't start to get good". And you don't listen, and you keep watching, and you dozzzzzzzzzzzzze off knowing you are not missing anything substantive. And those who agonizingly stayed awake, through vigorous caffeine stimulation, tell you upon your awakening that it never got better. It stayed bad. Very bad, very low budget. Like $50. budget. Like "Thin Red Line", well, not that bad, but close! And you awake, knowing you were the wiser for getting some rest instead of wasting time on this flick!
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time! Review: This was one of the most ridiculous movies I have ever had the displeasure of watching. Actually I shut it off after 1+ hours. I must say that I now feel dumber thanks to having to witness this dumb as rock movie.
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy! At best rent. Don't worry if you never see it. Review: It's a dissapointment. It's a slightly sad whisper quiet dainty snapshot of living life out of a hotel room in a foreign country where you don't have many people you can communicate with. This movie has no crescendo. It's flat sad the whole time. Bill Murray just restrains his actions more to get serious and only gives one joke at a time and the jokes are spaced at least 15 minutes apart. It does make you wonder whether Bill will bag the girl or not and that's the suspense of the movie. I guess also the girl and Bill make each other's time in Tokyo less lonely. I just wasn't moved by this movie. You'd think a guy making $2 million to fly to Tokyo to do a commerical could afford to bring a few friends along so he wouldn't get bored. One of the bigger dissapointments I've seen in the last few years. LIke others have said it doesn't deserve the hype.
Rating:  Summary: You love it or hate it Review: Much like Royal Tannenbaums, you will like this movie, or you will hate it. You have to be able to really appreciate this movie as art, and not just entertainment. There are so many cookie cutter safe movies out there. I am just saying, if you want to watch this movie and enjoy it, just kick back and soak it in. Do not try to over analyze it, or look for meaning, the first time you watch it. Just enjoy it forwhat it is...
Rating:  Summary: 99% Disappointing Review: I bought and watched this DVD only a few days before the Oscars. While I agree that Bill Murray did an amazing acting job, overall, this movie rates a D- from me. Utterly underwhelming, I kept waiting to connect with each of the characters. It never happened. I am still unimpressed with Sofia Coppola's directing talents, tho I can see that there is definately potential. Ultimately, "who cares?" was the only feeling with which I was left. A real disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: Captures a life which has been lost in translation. Review: This movie, which is based on the life of Bill Murray, shows how anyone of us, like Bill Murray, can have a career which gets lost in money. One must view this movie metaphorically or all is lost. This movie is what our life can become---lost in translation.
Rating:  Summary: Should have won for "most over-rated" Review: As a big Bill Murray fan, and after reading all the good reviews, I lined up to see this movie the day it opened in my area. What an incredible disappointment. I can only attribute it to Sofia getting a free ride on her daddy's name (again). There should be an Oscar for "most over-rated". This would take the cake, maybe of all time.
Rating:  Summary: I agree,Boring!!! Review: The people that wright good reviews of this movie must either be critics defending what they said, or freinds of the people who played in and directed this worthless movie. If movies like this were to become mianstreem I'd never go to the movies agian!!! I watched about half an hour of this movie and simply couldn't take any more of it, and I'm usually the type of person that gives these type of things a chance. I'll tell you what, intead of reading reviews of this waste of digital info go buy yourself a can of paint, apply liberaly, watch dry, tada youv'e just had twice as mutch fun as this piece of crap.
Rating:  Summary: people just don't understand. Review: i'd like for you to imagine that, all of your life, everything you like is stupid. you read the reviews of movies, books, albums... all the ones you hate/don't get/find boring? "five stars! bravo! oscar/grammy/pulitzer worthy!". the ones you love? "average at best! awful! tripe!". i'd think by now you people would figure out that your taste is steering you wrong. LOST IN TRANSLATION is one of the top three films of 2003, hands down. you didn't like it? that just means you wouldn't know a good film if it bashed you in the face. so why the need to remind us all of your ignorance by posting away like a frothing moron about how "boring" or "bad" it is? for your own sake, just remind yourself after seeing the next challenging film to come down the pike (probably ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND) that yes, you are an idiot, and no, you don't need to run to the imdb or amazon.com to remind us all of that fact. thank you. oh yeah, the dvd is pretty nice, except that the packaging/artwork sucks. pretty much everything you could want in a dvd release is on the disc though.
Rating:  Summary: Overrated, pretentious pap with racist undertones Review: I'm sure some will dismiss me as a simple rube for dissing this movie, but after hearing so many people describe this movie as incredible, amazing, and basically the greatest art film/Bill Murray movie ever, I must say I was profoundly underwhelmed by this movie when I saw it. Bill Murray is nowhere near as subtly brilliant as he was in Groundhog Day. Scarlett Johannsen's acting seems to consist of parading around in a sweater and underwear - we started COUNTING the number of scenes where that's her outfit, it became so ridiculous - and chain smoking and making a half-giggle/half-snort to Murray's every comment. The plot development was nonexistent, and I got no sense of an actual connection between these two characters -- only that the director was trying to hit us over the head by telling us they had a connection. But what I found most incredibly disturbing about this movie was its not-too-veiled racism and blatant stereotypes about Japanese people. This movie didn't contain a single Japanese character that wasn't a caricature or offensive. The scene with the prostitute asking Bill Murray to "Lip my Hose" was unbearable to watch. Sofia Coppola has a few good scenes that transcend the movie's overall feel of freshman year film school pretention -- but certainly nothing Oscar-worthy. The writing is stilted in many places, and could have used a good edit or re-write.