Rating:  Summary: Appropriate Title Review: When the movie makers 'style' gets in the way of the films story, then the result is a very boreing flick, and that's what this one is.There are just too darn many 'neat', yet totally impossible scenes stacked one on top of the other, till the whole thing comes crashing down, and you just don't care about the characters OR the story. Your very aware that you are watching someones idea of a 'cool' movie (not). "Oh Brother!" is what the film company accountants probably muttered when asked if they ever thought the movie would make any money. Very appropriate title. Save your money...and pass this one up.
Rating:  Summary: These stories grow on you Review: When I saw this movie I wasn't blown away. As the weeks passed, I found myself remembering funny lines and scenes. I would laugh out loud at some of them "We're in a tight spot!" or "My hair." This is a great movie. Just thinking back on it makes me smile. The soundtrack is amazing as is the cinematography. If you like the Cohen brother's ideas and work, you will not be disappointed. Them guys is great.
Rating:  Summary: An original Review: Who knows how this movie was thought up, but I'm glad it was. It's difficult to find an original movie out there, with all the right elements. This one captures the quirkiness of the characters as well as the solemnity of their situation. And the music in the movie is incredible. I have to remind myself to buy the soundtrack. If you don't like George Clooney, you'll like him in this!
Rating:  Summary: Get a grip people Review: Are you mad? I sat and watched this long, slow drawn out movie and started getting itchy pants. Nothing happens for what seems like hours. The dialogue is sometimes fast (Clooney), but always irritating. The story just goes on and on and on. I appreciate the references to literary classics, but this just doesn't do anything to add to the actual interest of the film. Miss it. Or if you do see it, write a review here, I would be interested to see if everyone else has been 'fooled' by the artistic content - it is a boring film. Period.
Rating:  Summary: A good film, but i'm not convinced it hits the spot! Review: I'm not convinced its a classic. The key to this film is the music, and if you hate the music you hate the film. I went to see this movie at the cinema and i loved it, in fact i went back. The directors have put together a montage of colours and images that will im-print themselves in cinemas' hall of fame. I was excited about the release of the film on dvd and bought it on the day of the release, the extra features are minimal, and think they are a lot funnier and impressive than they actually are and the menu is just annoying. The film does have its ups, george is suprisingly good, so good in fact that the critics forgot to actually watch him closely enough to see he is playing a very easy part, with pretty much the same lines repeated over and over in a different order, hair, treasure, hair, wife, moeny, hair. And whilst he babbles on about hair nets (which at first is pure genius but soon rather stupid), the story takes it time to meander through a 'musical' type structure which to be fair is predictable and unbelievable. Paradies to 'homer' will be made, and to be fair i think thats fair, after all the coen brothers announce at the the beginning that the story is based on homer!! Moments to watch out for: The orical figure on the tracks isnt new but sure hits the spot that the rest of the film wanted to focus on! A wonderful musical rally, on an epic level. And a nice moment at the end with a dog... you'll have to wait and see. Perhaps a rent is a better idea, buy it if you like it the DVD is a good quality.
Rating:  Summary: the best down home entertainment! Review: Loved it!!! Wished more people would see it before judging it. Am giving everyone I know DVDs of this movie for Father's Day!
Rating:  Summary: Old Timey Fun Review: This 'spoof' on the South and Homer's Oddysey just made me giggle from start to finish. I just saw this movie in the theater, and I can't wait for the DVD. I rarely purchase movies, but this one is a 'keeper', to be run and rerun for those days when my spirits need a boost. The music is delightful, the plot is a hoot, and the general consensus of those I know who have seen it is that it should not be missed. Don't pass it up - you'll be sorry!
Rating:  Summary: Pleasantly Suprised! Review: I'm 31 and my cousin is 16. We decided to go see this movie out of boredom. We thought it would be a rediculous movie that we could make fun of and laugh at. Well, barely 10 minutes into the show, we both looked at each other and said, "Wow!, this is actually a REALLY good movie!" We both agreed that on a scale of 1 to 10, this is definately a "10" movie. It's defiately going to be in both our DVD collections. Neither one of us are really into bluegrass music either, but with great songs like, "Down To The River To Pray" and "Man Of Constant Sorrow" plus others, we could hardly wait for the movie to end so we could rush right out and buy the soundtrack. If you miss it in theaters, PLEASE make sure you at least rent this movie. Like us, you'll be pleasantly suprised.
Rating:  Summary: The Coen Brothers are Geniuses! Review: O BROTHER WHERE ART THOU? was one of the best films I saw all year. Ethan and Joel Coen(FARGO, THE BIG LEBOWSKI, RAISING ARIZONA) have written a movie using the ancient story line to The Odyssey and turned it into the tale of a man's determination to escape prison and stop his wife from re-marrying. The sheer brilliance of this movie deserves an applause. Set in the Depression Era, this comedy/musical(if you will) begins with Everett, Pete, and Delmar escaping off the chain gang. Everett has told them that he has buried 1.2 million dollars near his home, and they must get to it before the land is made into a river. Thus begins this amazing movie with countless allusions to The Odyssey. The blind prophet from the story becomes the blind railway man who tells the men they will go on a quest. Then, the men are seduced by three women singing, the Sirens of course. And who can forget the one-eyed man Big Dan Teague showing the ruthlessness of the Cyclops? All in all, this movie's great script(nominated for an Oscar) and awesome performances make this movie great fun. George Clooney is incredible as Everett, and this is the role which won him the Golden Globe award for Best Actor, beating out such stars as Mel Gibson, Robert Deniro, John Cusack, and Jim Carrey. John Turturro is a chameleon, a brilliant character actor and great in this movie as Pete. One of the best played roles is that of Delmar, played by Tim Blake Nelson. He is a perfect comic relief character and I feel the most likeable of the three. In the supporting areas, John Goodman rocks as Big Dan Teague, and he can now be called somewhat of a Coen Brothers regular, having been in THE BIG LEBOWSKI and RAISING ARIZONA. Holly Hunter, also a Raising Arizona alum plays a perfect and motherly Penny, Everett's wife. Charles Durning is a fiery and strong as Guv'nor Pappy O'Daniel, as are Chris Thomas King and The Practice's Michael Badalucco. Wayne Duvall is very good as the rival Homer Stokes. The really wonderful part of this movie is the music. In a way, this comedy is somewhat like a musical, the music carrying the men from one place to another, and I especially love the scenes in which the three men and their accomp..uhh, accompanist(It's a joke from the movie, see it, and you'll get it) Tommy roll into "Man of Constant Sorrow." An awesome Coen Brothers Flick!