Rating:  Summary: Bible Thumpers Review: The Monty Python team were inspired comic geniuses, who basically stumbled on the discovery that much of the fabric of everyday reality does, in fact, contain the seeds of humor, so that almost anything is potentially funny, taken out of its context.But this is often a messy process. The Python team therefore grounded the more revolutionary aspects of their humour in a traditional comedy base, using elements of slapstick, funny characterizations, and even schoolboy humor to give their cerebral and surrealist comedy a more stable base. In the loose sketch format of the BBC TV shows, these ingredients had enough room to breathe - the result: comedy legendhood. Although the Python team made several movies, the Life of Brian is their only movie to attempt a coherent story line. "The Meaning of Life" had thematic unity but the narrative was divided into separate sketches; while "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" was freed from the constraints of a coherent narrative by being set in the magical time of king Arthur. With "Brian", the Python team found themselves forced to present a more coherent story, one that didn't quiet accomodate their surrealist flights of fancy. This is why "Brian" relied more heavily on traditional elements of comedy. We get charater comedy: dated stereotypes of working class militants trying to express themselves beyond their vocabulary, and screechy old British women. Although initially amusing, these characterizations are stretched to last the whole film and become a little trying. They are also somewhat diluted so as not to alienate the potential overseas market. We also get the schoolboy humour of Bigus Dickus and plenty of slapstick, as in the stoning scene, the arena, etc. Having to lug a story around for the whole film stops them following their muse as they did so brilliantly, particularly in some of their longer sketches from the TV series - See the outstanding "Bicycling Tour of North Cornwall" where the story ends up in the British Embassy in Minsk strangely taken over by the bingo-crazed Chinese! Despite such great set pieces as the "What have the Romans ever done for us?" scene, the movie often struggles to wring humor from the confused religio-political situation of ancient Judea. And when the humor starts to drag there is no prospect of surprise relieving the boredom as there was in the TV show.
Rating:  Summary: Spare a talent for an old ex-leper. Review: This has got to be among the all time classics. "Blessed are the Greek, for they will inherit the Earth", "I have a fwiend called Bigus Dickus" and "You were led here by a bottle more like", these are what one-liners are all about. In many ways not as good as the Holy Grail, but in many ways better. If you like comedy and you are not strictly religious or easily offended, then you will laugh and laugh untill that wet feeling occurs below the equator.
Rating:  Summary: "Let's all look on the Bright Side of Life....." Review: The life of Brian is, without question, one of the funniest movies ever made. However, do not tell that to a Fundamentalist! Every time I think about various religious org.s that I am familiar with, not getting-along and splitting into various factions and splinter-faction groups...or, completely leaving the camp and forming their own Clique...I think of this film! You'll see: "The People's Front of Judea!? <scoff> We're The Judean People's Front!!! <mumbles to self about other group>" Later, during the movie, the splinter org.s battle against themselves and forget about the enemy! This is SO True to Life (just Look to the East). It's a wonder religious groups ever get anything accomplished...which is kinda what this movie is saying, with more humorous shenanigans than you even expect from Monty. If you can't deal with religious satire, this movie will make you angry. If you have a sense of humor, you'll invite all your friends to see it. Most of my friends have seen this movie a half-dozen times. This movie was boycotted in many places, so you know Monty Python was on the cutting edge. Oh! And it has a nekkid lady in it, too!
Rating:  Summary: Blessed are the Cheesemakers Review: ...and blessed are the Pythons, the crackerjack British comedy troupe creating one of the most funniest movies I have seen in a long time. The Life of Brian has long been one of my most favorite comedies, and no matter how many times I watch it, I cannot help but break out into raucous laughter at the insanity of this film. Truly blasphemous, truly hilarous, John Cleese and his troupe of merry men leave no stone unturned poking fun at anything and everything religious. From brainless mobs finding shoes as signs from God, to a lisping Roman emperor, to the classic cruxifiction song, this movie is not for the religious light-hearted. Even better, this Criterion Collection version has so many extras, the true fan will be preoccupied for many hours enjoying it all. Especially wonderful were the deleted scenes and the running commentary by members of the troupe. Also, I appreciated the subtitles. For once I was able to get more of the jokes due to the British accents hard to understand with this untrained ear. If all DVD's were this rich, I'd be a happy camper. You are getting your money's worth for the price! Rent or buy "Life of Brian - Criterion Collection" immediately!!
Rating:  Summary: Monty Python's Life of Brian Review: This is quite simply the funniest, most thought provoking and best movie of the entire Monty Python collection. What other group would give you a movie with political intrigue, religious persecution, Roman Centurions and aliens battling in outer space? If you like slightly (?) irreverant humor that merciless fun at people's ability to believe in absolutely anything, then this is your movie. The religious naysayers who pan this movie because they believe it makes fun of Jesus either haven't seen the movie or just weren't paying attention. This movie gets funnier every time you watch it. Warning: this movie makes your sides hurt.
Rating:  Summary: This is what a DVD should be (Great movie too!) Review: If you're considering buying this DVD (the Criterion Collection), chances are you already know this movie, so I don't want to belabour the plot points that others have done before me, except to echo that this is a great (and funny) movie. Instead, I will focus on the extras that the DVD offers, so you can decide if you want to spend the extra money. There are a plethora of extras, including a couple of commentaries (the commentary with Cleese and Palin is superior to that of Jones, Gilliam, and Idle, IMHO), some cut scenes, and even the radio ads. The cut scenes even have commentaries! The scenes that were cut in the final edit probably deserve to be cut, but for different reasons. There is an opening scene with shepherds that simply drags on and isn't particularly funny. A bunch of stuff cut from the kidnapping of Pilate's wife scene, which is a little confusing and goes on too long, and the intro scene to the Suicide Squad that appears at the end of the movie. This scene is, for me, far more offensive than anything that finally appeared in the movie (a Jewish-Nazi resistance group, complete with a speech on the ethnic purity). It is also very funny, but you feel uncomfortable laughing at it. There are also some British radio ads that are amusing, and a fairly in-depth featurette on the making of the movie. Some of the issues raised in the making-of feature are repeated in the commentary(ies), but it's still interesting. Thus, this DVD has it all for the Monty Python fan - the movie itself, the commentaries and featurette that give the background on the story and info on how and why scenes were shot, some nifty scenes cut from the movie, and those radio ads. Good value for the price.
Rating:  Summary: Monty Python's best full length feature - hilarious! Review: Though Monty Python sketches tend to be first rate, my normal attitude towards the full-length films is similar to how I approach Wagner operas - great moments, tedious intervals between. Not so with the Life of Brian. The crew manages to spoof biblical epics (though, contrary to what some protestors would have one believe then, not the real Christ) brilliantly. Dialogue is satire at its best, and the final song (given the setting) could lead one to uncontrollable laughter. A guilty pleasure that I'll admit is highly enjoyable!
Rating:  Summary: A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE...¿It¿s dangerous out there...¿ Review: The Life of Brian was, and continues to be, as very controversial picture. At the time of its release, it was met with incredible resistance from Jewish and Christian religious groups. The Monty Python troupe maintained that the film was not "blasphemous", for it does not make fun of Christ himself (in the commentaries, several Pythons contend that Christ's teachings were all in all very sensible, and therefore impossible to lampoon), but is "heretical", as it mocks his followers and organized churches in general. Religion has, after all, led to centuries of bloodshed in the name of God. There's no doubt that the film IS offensive to different groups, as it also lampoons leftist political groups, speech impediments, Roman customs, etc, as well as churches. As a Christian myself, I admit to two things (i) There are things that I find offensive and uncomfortable in this film, and (ii) it is brilliantly funny. It should not be strange to discover that many Christians are fans of this film - after all, who better to appreciate and understand the Biblical references and the historical setting than ones who have studied it? Ironically the film's most controversial segment, where Brian's follows start proclaiming him as Messiah and follow him, is also the weakest, comedically, after a very funny first half. Unlike, the Holy Grail, the Life of Brian is not able to sustain the momentum from beginning to end. This is in fact characteristic of the Pythons, as even most of their half-hour shows range from brilliant to rambling incoherency and repetition. However, it is the moments of brilliance in Life of Brian (the People's Front of Judea, Brian's birth, the Centurion and Pontius Pilate, and the wonderful set dressing) that make it a comedy classic. The DVD from Criterion is absolutely first-rate. This disc is worth the price they charge, because it takes full advantage of the medium. The lost scenes are a gem, as they have not been seen for 20 years - though it's easy to see why most of them were left on the cutting room floor. The two audio commentaries are also excellent. The Pythons pull no punches - particularly when talking about each other. The documentary, filmed during the making of the film, is also quite good. All in all, there are more than 5 solid hours of entertainment on the DVD. The print itself is beautiful, and you'll have a new appreciation of the production values that went into it's making. All in all, I will maintain my position that Holy Grail is a better film, but when it comes to DVD releases, until Criterion produces a Holy Grail version, this DVD is the one to own (or you can be like me and get both).
Rating:  Summary: If you get any Monty on DVD, get this first Review: Criterion, please make new editions of holy grail and meaning of life asap! This edition is worth twice the price they charge. You get the movie, two separate audio commentaries, and a nearly one hour as I recall "making of" documentary. The beauty of these special editions, especially monty python, is that the additional material is often as funny as the feature itself. You also get a window on some of the personal/professional conflicts within the troup, as well as learning the collaborative relationships.
Rating:  Summary: 'You haven't given us time to hide...' Review: The finest Monty Python film, and one of the finest comedies ever, 'Brian' was extremely unpopular with people who had not seen it. It's not really blasphemous, of course - although Jesus appears briefly, he is not the target of mockery. Rather, the film satirises those who follow religion blindly, without thinking, as well as poking fun at the attitudes of the time. More than that, it often just a funny film. Although the Pythons, as a team, tended to generate sprawling, episodic narratives, 'Brian' is as tightly-plotted as the average 'Fawlty Towers' episode, with a strong dramatic thread, and whilst almost everybody is a charicature, Brian himself comes across as a believable, sympathetic character. As with 'Holy Grail' a rare attention to detail, conjures a vision of the ancient Middle East that seems as valid as any 'proper' historical blockbuster. Poor Brian's eventual fate, abandoned by one and all to die on a cross, is as emotional as Monty Python ever got. It hasn't dated at all. The Criterion people know how to do DVD properly (they started off with laserdiscs, in particular their acclaimed collector's edition of 'BladeRunner'). Not only is there amusing commentary from all the surving Pythons, there are documentaries, trailers, and radio spots. Best of all, there are some of the extra bits that were cut from the film for time reasons (the original cut was two and a quarter hours long) - most notably an extended sequence with the bizarre Jewish / Nazi 'Judean People's Crack Suicide Squad'. It's expensive, and worth every penny.