Rating:  Summary: and the big deal is? Review: While this movie isn't bad, I don't understand all the hoop-la surrounding it. Though I don't mind the overall point, or lack thereof, I found it to be pretty boring. It's definitely not the kind of movie you want to watch more than once. Plus, Coppola apparently has a personal bias against attractive blondes. The only people she portrays completely negatively in the movie seem to be blonde American women - first w/Kelly (Anna Faris) and then with the woman near the end who approaches Bob (Murray) in the hotel lobby as he's leaving to say she admires him and is immediately brushed off by him when he spots Charlotte (Johannson). Coppola's intent here seems to be to reinforce the old stereotype of dumb blondes, and this is definitely a turn-off.
Rating:  Summary: Cheap trip to Japan via whacked flick Review: I dunno, I watched this with my wife and 15 yr-old daughter and all of us sorta thought "Hunh?" when this was over -- granted some of Murray's angst and dry wit har-har was good but it got lost in a dream-like, cinema artsy-fartsy chic -- uhh, "When's something going to happen here that means something?" It was a snoozer overall but being lost inside a voyeuristic and surreal view of downtown, big-city Japan and its gawdy USA-ism and techno playground kept me watching and then the movie ended -- click - EJECT DVD. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Save yer $$$ for Radio or Second Hand Lions!
Rating:  Summary: Get lost Review: Lost in translation is a great piece of work depicting a simple plot layered over Japan. Two Americans find each other and create a friendship, although it may not have lasted long, it stays with them forever. For a lot of people this movie is either a hit or a miss, some people hate Japan, some people hate love stories but I loved it for its simplicity in expressing the sometimes miss understood emotion of love. Sofia Coppola well deserved the Oscar for best original screen play and personally, and Bill Murray should have won the Oscar for best actor. I urge you to see this movie even if you don't like romances, it gives you a new perspective on how frail but beautiful relationships should and can be.
Rating:  Summary: And they call US the stupid ones.... Review: Here's a tip for all you 5-star ballot stuffers like Yoshi Gaiden: If you are going to engage in ballot stuffing, then it might be a good idea to change your name and location on each vote. Oh, and maybe wait more than a second or two after your first vote before you submit the next one. Yeesh...Anyway, this movie stunk, even for something that was supposed to be a quirky, subtle, slow character study, in the indie-film vein. Forget trying to pick up on the "subtleties" of it, because there are none worth picking up on. It's just a whole lot of mostly nothing. Good for insomniacs, though.
Rating:  Summary: Reviews??? Review: If I live to be a 100 years old I will never understand what some people see in movies like this one. It is a very very boring movie. My girlfriend and I both agreed on this one. Bill Murray has made some good movies (not this one) One review said if you are dumb as a rock you wouldn't like this one. I guess we are just a couple of stones in among the millions and millons who think the same way. This movie will probably be in the discount pile of your local rental store in a very short period. So if you want to buy it just wait and get a bargain.
Rating:  Summary: People who gave this movie a bad review... Review: I am not surprised at the number of people who did not like this movie. More often than not, unsophisticated viewers need every little twist and turn explained and explicitedly shown to them for them to understand it. What these people enjoy is a Hollywood cookie-cutter picture with an obvious start, an obvious climax, and an obvious ending. Without these three parts, a movie just doesn't seem complete to them. They have no ability to read between the lines. An example of such people... A critic at Amazon said she was so bored, she felt she would summarize the movie to save us from having to watch it. She goes on to state that Bob Harris is a washed up comedy actor. WRONG! He's a washed up actor, true, but likely an action film star, a James Bond type actor. She also goes on to say that Charlotte's hubby is a travelling musician. Hellooooo? Did she miss the part where he's packing his CAMERA GEAR and where Kelly says that he's "ALWAYS BEEN MY FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHER"? Subtlety is lost on stupid people. Fine. This movie isn't for you. Go rent Rambo.
Rating:  Summary: Slow, boring, don't know what the hype was about. Review: This movie was stupid plan and simple. This movie started off slow and ended slower. Its a about a guy who has a small amount of fame from movies in the 60's who goes to Japan to do photo shots about liqure. He meets a woman who is married to a guy who seems loving and faithful, and turns around and cheats on him with a guy who is old and bitter and who is also married. I recommend that you rent or buy a DVD that is better then this. You have been warned, it sucks.
Rating:  Summary: this movie is about culture shock not stereotypes Review: as I wrote in the title for the review, this is a movie about culture shock. There are two people who find themselves completely lost in a culture they don't understand. This is NOT a movie about stereotypes. It has to do with a natural, yet distorted, view of an unfamiliar reality. ANYONE who has lived abroad knows what I am talking about. Any foreign culture looks odd when you don't speak the language and don't want to be THERE, wherewhere THERE may be. Japan. Italy. USA. France. Switzerland. Greece. Canada. And so on. I love this movie, needless to say.
Rating:  Summary: The closest you'll ever get to Japan for 20 dollars! Review: Wonderful. It's so good to finally see Bill Murray in something good again. Many people dubbed this 'A great film about nothing' and I would say they hit the nail on the head. Most films, great as they are, never seem to escape the realm of 'Film' while I'm watching them. All the time I'm depicting the details, questioning the script, reflecting on the camerawork etc. This film is different though. You will quite literally just sink in to it and forget about script and everything else for the few hours in which it lasts. Overall it's just a truly lovely film and anyone who likes anything should like it!
Rating:  Summary: Unconventional Movie Review: This movie is for anyone who likes unconventional, un-hollywood romantic comedies. Sure, the laughs aren't one-liners given with a sly, knowing wink every two minutes, but the subtlty of Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson's performances are brilliant. Their's is a love story, but an unconventional one that's more realistic and more honest than any other romantic movie out there. The movie is sweet, soft, quietly funny, subtle and wholly original. If you like unconventional characters in an unconventional place with an unconvntional story, then this is for you. If you want a trite, by-the-book, mass-produced hollywood "romantic comedy" where every character is a cookie-cutter and every story is the same, then this probably isn't for you.