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They Drive by Night

They Drive by Night

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent
Review: I thought that the movie was very well written and acted, I was watching at 1 a.m. one night when I had nothing else to do, I was hooked right away. I think the movie is well worth the money you invest in it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A diverging story brought together under crime...
Review: The Fabrini brothers, Joe (George Raft) and Paul (Humphrey Bogart), are truck drivers that struggle to make it on their own as a loan shark is on their heels trying to repossess their truck . It all seems futile as Joe and Paul's competition is full of bigger companies that do not care about the smaller companies as it is a dog eat dog world. This forces the Fabrini brothers to work long hours often without adequate sleep. One night after a rough day Joe and Paul pick up a hitchhiker, Cassie Hartley (Ann Sheridan), and together the three of them witness a truck accident where some friends die as they fell asleep behind the wheel. This is a wake up call for the brothers as they have different priorities in their lives, and it brings them in different directions. They Drive By Night is an interesting film with multiple themes, which offers a good cinematic experience

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A diverging story brought together under crime...
Review: The Fabrini brothers, Joe (George Raft) and Paul (Humphrey Bogart), are truck drivers that struggle to make it on their own as a loan shark is on their heels trying to repossess their truck . It all seems futile as Joe and Paul's competition is full of bigger companies that do not care about the smaller companies as it is a dog eat dog world. This forces the Fabrini brothers to work long hours often without adequate sleep. One night after a rough day Joe and Paul pick up a hitchhiker, Cassie Hartley (Ann Sheridan), and together the three of them witness a truck accident where some friends die as they fell asleep behind the wheel. This is a wake up call for the brothers as they have different priorities in their lives, and it brings them in different directions. They Drive By Night is an interesting film with multiple themes, which offers a good cinematic experience

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Dynamic Lupino!
Review: They Drive By Night has a lot going for it. It's directed by Raoul Walsh, who knew how to make a tough guy movie, yet give it some heart. It has two of the screen's great tough guys, George Raft and Humphrey Bogart. It also has two of the screen's best tough guy girlfriends, Ann Sheridan and Ida Lupino. And it has some really great dialogue that time has not dated. It's the story of two truckers who are brothers, and it looks at the difficulties facing truckers (sleeplessness that can lead to accidents, suppliers that don't pay up, etc). Bogart and Raft are good as the brothers, although Raft doesn't have much of a range as an actor. Raft hooks up with Sheridan, a woman who can hold her own with any trucker. Sheridan plays her with just the right mix of outward toughness, but decency and tenderness, too. Unfortunately, Lupino wants Raft, and she won't be denied what she wants. Lupino gives the performance that you'll remember from this film. She becomes more intense with every scene, and by her last scene, she reaches a level that is amazing to behold. With Lupino's performance and the great dialogue, They Drive By Night is a Warner Brothers' film that should be seen.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Watch Lupino Go
Review: They Drive By Night has a lot going for it. It's directed by Raoul Walsh, who knew how to make a tough guy movie, yet give it some heart. It has two of the screen's great tough guys, George Raft and Humphrey Bogart. It also has two of the screen's best tough guy girlfriends, Ann Sheridan and Ida Lupino. And it has some really great dialogue that time has not dated. It's the story of two truckers who are brothers, and it looks at the difficulties facing truckers (sleeplessness that can lead to accidents, suppliers that don't pay up, etc). Bogart and Raft are good as the brothers, although Raft doesn't have much of a range as an actor. Raft hooks up with Sheridan, a woman who can hold her own with any trucker. Sheridan plays her with just the right mix of outward toughness, but decency and tenderness, too. Unfortunately, Lupino wants Raft, and she won't be denied what she wants. Lupino gives the performance that you'll remember from this film. She becomes more intense with every scene, and by her last scene, she reaches a level that is amazing to behold. With Lupino's performance and the great dialogue, They Drive By Night is a Warner Brothers' film that should be seen.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Hidden Gem!
Review: They Drive by Night was so much fun to discover! Anyone who likes old movies will enjoy seeing this one. With Bogie as George Raft's little brother, working together as truckers, and the wonderfully wicked Ida Lupino married to the blissfully ignorant Alan Hale, this movie was a joy to watch from start to finish.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Hidden Gem!
Review: They Drive by Night was so much fun to discover! Anyone who likes old movies will enjoy seeing this one. With Bogie as George Raft's little brother, working together as truckers, and the wonderfully wicked Ida Lupino married to the blissfully ignorant Alan Hale, this movie was a joy to watch from start to finish.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Before Rick Blaine and Spatz Columbo, they were brothers
Review: This 1940 Cult Classic starring the Hollywood tough guy Humphrey Bogart and Gangster legend George Raft as Two Trucker Brothers Joe and Paul, one is married and has a child, the other falls for a girl named cassie, that they picked up on the road, and she falls for him and marries him,but the insane wife of a friend of his is after him, she murdered her husband played by Alan Hale, famous for Little John in the Adventures of Robin Hood. the insane woman is put away and Joe, cassie,Paul and the other truckers celebrate. Bogey and Raft are perfect onscreen brothers, If you want more Bogey or Raft this is a good one, or if you want both of them together this is the only film, but a good film. So go out and rent it and keep on truckin you mother truckers

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Interesting Warners melodrama from the early 40's.
Review: This almost like a film with two personalities. The first and best half deals with truckers Raft and Bogart and the hazards of their profession. The second half deals with Ida Lupino's attempts to get her hooks into Raft after killing his boss (her husband) and her final mental breakdown in court. Classic lines (in a diner): Ann Sheridan: Anything you'd like? Raft: Yeah, but it ain't on the menu. Sheridan: And it ain't going to be.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "The doors made me do it! The doors made me do it!"
Review: This awesome classic starts out as a drama about the hard lives of truckers but ends up being a sort of film noir! Ann Sheridan was perfectly cast as a sassy independant woman, & I loved seeing George Raft & Humphrey Bogart playing brothers! And of course let's not forget Ida Lupino, one of the best (& craziest) femme fatales of all time! Also there's Alan Hale, who adds a whole lot of humor to the mix! I won't go into the plot b/c other reviews have fully explained the plot, but I will say that you definitely need to add this gem to your dvd collection! Be aware that the real star of the film is George Raft, despite the misleading cover art, which tries to cash in on Bogey's fame. This wasn't disappointing to me at all, though. I thought George Raft was cool! I highly recommend this to fans of great classics.

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