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Cast a Giant Shadow

Cast a Giant Shadow

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: http://www.freeman.org/m_online/sep99/matar.htm
Review: Prof. Shinar: "- Because for me and most of my generation, the War of Independence was a very formative experience in our whole attitude to life. The first two weeks of the war seemed simply hopeless. The British had armed the Arabs, and they prevented us from arming ourselves. We had good preparation and good fighters, but we had very little to fight with. The fact that whole world was ready to sit by and watch, so soon after the Holocaust, how these large and well-equipped Arab armies slaughter the Jews - this was a major aspect of the formulation of my life. As an example, the Arabs had real planes and real bombs, and they could have overrun the whole country in the first two weeks. Only after a while did we receive arms from the one country who was ready to help us - Czechoslovakia. The British didn't allow us to prepare ourselves. Let me give you an example that will show you how hopeless our situation was. On the second day of the war, a Air Force officer came to me with a strange request -

RM: "I thought there was no Israel Air Force?"

Prof. Shinar: "Oh, we had a few small planes, like Piper Cubs-

RM: "You mean that small plane, the one in which JFK Jr. was just killed? But that only has one engine!"

Prof. Shinar: "Right, that's what we had in those days. The copilot would hold the bomb in his hand and throw it out the window. This was our Air Force. In any event, this officer came to me and said there weren't enough bombs. He said that they had an idea to use cases of empty beer bottles - because one of the purposes of bombs is not only to cause damage, but to cause noise so that they will be afraid, keep their heads down, and not see from where the bombs are coming. So the idea was to use these cases that would make a lot of noise when they crashed down. But, he said, there was one problem: beer-bottle cases don't shriek when they fall, as bombs do, and he asked if I could do something about it. I had had no experience in this, but I said I would try. In the end, we found some toy sirens, and we copied and enlarged them a bit, and within a day or two we had 20 of them.

I am still amazed now that the Arabs, in those first two weeks, didn't simply come into Tel Aviv and take it over. They were very incompetent, it's true, but we couldn't exactly rely on that. What this author wrote is irresponsible nonsense. He could have spoken to many people who were alive at the time, such as [former Techiyah Knesset Member] Prof. Yuval Ne'eman, who was working with the tactics team at the time."

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Captures the spirit that founded Israel
Review: Reviewers need to be aware that films of history the sooner they are filmed to the event can often catch the mood/look of the time period better than today with our myriad of special effects but no heart. "Cast a Giant Shadow" does this.

A great war film that shows how technotactically the "edge" on the battlefield goes to those who can get the best mechanical advantage---the Israelis need a main supply route open to feed Jerusalem (I have actually walked these steep defiles) and tries to armor plate trucks and this doesn't work against ambushers waiting for them. This serves as a warning that the U.S. Army cannot make the same mistake of basing itself on restricted to roads, vulnerable heavy armored cars as some seem lusting for these days. David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister knows the "center of gravity" is holding Jerusalem (same is true today) in order to have a rallying point for the new nation. He compels Marcus to find a way to win.

Col Marcus played by Kirk Douglas displays the dogged determination "if you first don't succeed, try, try again" so lacking in today's generation. He reminds the Israelites not to wallow in self-pity over their plight BUT TO DO SOMETHING to make things better. He tries to infantry attack Latrun without tracked armored vehicle fire support and fails to take the walled post (now the IDF tank museum) to bust open the road to Jerusalem. He does succeed in mobile warfare against Egyptian tanks using anti-tank guns mounted on jeeps. Eventually, Marcus finds a way----

I think the women in the film are sexy; Dickinson and Berger and add to the film in that they love their man, Marcus but fear for his safety as he does what has to be done because humanity insists it be done. The film reminds us that the true feelings many people have towards Israeli people would be exctinction as Marcus discovers at the death camps in Germany as a U.S. Army Paratroop officer. This prejudice is depicted well in the film and reminds us that freedom is not a "free" lunch. Someone has to pay for it, and that usually means our men in uniform. It also means helping them do their jobs as the film shows that getting support from your own people is not automatic. Marcus earns the respect of his Army but at a lot of struggle; what if today there are no men of vision willing to go this far to defend freedom?

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: White-Washed View of Arab-Israli War
Review: The problem with a film like this today is that it will evoke passionate responses from both Arabs and Jews. I think a non-semetic person is needed to provide an honest assessment. As an American I have no great feelings for either Isreal or the varied Arab States. I think both sides have little to recommend them even to this day. This film portrays the creation of the modern Isreali army from a bunch of feuding militias. Kirk Douglas plays his usual out-spoken leader part which comes over ok. John Wayne as a WW2 general and State Department official is almost amusing, but does convey how the US government probably felt toward events in the Middle East at this time.

I was surprised at the reasonable portrayal of the British in this film, as they are usually vilified by pro-Isreali elments most times. It shows how the British vainly tried to keep both sides apart, and explains a little of their own position for a change. It was a thankless task for them. The almost saintly portrayal of the Isrealis does give one the impression that this film was funded by the Jewish Defense League in the US! They are always seen as long suffering as they prod along singing and dancing to their dour and flat music! The Arabs don't get much better treatment either, and little individual attention at all, excepet for one dissident chieftain who seems to throw his lot in with the Jews. His portrayal is a bit standard, but is amusing and not that inaccurate for the time.

What the movie does show well is the chaotic nature of the fighting in 1948 with the first Arab-Isreali War. We see Jewish columes being attacked from the mountains and bloody sacrefices being made. The Arab forces are shown a bit better armed than I think they actually were, but there can be no doubt that they had some initial advantages against the nascent state of Isreal which they threw away. 1947-48 was the only chance the Arab World would get to crush Isreal, and they have only themselves to blame for not doing it. The Isrealis once again proved the superiority of Western forces against Eastern ones. Even with the chaotic nature of the fighting, and their poor strategic situation, they were able to hang on and prevail through sheer grit and determination. Kirk Douglas represents the many mercinaries and outside supporters who were vital in giving the Isrealis the technical expertise, help and leadership that they so badly needed. Without them Isreal no doubt would have been crushed.

This movie is a bit sentimental and heavy-handed at times, but it probably conveys a general impression of the times better than any Hollywood production could today. Frank Sinitra flying around in his little plane has got to be funniest thing in this entire opus! Yul Brenner is pretty good also as a downcast Isreali leader. The women in the movie are probably the most compelling aspect. Kirk Douglas's wife and the Isreali girl are both lovely and compelling. Their pull on him has symbolic meaning in the story. There is some good dialouge in this movie, some of it with decent historical references. Viewers should try not to get too involved with the plot and characters, and just try to see it as a grand rolling epic with some scant relation to history! I guess it would help if you are not pro-Isreali or Arab as well. Just sit back, have a few chuckles and gain an appreciation for the complexity of the events which are conveyed in this epic. You can at least begin to understand the current mess in the Middle East today by viewing it. They don't make movies like this anymore.

Rating: 3 stars
Review: There are big names in the cast:DOUGLAS who is not to blame,WAYNE in a nice supporting role,SINATRA in a ridiculous cameo as a pilot on his soundstage,BRYNNER far away from THE KING AND I and gorgeous ladies DICKINSON and BERGER.Yet this film does not succeed in telling a complex story oversimplified to say the least.We don't click with these characters that we don't beleive in.Save your time by reading a good book on the subject instead.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent Movie About Israel!
Review: This movie gives you the inside picture of the early formation of IsraelYou are better able to understand the obsracles the the Israelis had to overcome in order to establish the State of Israel.The movie centers on the hero of the film Mickey Marcus.
He was a former American military man who was an adviser to President Roosevelt.He comes to Israel and reorganizes the military forces of Israel.The Israelis are able to conquer the surrounding Arab countries.Kirk Douglas plays this role well.You

also have Frank Sinatra and Yul Brenner in the movie as well.
Tjis is a good movie that gives a good history lesson on the formation of Israel.You will enjoy this movie.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Historically inaccurate
Review: While this is a nice film to watch from perspective of big-time American cinema of yesteryear, it is historically inaccurate and minimizes the tremendous Israeli military intelligence and strategic capability even then. Moshe Dayan et al did not need Kirk Douglas or any other American to teach them how to think or fight. Israeli military leadership has been the envy of the world at many times and the concept that a plucky American with capped teeth led the charge during the War of Independence is an insult to these brilliant fighters. NOBODY was tougher and smarter than Dayan, sorry.

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