Rating:  Summary: Let it pour Review: Kelly is at his second best when it comes to his dancing here if you want to see that Kelly watch An Amercian In paris. But if you wanna see Kelly at his overall best buy this film. Evryone knows the plot boy meets girl, girl disses boy, boy gets girl, problems with life and career and EVERYBODY SING!! But it's the problem with life and career that gives Rain its snap. it follows in the same vein as All About Eve as it attacks the film industry but it does so in an even nastier way-it mocks its own genre of film(musicals) to mock Hollywood. Kelly also co-directed this film to good affect but obviousily Donen was in charge. All the actors are at their foot tappin best and O'Connor steals the film with his brain tattooing number "Make 'em laugh" Reyonlds to is a delight but at the time Kelly hated her and gave her hell on set(he felt she was a scene stealer). But the film is a classic and everytime he walks Reynolds home adn the opening to "Signing In The Rain" begins to swell the volume on my TV goes up and my face always lights up in amazement of the lyrics, Kelly's voice and his dancing. this movie is a joy to watch and complete misery if you don't have it.
Rating:  Summary: Points off for half-hearted presentation Review: First off, let me reiterate that this truly is one of the best movies, musical or otherwise, of all time. My issue is with the utter lack of respect with which Warner now treats this movie. There are three things I have to say: 1) I love this movie; 2) I love DVD; 3) seek out the old widescreen VHS (which also has a good, long interview with writers Comden & Green as well as Debbie Reynolds singing "You are My Lucky Star", a great sequence unfortunately cut from the final version).
Rating:  Summary: THIS MOVIE NEEDS TO BE IN EVERY HOME! Review: .... Gene Kelly is absolutely wonderful in the "Gotta Dance" number, especially in "Singin'In The Rain". Debbie Reynolds is unforgettable. If your feeling depressed, get out there and buy this happy energetic movie. You will not regret it! ....
Rating:  Summary: kick ass Review: absolutely amazing in terms of dancing. gene kelly and deby renolds are so cute together. cant say i saw a funnier musical, the jokes are great just watch make em laugh it has to be the best dancing i have ever seen. the film in general was just good old fationed fun before musicals dealt with social issues and dark subject matter.
Rating:  Summary: GREATEST MOVIE MUSICAL EVER Review: Gene Kelly was in peak form when this movie was released, and it shows. Teaming up with Debbie Reynolds and Donald O'Connor was no bad decision as well, and this movie stands the test of time as all classics do. Clearly the image that remains in the viewer's mind is that of the dance sequence that Kelly performs to the title song. Kelly always said that a dance, especially when with a song, was meant to have a thesis at the beginning and to explain that throughout. In this case he makes it clearer than anywhere else. The only problem with this DVD is a lack of extras, which seems to happen alot with musical transfers. All that is there is the trailer, and one would think that there was other available options for the team who put this together to add. Nonetheless, this is a rare piece of moviemaking that you need in your collection. Even if you don't necessarily like musicals, buy it. It'll make you like them.
Rating:  Summary: WHAT A GLORIOUS FEELING Review: Probably repetitious...but this is a joyous film...so much can be said about this, truly a valentine to old hollywood(may I also suggest the Kaufman and Hart play...Once in a lifetime) ...fabulous Kelly work, Masterful Stanley Donen direction alongside of Kelly. Great music...but here are the unsung heroes..............................Donald O" Connor.........Jean Hagen......and the incredible Comden and Green screenplay. This is a hilarious film. Even if you think you won't like thiis, or you know this...check it out. What a glorious feeling....Watch it and get happy again.
Rating:  Summary: "Love the art in yourself, not yourself in art." Review: And while I probably don't have anything particularly new to say about this, one of the 10 greatest films ever made in the history of motion pictures, I do none the less strongly urge any and all fans of great movies to add this celebration of life to your permanent film collection. Especially now with this crisp DVD transfer which gloriously captures the rich colors of director Stanley Donen's expert eye.I am not a great fan of musicals per se, but this film is something far more than a simple genre picture. It is a celebration of the creative muse. At the central core of the narrative is the very real lesson to be learned from acting teacher Constantine Stanislavski: "Love the Art in yourself, not yourself in the art." Kelley's "Don Lockwood", Donald O'Connor's "Cosmo Brown" and Debbie Reynolds' "Cathy Seldon" all succeed because of their undying will and love for very art of performing. Comedic villian "Lina Lamont" as portrayed by the excellent Jean Hagen, is undone by her shallow devotion to her own celebrity. The film, besides being one of the most legitimately uplifting and entertaining experiences an audience can ever enjoy (Singin' in the Rain is a far more effective anti-depressent than any prescription!), also is a historical accurate depiction of the drastic paradigm shift that occured not only in film, but in acting history as well. The coming of sound brought drastic, and cataclysmic changes in acting technique. No longer could actors, like "Don" and "Lina" do what they always did- "Just add talking". While many folks do (and in many cases, rightfully so) believe that a large part of real acting died with the coming of sound, an entire new industry of Acting training resulted- hence the need for teachers like Stanislavski and others. In fact, this film has been an important part of my high school acting curriculumn for several years. It is refreshing to see how big an influence this film has on all ages. Especially teenagers addicted to violent clap trap, big budget exploitation flicks and rap music. The New York vs. Los Angeles acting rivalry. The comical over enunciated vocalization, the purposfully "cheezy" recreated musical numbers ("Beautiful Girls" is classic!) and a very real depiction of how one built an acting career (barrooms to strip clubs to Burlesque to Vaudville to Broadway to films) are all historical elements that lend the film depth and strength. Gene Kelley, perhaps even more than the great Astaire, was a great artist who combined a fierce alpha mail athleticism to his mastery of all dance styles. Here, he excells in telling stories through not only tap, but ballete and jazz as well. Debbie Reynolds was never better as the innocent yet strong willed ingenue. She and Kelley (and along with Cyd Charrise) create a real sexual chemistry. Anyone who is not convinced that dance can not be a substitue for explicit sex needs to see the utter taste and class depicted here. Donald O'Connor steals the show with his rubber face and impeccable timing. O'Connor's dancing is impressive also- especially in the "Moses Supposes" number in which he matches Kelley step for step. His "Make 'Em Laugh" teaches Jim Carrey a thing or two about how to make broad physical comedy appealing and not obnoxious. Ultimately, like all great films and other works of literature, Singin' in the Rain holds up perfectly to repeated viewings. It is a fresh and vibrant the 100th time as it is the first.
Rating:  Summary: WHAT A GREAT FILM! Review: rockq, GET A LIFE. YOUR REVIEWS ARE LAME!
Rating:  Summary: Singin' Its Praises Review: There are a lot of reasons why I would recommend watching this film: 1. The title song sequence is one of the most joyful moments in movies I have ever seen. 2. All of the accurate and funny details surrounding the problems encountered when films changed from silent to sound. 3. The excellent performances by co-stars Donald O'Connor and especially Jean Hagen. 4. The humour and unbelievable energy that drives the film. 5. The fact that I don't like musicals, but actually think this is a terrific movie. Watch this film!