Rating:  Summary: Inspiration for a lifetime of silliness Review: When I first saw this movie, I had missed the beginning and thought it was a serious film. Due to my age and naiviete, I never really caught on until the end of the film. (Thanks to PBS)Ever since then I have wanted to make films. Independent of course. And whenever we get to a boring sequence or a lull in the plot, I always vote to go silly and then get back on track with the original story. Of course no one lets me do this, but I think it would have saved some otherwise unwatchable films. (Especially the ones I had a hand in!) Amazing what they did with so little money. Thanks Pink Floyd!!
Rating:  Summary: I told them we already got one... Review: There are so many things about this (and indeed any) Monty Python movie that one hardly knows where to begin. Nothing is left out of the mix--history, religion, politics, personal relationships, prejudices, intellectual prowess or the lack thereof. My title, of course, comes from an early scene in with Arthur approaches a castle, inexplicably occupied by French k-nigits, who claim to already have a grail. I did a paper once for symbolic logic which I was told ten years later was still being passed about because I had dared to use something so unconventional as this Monty Python movie in the references (I couldn't see why that wouldn't be much more common, and indeed, hope it is today--I use 'Life of Brian' in homilies, so why not this film in logic). The particular logical incident (or rather, illogical incident) involves the trial of a woman accused of being a witch. Through 'logic' it is demonstrated that she would be a witch if she weighed the same as a duck (which, surprisingly enough, it turns out that she does -- 'It's a fair cop' she concedes as the general rejoices commences at the prospect of a bonfire). Those who have benefit of the 'Executive Version of the Soundtrack of the Trailer of the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail' are also treated to an exposition of the logical problems which itself concludes that 'sex is better than logic'. And who could argue with that reasoning? However, my favourite scene would have to be the liturgical procession and reading of instructions for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, with the leader's instruction 'skip a bit, brother' -- an instruction which I've searched in vain in the liturgical handbooks, but would vastly improve many readings on some mornings in church. This is a perfect parody of the sonorous but deadening readings that seem to drag on interminably. A close second would be the scene in which Arthur tries to explain his kingship to members of an autonomous collective (read, peasants without a lord) who view him as just another oppressor, and inform him that watery tarts throwing swords at you is not an adequate basis for the exercise of supreme executive power. Those who have visions of Great Britain (and British culture in general) as being a bastion of good taste and high brow culture will be amazed--the likes of Monty Python and Benny Hill (among others) show the inhabitants of the UK as just as human (if not moreso) than the rest of the world. And we are all the richer for it. There is a theory that art thrives more under repression than freedom; comedy may well be that way, too. Long may repression thrive, if it yields such fruit as this. Alas, the Holy Grail is never actually attained by the seekers, who run into trouble with more French k-nigits and the local constabulary. But, the journey's the thing, so they teach me in seminary, and thus, this journey is well worth following to the end. Prepare to be amazed! Prepare to be offended! Prepare the popcorn in advance.
Rating:  Summary: Welcome to the Sixth Century Review: Of all the films and television programs produced by airborne members of the Flying Circus, I consider this to be their greatest achievement. Co-authored and then co-directed Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones (two rather silly people indeed), this film makes at least some effort to recreate a distant period in history and from a somewhat 20th century perspective. Apparently available funds were limited because Gilliam and Junes could not afford to rent horses and thus were forced to simulate them with body language and coconut half shells. Also, various members of the Ye Olde Merrie Companie were required to play several different roles...on occasion at the same time. For example, Graham Chapman as King Arthur as well as (or as unwell as) the Three-Headed Knight and the Hiccoughing Guard. Eric Idle ia also actively involved as Sir Robin, Maynard, Roger, a Guard, and the Historian Who Isn't A.J.P. Taylor...plus some other stuff my limited space precludes noting. One of Gilliam and Jones's cleverest strategies is to juxtapose 6th century Breton with 20th century England. Actually, not only juxtapose them but to have the former and latter interact without prior warning. Yes, this creates some confusion but the plot lags on fewer occasions and younger persons in the audience will feel more at home. According to various historical sources, there was not one Arthur but hundreds...perhaps thousands in 6th century England. Indeed, here in Dallas in the year 2003, there are thousands of Arthurs now living in the North Texas region. How many kings? Ooodles of Kings but no kings; however, back then (i.e. 6th century), there were quite a few. According to generally reliable research sources, for example, Geoffrey of Monmouth (about 1100-1155 A.D.) recorded Arthur as a High-King of Britain. He was the son of his predecessor, Uther Pendragon and nephew of King Ambrosius. As a descendant of High-King Eudaf Hen's nephew, Conan Meriadoc, Arthur's grandfather, had crossed the Channel from Brittany and established the dynasty at the beginning of the 5th century. The Breton King Aldrien had been asked to rescue Britain from the turmoil in which it found itself after the Roman administration had departed. He sent his brother, Constantine, to help. Constantine appears to have been the historical self-proclaimed British Emperor who took the last Roman troops from Britain in a vain attempt to assert his claims on the Continent in 407. Chronologically speaking, it is just possible he was King Arthur's grandfather. Arthur's Breton Ancestry was recorded by Gallet. Of course, historical material such as this brought tears of joy to the eyes of both Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones (also their parents). They were inspired by it to bring the story of King Arthur and the Holy Grail to the sometimes silver screen. This they have done. Truly, the Pendragons are the stuff of legend. Predictably, Gilliam and Jones took certain liberties to achieve enhanced dramatic effect, adding some important new information revealed by their own historical research. For example, details about martial arts for quadriplegics, the Sepulcher of the Holy Grenade and its Killer Rabbit, aerodynamics of various species of migrating swallows, and interior decorating (e.g. curtains) in 6th century royal quarters. Exciting new stuff indeed. Who said in 1974 that "They just don't make great movies anymore"? Well, whoever said that could not be more wrong. For proof, they are herewith directed to the abundance of materials which are available only with the DVD version of this film. If they are still not convinced, I fart in their general direction.
Rating:  Summary: I don't give 5 start to just everyone Review: This movie is funny, it has so many funny lines, that you can taunt your enemies for years to come, using lines from THe Holy Grail. Monty Python may be a bit of a refined humour, that has it's fans and the non-fans who just don't like it. That's fine, this was my second Python movie ( after Eric the Viking) and I fell deeply for this humor. THe Python Boys take on so many different roles that they themselves said they loose track of who's who. The speicla edition DVD has behind scenes features, which is long and total eye candy for a fan.
Rating:  Summary: A mindless movie including The shubberys Review: When I first watched monty python & the Holy grail,(a long time ago.)I saw it didn't have an approprait ending,so I am writeing the end of it.so far the police lets arthur go so he can finish the movie.I liked the movies song's mainly The Knights of The Round Table.I am going to watch it again,and again,and again.Now Bravely Bold Sir Robin,Rode Forth from camelot....
Rating:  Summary: Not so funny Review: I'm not sure what it is that I don't like about this movie. It seems there is something off balance that is apparent from the opening sequence. Obviously all the reveiws for this movie were written by fans. Most people who wouldn't like this movie most likely have not heard of it, or barely remember. It does not leave a lasting impression unless you find it hilarious. Filmed on a shoestring budget and probably in locations within just a few miles of each other, this movie is a journey into the bizarre and dryer then a dessert humor of one of Englands most popular comedy troups. Rest assured, if you like English humor, this movie will most likely leave you rolling on the floor. For some who just can't laugh that hard at it, you may find yourself giving up on it early. There is some tremendously funny writing and some very cerebal wit. For example, the argument about whether a swallow can carry a coconut during it's migration. The taunting of the Frenchman from the top of the castle wall. The dual with the black knight, and the killer bunny. The hightlight being the peasent in the road who King Arthur mistakes for an old woman and gets a tougue lashing for the simple mistake. Even these moments though rely on the bizarre circumstance that these people don't ride horses but pretend to with the sounds they make with two coconuts to show you that there is absolutly nothing to be taken seriously and nothing that shouldn't be considered off the wall. This movie seems funnier when quoteing lines in the company of friends, rather then watching it straight out. My personal tastes do not run to something this unbalanced, but I realize it is adored by many. So to those who enjoy it, knock yourselves out. To those who enjoy more straight foward smart comedy, I would suggest Real Genius.
Rating:  Summary: A CLASSIC REBORN ON DVD Review: This has always been one of my all-time favorite comedies and its release in special edition format makes it even better. This Arthurian farce is loaded with extras including the Camelot song redone with Legos which is amazing. Two different commentary tracks are hilarious. The featurettes of the making of and looking for locations are great. And there is so much more. A true classic! Now I just need a Life of Brian special edition.
Rating:  Summary: A magnificent blend of cerebral and slapstick humor Review: I don't think I have ever laughed harder than I did the first time I saw MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL in a movie theater in Dallas, Texas while visiting my best friend in college Becky. I laughed so hard that I nearly hyperventilated, and I felt something like stabbing pain in my ribcage, so that the rest of the evening I had to grasp my chest with my arms to keep from hurting myself. I laughed and laughed and laughed, and then the opening credits ended and the film began. As funny as the opening credits are, the film matches them. The skits are just off the chart absurd, and all the better for it. The film has penetrated popular imagination to such an extent that people aren't even aware sometimes of the origins of some of the things they hear. For instance, I played an online MMRPG (massively multiplayer role playing game), and in that game there were numerous players who played mages with some permutations of Tim, another named Brave Sir Robin, and one quest in the game was to get a gang of people to kill a tiny white rabbit that was capable of killing dozens of those attacking it. One group of players formed a monarchy called The Knights Who Say Ni. Outside that game, merely mentioning the words "African swallow" can evoke laughter in some quarters. Even today, this movie remains one of the most original, intelligent comedies ever made. The entire conceit of making a comedy about King Arthur and the search for the Holy Grail is a bizarre one, but the Python boys pull it off with style. The skits (for there really is not a plot so much as a general framework for hanging great skits on) are extraordinarily intelligent, unusual, and, best of all, hysterically funny. To this day, except for other Monty Python films, there has been no humor along the lines in this film in either England or the United States, and that's a pity. This isn't easy humor to reproduce. It takes a certain amount education, a certain level of literacy, a certain level of intelligence, and very definitely a level of comic genius. What is brilliant is that the humor can move from highly cerebral political satire (the peasants who refuse to acknowledge Arthur as their king merely because he had been chosen by "a watery tart" who gave him Excalibur) to the delightfully absurd (the syllogisms by which a knight proves that a witch and a duck weigh the same, and then placing a duck on one side of a scale and the witch on the other, incredibly proving that she was indeed a witch) to the out and out farcical (the Black Knight). The DVD set is spectacular, with a host of the kinds of features DVD lovers crave. I had previously owned the movie on VHS, but the DVD has a vastly clearer print with more vivid colors.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Review: This movie ROCKS! If you don't like it, you have got some SERIOUS issues that you need to work out. This is not a movie that is so boring that you would fall asleep during it at all. It is just one of those movies that you practically die lauging while watching it. It has good humor, and no corny jokes. Don't bring it down because it is a little older than modern-day movies. It is just REALLY good.
Rating:  Summary: A fine piece of art Review: The Pythons complain that comedy has never been taken as a "serious art". And even when it sounds contradictory, this movie is a proof that comedy really can be such. This movie was made out with a lot of imagination, to compensate the minuscule badget. The only producers who trusted in the project where rock and roll bands such as Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. The result is the funniest Monty Python movie, made with a lot of enthusiasm from a group of comic geniuses in their best time. If you love laughing, this is the right movie. The humor doesn't limit to the movie, the whole dvd is full of hilarious features, like the subtitle with the second act of Henry IV, for people who doesnt like the movie's dialogue. If you don't have it yet, you should be getting it right away. Say no more!