Rating:  Summary: What a beautiful film! Review: I loved this film. Having lived in Japan as a young woman, I could completely understand Charlotte's sense of fragility in a foreign place when she felt equally foreign to herself. Imagine graduating from any philosophy department only to realize that life isn't at all what you've been told, most people you meet couldn't care less who Aristotle was, you're criticized for being smart and labeled an elitist. That actually sounds like many of the reviews this film has received on this site. For the poetic, this film is breathtaking and sumptuous. It's just like perfume to me.
Rating:  Summary: Overhyped, but still enchanting Review: If you were to just happen upon this movie in the DVD rental shop and pick it up because the little blurb on the back intrigued you then at the end of this movie you would be pleasently surprised. However, unless you've been under a rock you've heard all the hype: Oscar nods for leads Scarlett Johansson & Bill Murray, and Writer/Director Sofia Coppola (who won the Oscar for best original screenplay). Thus overwhelmed or at least tainted by the hype you'll likely say to yourself or anyone else in the room at the end of this film: "What the? That movie sucked!"The Good: Scarlett Johansson & Bill Murray are fun to watch together. It's almost like watching the real Murray try to amuse himself in Tokyo. Coppola really does a good job handling the real star of the film: TOKYO! This film couldn't, wouldn't exist in any other setting. Murray & Johansson partake in a feww experiences truly unique to Tokyo and Coppola, who is on record as having spent A LOT of time there, captures it beautifully. From the crowded trains, to the Shibuya shopping, to the small restaurants & karaoke bars--Coppola gives Tokyo a feel of wonderment and warmth while maintaining the uneasiness any Westerner feels when they first visit Tokyo. The Bad: This is not a Hollywood love story. No answered questions or traditional characters. I liked this about the film, but a lot of people I talked to found this to be too much for them. Yes the pace is slow, and I feel there should've been a bit more comedy with Murray and his fish out of water experiences with Japanese culture. Another thing is Coppola missed so much stuff about Tokyo and Japan! Having lived in Tokyo myself, I felt she only hit the tip of the iceberg. Most of this was because her main characters were rich and pampered entertainment types (something Coppola undoubtedly related to) so they missed out on a lot of "normal" Tokyo experiences that occur outside the 5 star hotel circle.. The DVD: Great behind the scenes footage from Coppola's then husband, Spike Jonze. All too brief "interview" w/ Murray & Coppola. Sadly no commentary from ANYONE! I'd love to hear some of Coppola's real life stories from her time in Tokyo as well as any similar experiences Murray & Johansson might've had in Japan with their characters. No deleted scenes. No outtakes. Bottomline: If you don't buy into the hype and watch the film with an open mind you won't be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: okay but not that great! Review: My husband bought the DVD the minute it was on the store shelves because he said the reviews were good! We watched it and we both find it slow and dragging! The only reason I think he (Bill Murray) was nominated for the movie is because this is not his typical genre! Now I wish we just borrowed the DVD instead of spending $19.99 for it which I think will just be LOST IN STORAGE!
Rating:  Summary: WHO IN THE WORLD WOULD FIND THIS ENTERTAINING ?? Review: I sat and watched this until the end which was more than this movie deserved from any brain functioning human being. I had thought that this could have been an interesting film. Ms. Coppa should consider trade school for the liberal untalented Hollywood off spring. Bill Murray should fire his agent and undergo anger management. He can't be proud of this.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Blows! Review: I am a huge fan of Bill, and think he is funny in everything he does, but even he couldn't help me get through one of the most boring movies EVER. There was so much potential for a great show: Bill in Japan, not understanding a word being said to him. Instead there were numerous blown opportunities to captivate the audience, and some of the lamest conversations that seem like they will never end. I don't know why there is so much hype about it, its a pictural version of a sleeping pill, with the most enteresting thing being some of the beautiful scenes of Tokyo.
Rating:  Summary: great expectations . . . but . . . Review: I had heard that this was an oscar-worthy movie and was looking forward to seeing it. Although I found it somewhat entertaining, at times, I generally felt that the story was jerky and disjointed. I don't mind filling in the blanks a bit when I watch a movie, but this one was asking a little too much. Bill Murray was quietly entertaining and I liked his performance. I just feel that the movie lets the audience down because it doesn't live up to it's initial promise to be an entertaining ride through Tokyo by two lonely people who are kindred spirits in spite of their many differences. It made a weak attempt at trying to grab at your heartstrings, but the attempt was a little too weak and again, disjointed. Left me wondering if the real heart of the movie was left on the cutting room floor.
Rating:  Summary: Save your money on this one. Borrow someone's DVD Review: My husband and I being Bill Murray fan's couldn't wait to watch this movie. What a disappointment. Most of the movie is spent watching people in bars drink and smoke out of boredom. We WALKED OUT halfway through. Want a good Bill Murray experience go rent STRIPES or GROUNDHOG'S DAY, pop some popcorn and be entertained.
Rating:  Summary: 5 star movie, 3 star DVD Review: Lost in Translation is one of the best movies of 2003. It's truly a masterpiece. However, the DVD was done poorly. You cannot skip through the previews at the beginning of the disc and there are no commentaries. There's no excuse for not having at least one commentary track for a movie of this caliber. If you want to see this movie (and you should) then rent the DVD and wait for a director's release DVD with better quality extras. (or at least one that you can pop into the DVD player and watch without sitting through 15 minutes of advertising)
Rating:  Summary: Eh, so so Review: I don't know maybe my expectations were a bit too high. I expected something to happen in this movie. It never quite gets off the ground.Let's put Bill Murray in strange situations and see what happens should be the title. I always liked Bill Murray, but it seems he doesn't have enough to work with. I'm not sure what all the buzz is about this flick.The woman playing opposite Bill is quite a boring actress,it must be nice to have enough money to sit around in hotel rooms and stare out the window, boring.She truly is a piece of cardboard. My friend saw this movie and didn't like it either, he said it never quite came together.The only thing that happens is you lose your money.
Rating:  Summary: Kept waiting for the PLOT and HUMOR Review: Granted, Bill Murray can generally make me laugh with just his facial expressions. However, this movie was still looking for a plot when they ran the credits. I have no clue as to how this movie got the nominations and awards it did. I have a friend who LEFT THE THEATER half way through. Glad I didn't pay a cent to see it; a friend rented it then loaned it to me.