Rating:  Summary: Boring and vulgar Review: I don't care what other people say about this film: IT IS BORING AS WATCHING YOUR HARD DRIVE REFORMAT ITSELF. It has no plot. It's just one boring event after another, spiced with vulgar elements that do nothing to help the story. This movie sucks. If you want to watch a foreigner trying to fit into the Japanese culture, watch Wasabi instead. It has humor, action, and a 45 calibur revolver. LiT will likely end up "Lost in the back of my mind" within a few weeks. It is JUST THAT BORING. The one star I give this movie is because it has some nice footage of Tokyo and the Japanese culture, and because I like Bill Murray, even if he was poorly used in this movie and wasn't 1/10th as funny as he was in his other movies (in fact, he's not very funny at all here). This movie deserved to get snubbed at the oscars, as much as it pains me to say it. I'm not even sure if it deserved the one oscar it got (which I can't even remember what it was).
Rating:  Summary: BORING Review: I had very high expectations when i rented Lost in Translation, boy was i dissapointed, the plot was non existent, the characters were undeveloped and the whole movie was uninteresting, the only reason it got so much praise by the press and an oscar id because of sophia coppolla's father, had this mess of a movie been directed by any other hollywood director, it would not have had so much praise and it would have simply bombed at the box office, by the end of this movie i was tempted to ask for my rental money back because this movie had been falsely advertise as one of the greatest movies of the year. do not buy this
Rating:  Summary: Sensitive and sensible humor Review: I do not profess to know what the intended message of this film was meant to be, nor do I care. I will tell you what the film illustrated for me- the feeling of being alone, despite (or perhaps because of) the nearby maddening crowd. And it is a funny film; not stupid slapstick comedy, but genuinely funny in a realistic way. Several scenes left me smiling about them for days.Some viewers seem to have been surprised by the quality of Bill Murray's performance here. While I do agree he was very convincing, I was not particularly surprised. His character in this film actually seems to me as being similar to many of his other on-screen characters, only much more melancholy. I attribute this to his maturing age, and maturing talent. And I will go ahead and heap on some more praise for Scarlett Johansson. She has a low-key way about her, which I think is rare for such a young actress. This kind of quiet dignity lends more credibility to her performances. That said, her physical resemblance to Jodie Sweetin is striking. When I first saw Ms. Johansson in The Horse Whisperer, I could have sworn it was Stephanie Tanner from Full House. Given the opportunity, I would happily watch this film again. For me, that is the mark of quality and creativity. I rarely watch any movie a second time.
Rating:  Summary: I almost got lost in this movie!! Review: Scarlett Johansson (Charlotte) and Bill Murray (Bob Harris) star in this bittersweet drama directed by Sofia Coppola. This film was nominated for best movie and the Oscars and Sofia picked one up for best screenplay and it's not difficult to see why, it's so good. Charlotte and Bob, both in what is shown to be in unhappy marriages, are in Tokyo for work related reasons. Bob is filming television ads for whisky and Charlotte is accompanying her husband as he is working as a photographer. Early on we are shown that both Charlotte and Bob are desperately unhappy, Charlottes husband John (Giovanni Ribisi) is a workaholic and very neglective of his wife. Bob's marriage is obviously not going well judging by the phone calls he receives from her. Both are very lonely and have insomnia and after exchanging glances in the hotel bar a couple of times finally meet and talk with each other. Instantly a very touching friendship/relationship ensues. Coppola's screenplay is on the whole excellent, it did seem however that she was in a hurry, for example, the important dialogues with Charlotte's husband and Bob's wife are handled rather poorly. John is shown as a moronic womaniser and Bob's wife as a nag. This really does not explain why Scarlett married John, I for one could not see a reason why someone so beautiful and articulate would settle for such a dud as John, but as they say love is blind! The loneliness and isolation of the main characters is real and apparent, you really feel for them and hope they can find solace in each other so Coppola succeeded in this regard. The film is beautiful to look at the music is sensational, there's a very enjoyable karaoke scene (of course being set in Japan!) that was very entertaining and sad. I guess that's how I'd describe the entire movie, it's never boring but there is this overriding sense of sadness pervading the whole thing. Coppola was not interested in painting marriage in a good light in this film it must be said and that's a pity but as I've previously said you don't go to hollywood to find morality, it's not there! Both Scarlett and Bob are in unhappy marriages it's true, but I really wondered why Scarlett married that drip John in the first place, was it to fill a need in her life? It's not explained enough. Bob's problem is obviously depression, his movie career has hit a wall and he's doing stupid booze ads in Japan, but he's paid 2 million dollars for it? He has lost the ability to communicate with his wife and that is his fault. It's up to us to make sure our marriages are healthy and strong, remember "to death do us part", "for better for worse". Problem is that people think love is a feeling when truth be told it's a decision. Feelings come and go but if you commit your life to someone in marriage you should be sure first that you can go through with it, and the marriage should not be based on emotional feelings but a deep friendship and a lifelong decision that no matter what I'm going to love this person. It's an excellent movie to show people who put trust in other people or in money or fame to make them happy, the cold hard facts are that true happiness only comes from one place, from the heart of our God and creator. He made us and He alone can fill that void in all of us, He's more than capable of giving us what we need. Lost in translation is rated R for a totally unnecessary nude scene in a strip club. There is no foul language to speak of so it's a pity that this very short scene was in there, fortunately my dvd player has a fast forward button as I'm sure your's does so you can use it. Thanks for reading.
Rating:  Summary: Wake me up when it is over! Review: I am not a professional critic, but wow... I have never disagreed more about a film that has received so much acclaim. Bill Murray does give a stellar performance (the reason for making it to two stars instead of just one), but the movie needs something that resembles a plot. From what I was able to decipher, this is a movie that shows how two totally different people can be brought together when both are on the "outside" looking in (Such as being in Japan for a few weeks) . This is not a plot... it is a "theme", and the movie stops there. Where is the charm? Drama? Comedy.... Anything? We see people going to parties and then talking. I saw this first-hand, I called it "college", but at least at college we had the dumb drunks to laugh at! At first I thought it was just me, maybe I was the one missing something. I decided to ask some of my friends about what they thought- and with very little excetion, they all hated it. Case closed. So let me break it down for you- if you are looking for a slap stick comedy (Like "Caddyshack") rent something else. If you want an important, but painfully boring movie, about two souls finding each and then doing a lot of talking... you may have found a gem!
Rating:  Summary: An Oscar for this? Review: I thoroughly enjoyed the "willing" protitute scene, but with rest, I couldn't keep my eyes open. Bill Murray was and is still the same B-Actor in everything he does - he never changes. Best original screenplay? Geez! Nepostism is alive and well in Hollywood. I'm not saying Sofie Coppola isn't talented - she certainly is, but this was just a well executed 'bore-fest'.
Rating:  Summary: lost in this movie Review: I had high expectations for this film. I'd heard good reviews and thought that the theme offered a lot of potential. But I was disappointed to find it very slow moving. Perhaps it's fitting for the title. Not only were the characters, a young female and a middle-aged male, lost in their lives and alienated from their spouses, but they were lost in the linguistic and cultural world of Tokyo. And to impart that lack of rootedness to the viewer, we have to wander with them, feeling the same lassitude and confusion. I give it a few stars for taking a unique angle, but I didn't feel what I got from the movie was worth the time being lost.
Rating:  Summary: The Coppolas in Translation Review: Bob Harris (Bill Murray) and Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) are two lonely people stuck in the same Tokyo hotel. Harris is working on a whiskey commercial, seemingly estranged from his wife in the States. Charlotte's photographer husband leaves her alone while out doing photo shoots. Eventually the two meet and slowly become friends. There's not a great deal of dialogue, but what is said is true and from the heart. This is definitely not a 'plot-driven' story. The visuals are interesting, but not unique and filmed nearly like a travelogue. There could have been more attention given to the editing, which at times seems choppy and inappropriately mixed. However, the sound is crisp and cleverly portrays the modern soul of Tokyo. This is an experience that needs to be taken in slowly to appreciate the moods and emotions that are almost too subtle. It is not a far stretch to imagine that Director Sofia Coppola probably took most of these dialogues form her own conversations with her father Francis. The relationship between Bob and Charlotte is part soul mate and part paternal. There is no sexual tension between the two and that makes this film separate from most Hollywood fare. Some of the episodes with Bob and the Japanese people were on the edge of condescension, with more than enough confusion on how the Japanese cannot speak proper English. It was overly used and an inappropriate motif. However, that's not enough to override the atmosphere of the film. As a complete experience, "Lost In Translation" works, if only for it's consistency.
Rating:  Summary: Easy To Become Lost In This Film Review: This movie will resonate with you if you're having a mid-life crisis and fantasize about a much younger woman falling in love with you. Bill Murray plays Bob Harris, a 50-something actor who goes to Tokyo alone to shoot a commercial and some billboard ads for Suntory whiskey. The implication is his star is fading and, while disgusted with himself for "selling out", the 2 million is too much to turn down at this stage of his career. His marriage has stagnated and he seems somewhat at loose ends. Enter Charlotte, seemingly perilously close to a nervous breakdown, played with amazing maturity by a teen Scarlett Johannson. That she somehow managed to convincingly portray a married college philosophy grad is something of a minor miracle. I love her voice, which definitely helped her play older. She's in Tokyo with her photographer husband but might as well be alone as he is constantly taking off for extended assignments without her. Staying at the same hotel, jet-lagged and adrift in an alien society, Bob and Charlotte form a life-raft sort of friendship within the space of a week. That is really all this film is "about". Murray and Johansson have good screen chemistry and the laughs he generates are organic to the movie. The ending lets you draw your own conclusion as best fits your particular fantasy. Since they both probably live in LA, there is a chance they can hook up back in the USA (or not). ---- PROS: A beautifully photographed film. The shot of a solo Bob hitting a tee shot against a backdrop of Mt. Fuji has become one of my all-time favorites. Murray uses his comic side in the service of the role, not the other way around. His karaoke "More Than This" could have been a parody from his SNL days, but as Bob sings it, there is some real pathos. Save the lounge singer from hell jokes for the hotel bar. I appreciated the relative lack of nudity and profanity, most of both concentrated in one scene. An excellent soundtrack, the music chosen for a scene fits it perfectly. CONS: Repeated viewings made me realize that Charlotte spends an inordinate amount of time just giggling at Bob's jokes. Johansson has a nice laugh though, so it's bearable. The scene with the hooker that comes to Bob's room left me scratching my head. It's funny, but is she doing her "act" the entire time or, rather, a head case? ---- DVD Extras: The interview with Sofia Coppola and Bill Murray is interesting but I would have liked a commentary track from them. Evidently she wrote the part of Bob with Bill in mind and there was doubt up until the last minute as to whether he would do the film. The behind the scenes documentary is also interesting but Johannson seems, somewhat oddly, to be shortchanged by it. The deleted scenes are a mixed bag, trust me, you will only watch Kelly's extended press conference once. Bob's appearance on "Matthew's Best Hit TV" is quite funny, it's like a Japanese version of "So Graham Norton". ---- I love this movie, the main story and all the well-observed details. If you are or ever have been burdened with trying to find "meaning" in life and/or contemplating choices you've made, the film will stay with you long after you see it. I'm taking my cue on celebrities from Murray, evidently they are just mostly annoyed when strangers try to strike up conversations with them, unless they're an alluring member of the opposite sex.
Rating:  Summary: lost in translation great title Review: really looked forward to this movie,gave three stars for artistic effort,wish they'd remake it, develop it more, and we deserve 5 stars for getting through it.