Rating:  Summary: Lots and lots of fun! Review: Best Python movie after Holy Grail(Theyre all 5 star movies to me).Some think this is blasphemouse but it only makes fun of fanatical followers of different religions(Memorable scene:Brian opens his window naked and hundreds of followers are outside waiting for him).The crusifixion at the end was great.
Rating:  Summary: Yes. But you have got a very big nose. Review: No, this is not a movie for overly sensitive Christians. But hey, if you can't laugh at yourself then I will."YES, WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS!", shouted the frenzied worshippers. I laughed until a wafer shot out of my nose.
Rating:  Summary: My favorite Python film! Review: Oh, come on. People aren't still offended by this movie, are they? Get a life (or a sense of humor!) This is a hilarious movie...even better than the Holy Grail (if that's possible). It's smart, sophisticated satire mixed in with typical Python bawdy humor. In other words, fantastic! If you're a Monty Python fan you already know this, and if you're not, you will be after seeing this film!
Rating:  Summary: Loved It! Review: If this movie represents blasphemy, then long live the blasphemers. In truth, the only people who could possibly be offended by this hillarious comedy are the mindless fanatics at whom it pokes fun. This film has great fun delivering a stinging social commentary. It's well worth adding to your video library.
Rating:  Summary: Not technically blasphemous, but ... Review: The people who defend this film on the grounds it is not blasphemous or condemn it on the grounds that it is blasphemous both miss the point. Christ is portrated quite respectfully but it is nevertheless an attack on religion and particularly on Christianity. It covers itself from outright blasphemy by subtle, lawyer-like strategems but, nevertheless, if you think Christiainty is a force for good in the world it is enemy work, part of the cheap, smart low-mindedness which seems a predominant feature of modern culture. The space-battle scene is hilarious.
Rating:  Summary: Possibly the funniest film ever made, big nose! Review: Despite (or maybe because of) the vitriol of extremely ignorant people who can make a judgement about something they haven't seen and would probably never comprehend, Python managed to produce one of the funniest and most infamous films ever. The Pythons started with a title: "Jesus Christ: Lust for glory" but they soon moved their sights and aimed the film at mindless organised religion and religious hysteria - at exactly the sort of people who still find this film so offensive. The jokes are funny, the filming is excellent - buy it!
Rating:  Summary: Overrated and incredibly blasephemous Review: To call this overrated Monty Python spinoff blasephemous may be an understatement. In reality, it is anti-religious, and that is the most offensive of all the cardinals sins. Stay far away from "Brian"
Rating:  Summary: A scene... Review: Interior of stable in Jerusalem. The 3 Wise Men have come to give gifts to the just born Brian, mistakingly thinking he's Jesus, who is just down the street...Brian's Mum: So who are you people anyway?Wise Man; We are Astrologers!Mum: Really? Well what sign is he? *pointing to Brian*Wise Man: He's a Capricorn.Mum: And what will he be when he grows up?Wise Man: Why he'll be King of the Jews!!!Mum: Ohhhh... Are *all* Capricorns...Wise Man: No, no! Just him!Mum: Ohhhh... I was going to say, there'd be quite alot of 'em!
Rating:  Summary: A spectactularly executed satire, comedy, and drama Review: I agree with John Cleese: this is Python's masterpiece. It is also one of the best movies of the 1970s. Rather then spoonfeeding you jokes (The Holy Grail) or pulling out all the stops (Meaning of Life), the Python cast shows some exceptional filmmaking abilities with Life of Brian. It is tight and succient, but is perfectly able to interrupt scence with trademark non-sequitor humor (eg, the 'Big Nose' and 'Biggus Dickus' scenes). Brian's martyrdom is beautifully depicted, and the danger of being a blind revolutionary (the PFJ) or a blind follower (those who worship Brian) is intelligently and poignantly illustrated. Furthermore, that 'he is without sin should cast the first stone' has never been explained more clearly than it is in this movie. This picture is worth at least 1,000 words. Put the sometimes blantant absurdity of Python aside, and watch this movie knowing that the lads can rank right up there with Welles, Hithcock, Scorcese, Allen, Kubrick, etc. Bravo! 'Romanes eunt domus'!
Rating:  Summary: The only people offended by this film are those it lampoons. Review: Let's clear up whatever misconceptions about this film that might still exist. Many people who see themselves as devout believe this film to be anti-Jesus. It is not. The Pythons themselves, in a recent interview, said that lampooning Jesus was stupid because there was nothing in his message that wasn't sound moral philosophy.We see Jesus in only two scenes: in the manger, at the start of the film, and then shortly after the opening credits on the Mount of Olives, delivering the Beatittudes. In the first, he's the baby-with-a-halo you've seen in a number of other films. In the second, he is portrayed as an earnest and dedicated teacher. In both scenes, it is the people surrounding him who are shown as mindless, greedy, and power-hungry.Jesus is not the target of this broad satire, but zealots, both religious and political are.Okay, but is it funny, you ask? Yeah, it is. There are a number of gags surrounding the Judeans' feelings about the Romans, including a an act of vandalism that quickly becomes a Latin grammar lesson, and one revolutionary's regret at the lengthy response to the question, "What've the Romans ever done for us?"There's the classic "Alms for an ex-leper" bit, the punchline to which is as trenchant as it is hilarious.The Pythons were right. Satirizing Jesus wouldn't be funny because his philosophy was sound. Satirizing the way religion causes certain types of people to come crawling out of the woodwork to take a perfectly good message and use it for their own personal or political gain, or just plain miss its point is extremely funny.The only people who stand to be outraged by this movie are the very types of people to whom it gives the raspberry. Maybe that's the point.