Rating:  Summary: From a Japanese point of view Review: The movie hasn't come out in Japanese theaters just yet, but I watch the DVD that I ordered from Amazon the other day. I have to say that I loved it very much. There were some scenes that were a little bit too stereotypical. I am sure that some Japanese may take those very offensive. But, somehow I felt love for Japan in this movie. Sofia Coppola lived in Japan in the past, so she must know what she was making too. Besides, just because it is taking place in Japan, it isn't about that. It is about feeling isolated and alinated, isn't it? A big city like Tokyo can easily make you feel like that. And that feeling is universal. I really felt for those characters. I felt like I knew how they were feeling. I thought Bob Harris is a kind of like Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver in New York only he didn't go as nuts. Sofia Coppola did a great job putting those feeling out on the screen. I really admire that. Those who watched this movie and wonderd how it is like to be in Tokyo, try to come and visit here. You may see what Sofia was trying to come across.
Rating:  Summary: When Two Souls Meet On This Cold World Review: I had read many reviews for this movie and most of them give me a positive grasp Lost in Translation film. My very good friend asked me to come with her to see this movie. We went to cinema and both of us laughed a lot during the movie. This movie tells about american actor Harris(Bill Murray) who leaves to Japan in where he make so advertisments. Charlotte( Scarlett Johansson) is a young philosophy student whose husband works on Japan as ptotographer. Two sleepless people meets each other and find a special mental connection between their worlds. They dance, song Karaoke and talk together. Murray plays his part very well and shows that he can also act a serious man role(normally he plays comedy roles). Johansson is only a 19 year old woman but she'll be a great future if she can pick as good roles as this movie. The most of this movie laughts come situations when Harris listen to interrupt from Japanese to English and notice that lot of meanings has lost in translation. If you understand Japanese language, you'll get a lot of more this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Overated Review: will not recommend. Husband and I fell asleep twice watching. don't get the whole Oscar buss. still love Bill Murray!
Rating:  Summary: try engrish.com Review: I loved this movie and anyone that has travelled abroad will get this movie so well. This movie gives those that relate a sense of deja vu while watching which may be why I was so drawn to this movie while others not. I have been alone in a foreign country with the wish of a 'jail break' and the need to find someone with the same background as I. Important to note is for fans of this movie, check out engrish.com Things definently get 'lost in translation'
Rating:  Summary: Don't miss... Review: Beautiful cast and cinematography...sublime acting...what a wonderful treat.
Rating:  Summary: Bill's great but that's it Review: After seeing this movie I couldn't figure out what the hype was about. Visually this movie is wonderful. Everything is bright and colorful and so unique that I was constantly gasping saying "look at that!" Bill Murry Is a treat. It's great to see him in a new movie just being perfectly Bill. However the plot was so horribly boring I wanted to cry. I was fighting to stay awake just so I could keep watching Bill. If you go and see this movie just don't expect anything wonderful. Bill is the best part of the movie. Too bad 'cause I think it had a lot of potential.
Rating:  Summary: Love it or hate it Review: What an amazing film! All I can say to those who think nothing happens in "Lost in Translation" is that a lot happens - you apparently just don't see it. It's depressing to those of us who get sick of Hollywood formula and sterility that when a director actually has the vision and the courage to break the mould, certain viewers - who ought to be MOST tired of the formula - get so riled up. Looking at those who give it one star, and not counting the jealous script-writing wannabes, I am amazed by how unable they are to realise that others might have entirely legitimate reasons for loving it. As some have pointed out, "Lost in Translation" is to some degree a reworking of the same themes in "Brief Encounter". If you're the kind of person for whom "Titanic" or "The Terminator" is the apotheosis of cinema don't waste your time. This isn't for you. Neither was "Brief Encounter". The fact that it's for a different type of movie-goer does not mean that those different types of movie-goers have scurrilous motives. Maybe critics and more informed viewers love this film because critics see more movies than you and realise how repetitious and inane most of them are. Maybe they love it because they better appreciate Coppola's subtlety and maturity, and because they can see how much of the characters' depth in this film is so masterfully conveyed - without putting it into words - by Murray and Johansson. I've seen "Lost in Translation" three times. It gets better with every viewing. I'll probably watch it again this weekend. The ire that it apparently raises in those who don't get it reminds me exactly of the anger some people expressed towards another great film: "Leaving Las Vegas". It's hard in the Hollywood industry for this kind of subtle film to be made, whether your name is Coppola or not. We should thank God that some operate against the mindless pap many in the audience some prefer and take a chance. And it's amusing to see some throwing out the names of a few "art" films to establish their credentials for trashing this one. I've seen every "art" film mentioned here, and Coppola's stands well among them. Those who really love art movies should be more open to alternative visions. I can appreciate Tarantino, even if I don't love him. Anyhow, the bottom line is the film was cheap to make (much cheaper than the horrendous "Titanic"), has done very well financially, and has touched a chord in a great many people. It's a huge success. I hope it gives Sofia Coppola the strength to make more films like this, and her excellent "The Virgin Suicides". To those who say anyone could make a film like this, I say "Go ahead". I'll pay to see yours too, if it is really in this class. To the broader-minded, don't miss "Lost in Translation". When something arouses such strong divided feelings, whether it's movies or sushi, it's always best to try it for yourself. It's the only way you'll ever know if, as in the case of this film, it can speak to your soul.
Rating:  Summary: Overrated and Underwhelming Review: As someone who has been to Japan on business trips, I was looking forward to seeing this movie and comparing it to my experience there. Although there is much about this movie that I did relate to in terms of the scenery and the feeling of overstimulation when out on the streets, overall I came away dissapointed. First, while the premise of the movie sounds like a good idea, overall the film is poorly executed. The dialog is neither engaging, insightful, or witty. Because of this, I really did not think that the main characters had that much chemistry. And what is up with Scarlett Johansson pracing around in her underwear and a sweater for the entire movie?? Calling wardrobe please! The movie creeps along for the entire time, making it seem much longer than it is. Also, the portrayal of the Japanese characters are one dimensional, insulting, and often painful to watch (Think of Mickey Rooney's character in "Breakfast at Tiffanys", the low point of an otherwise great movie). I really do not understand the other reviews that praise this movie as some great achievement in filmmaking. I can only guess that those reviews must be all of the wannabe screenwriters and directors out there who find hope in the fact that an amateurish film can do so well at the box office. Guess what: You can write and direct a film like this, as almost anyone can. The problem is you just don't have the name Coppola and the Hollywood connections to pull it off.
Rating:  Summary: Scenic But Goes Nowhere Review: Interesting view of Japan, and Bill Murray is amusing, but there is no real plot. After a while, it just becomes annoying. I cannot believe this won an Oscar for Best Screenplay - it takes real genius to write a screenplay with lots of scenes of people sitting around, looking melancholy. It had potential, but went nowhere in the end.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time or money! Review: My title pretty much says it all. My husband and I love Bill Murray and were very excited about seeing this movie. My husband couldn't even stay awake during the film and ended up going to bed. I am a die hard and figured the movie would "get good" eventually. NOT!!! I was so disappointed when the movie was over. It never got better. My six year old could have written a better plot. I felt like I had just wasted my time...as much as I hate doing laundry, I found myself wishing I had done just that instead. Basically it is a very snail paced movie about an unhappy comedian who feels unloved/un-needed by his wife. He goes to Japan to do a commercial for alocohol, is very bored, meets a newly married woman who is also very bored since her husband is not around to see Japan with her (he is a musician and is doing gigs in Japan). So the two bored people hang out together. They sing very boring karaoke, meet at a strip club then leave, eat out together, then she gets upset when she finds him in bed with another woman, forgives him the next day, then they say bye when he leaves to go back home to his wife and kids. That's pretty much the whole movie, but they take around 2 hours to show it...there are a lot of scenes with one or the other of them staring off into space. Don't waste your MONEY or TIME.