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Planet of the Apes (Widescreen 35th Anniversary Edition)

Planet of the Apes (Widescreen 35th Anniversary Edition)

List Price: $26.98
Your Price: $24.28
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Makeup could be better, but a good film.
Review: Tim Burton did much better makeup, but he was not respectful enough to his inspiration: the original film. This film has a better lead male, more excitement, more suprises. George Taylor (Charlton Heston)crash-lands on an unfamiliar planet. He is captured by a race of intelligent apes. The aristocratic, somewhat cruel Orangutangs are in charge, the Chimpanzees are intellects, the Gorillas the military. A friendly female Chimpanzee named Zira (Kim Hunter) and her husband Cornieleius (Roddy Mcdodwell) befriend Taylor. But when themysterious Dr. Zeis threatens to hold them all for heresy and do brain surgery on Taylor, the place becomes a shootout. Heston has some great lines in this film.

Damn you! Damn you all to hell!

Take your stinkin' paws off me you damn dirty ape!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: PLANET is an amazing movie in every possible way. The story is captivating, the images breath taking, and the moral important. Not to mention a climax that will send chills up and down your body. Only problem....Charlton Heston has to be the worst actor in movie history.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Classic film
Review: Many sci-fi films suffer from becoming anywhere from dated to badly dated in 20 or 30 years for one simple reason. The films rely on the effects to drive the film. This film is not like that. Yes, the effects are dated, however, the film is story driven, not visually driven. The make-up work in the film is revolutionary, as can be seen on Behind the Planet of the Apes, which comes with the boxed set or can be bought separately. The evolutionary ladder had it's rungs rearranged, it's the apes who master the planet in the film, not the humans. The apes have the tools, the language, the culture, not the humans. The humans are the wild animals living the in forests, the apes have a civilization. Fantastic film from front to back.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You will go ape over this classic!!!!!
Review: All my life, I've always heard about how great "Planet of the Apes" was, but I never had the opportunity to watch it, until tonight, when I finally caught it on HBO. Wow, was I one of the luckiest people in the world tonight or what?

In "Planet of the Apes," Charlton Heston stars as an astronaut who crash-lands on a planet that is governed by apes. On this planet, apes are at the top of the totem pole, and humans are at the bottom. All of these monkeys believe that they are higher up than man, that they descended from man. Therefore, they think that man cannot communicate, reason with their mind, or pretty much do anything.

However, when Taylor (Charlton Heston) is taken as a prisoner of these apes, some of them just might change their minds about this certain human after they learn that he can do something that their other human prisoners cannot do.

I can't express in words how glad I am that I watched the original "Planet of The Apes" tonight. After 21 years, I finally found out what all the fuss was about, to say the least.

Every single thing about "Planet of The Apes" was genius for its time, and even for today's standards. The script is fantastic, the acting is great, the special effects are well done, and best of all, is the story itself. The storyline, or plot, is EXTREMELY captivating and suspenseful. At least to me it was. Once I found out what this film was about, I was glued to the screen. If the phone would've rung while I was watching "Planet of the Apes," I wouldn't have answered it. It was that compelling.

There isn't a single flaw that I could find in "Planet of the Apes," and trust me, I'm not exaggerating. Now that I watched this spectacular original, it makes me want to see the remake of it that is taking the world by storm right now. I'll just have to keep one thing in mind while I'm watching it. I know that it will have to be absolutely unbelievable to even be able to compare to this CLASSIC original.

If you like science fiction movies at all, do yourself a favor and purchase this 1968 original movie that is humbly called "Planet of the Apes." You won't regret having this classic in your collection!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Much better than the remake
Review: I don't know what Tim Burton was thinking when he made the new Planet of the apes. Cause the original movie, lacks NOTHING. Even the makeup is amazing. Still looks realistic. The direction is very good and Charlton Heston is ofcourse, magnificent. Thrilling from the start till it's chilling conclusion, Planet of the apes is a must see!@!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An absolute stunner! One of the great sci-fi films!
Review: People often ask me what my favorite movies are, which is never an easy question, but what remains even harder is listening to their pondering one of my answers with the question, "Why is that one of them?" Such is the case with "Planet of the Apes," the 1968 classic science fiction film that has become a milestone in moviemaking. As I am not an avid fan of the genre, it bewilders people to learn that such a film ranks so highly in my opinion. But this is no ordinary science fiction film we're talking about, either.

Despite numerous sequels, a short-lived television series, and a modern reenvisioning of the film that might as well be a different movie all its own, the first and most appealing "Apes" film captures everything that is great about film in a single two hours of pure, unmitigated brilliance. From its psychedelic opening sequence to the final, hard-hitting shot, the movie works a silent spell on its audience that remains with the mind long after the experience has ended. It's nuanced plot provokes thought and consideration, and its smart sense of reversal is simply stunning.

The movie is based on the novel by Pierre Boulle, beginning with astronaut Colonel George Taylor making preparations for a sleep that, to him and the other three members of his crew, will last a few mere hours as their space ship travels thousands of light years into space, leaving Earth behind for a new planet on which to begin a new civilization. They soon find themselves on a barren, seemingly uninhabited planet, with the sole female of the crew deceased and three days supply of food and water for the remaining three astronauts.

Their trek across the desert terrain leads them to an oasis, flowing with fresh water and inhabited by humans, who are seized and taken as prisoners by the dominant apes that rule the planet. Taylor is also captured, taken to their colony, where he discovers that apes have taken on the role of Earthly humans, and humans are the lesser species. He makes impressions on all who encounter him, from Dr Zira (Kim Hunter), the animal researcher who is perplexed by his intelligence and speech capabilities, to the high council, whose ignorance causes them extreme fear in the face of the new arrival.

But rather than just provide simple answers to the question of where Taylor has landed, the film examines more thought-provoking issues, from the harsh treatment and prejudice of the humans by the apes, to the ways in which science is viewed by the apes, whose government and belief system are much like that of humans on Earth. Dr. Zira and her fiance, Cornelius (Roddy McDowall), provide arguments for the existence of Taylor on their planet that also carry small clues as to what the movie is building up to, while also enforcing the film's theme of ignorance in the assembly's unwillingness to accept their theories.

As we try to decipher the many twists and clues provided us by the characters, the movie is at work diverting us from the big picture, keeping us at bay. Even still, it is the film's final shot that remains the most effective, and sells the film on everything its plot argues. It's a revelation that makes clear all that we have been pondering during the course of the story, but it is also a cold look at the possible future that lies ahead if man continues on his current path. This warning is no less meaningful today as it was then, and it proves that "Planet of the Apes" is one of the most effective science fictions films ever made.

The casting department scored big points in acquiring Charlton Heston for the lead role. As Taylor, Heston is the actor we have come to know and love, hitting us with a performance full of power and true emotion, something many actors of today fail to possess. Heston successfully conveys the wide variety of emotions needed to pull his character off.

It must also be said that this is one of the most visually arresting films ever made. The opening shots just before the craft crashes into the sea are complex and mind-blowing, setting up the tone of unease that will palpitate throughout the film. The setting fits the material entirely, evoking the harshness of the planet with its parched desert and dry, arid appearance.

To call "Planet of the Apes" a strictly science fiction film is unjust, as there is more to its story. There is a meaningful lesson to be learned from its unfolding events, which carry with them universal truths that will remain recognizable by the future generations who see it. Its production and cast are remarkable, but what remains its most effective aspect is its ability to mystify the audience, leading us to believe one thing until we realize its something entirely different.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simple and Spartan Sci-Fi Classic
Review: There are many movies which are modern classics but that I haven't seen because I was too young at the time of their release. The original Planet of The Apes is one of them. It was tremendously popular when I was four or five.

I finally had the chance to watch, and I wasn't disappointed. The performances are well done, and the premise was tremendously original--trendsetting. The premise of the movie is thought provoking, though there are a few plot holes that left me a bit distracted.

It was wonderful to go back thirty years (!) and watch a movie that was controversial and frightening at the time. As you'd expect, the production qualities are primitve. The film transfer was well done, but the master used was pretty dirty; there are specs and scratches throughout the film.

Without a doubt, the most amusing aspect of the film was reverting to a time when special effects didn't matter much. A science fiction movie that has to rely on its plot and dialogue without reverting to explosions or protracted space walks is very much refreshing. For such a vacation, there's no better film than this. The rest of the series is interesting for completeness, but doesn't touch the purity of the original.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Original and Still the Best!
Review: This thought-provoking sci-fi classic causes one to ponder the future of mankind, yet at the same time manages to thoroughly entertain. Ripe with gripping suspense and action, "Planet of the Apes" features some of Hollywood's top guns (circa 1968) who clearly brought their "A"-game to the elaborate sets. Charlton Heston, who utters a handful of immortal lines ("Get your stinking paws off of me.." and "It's a madhouse!"), is positively heroic in the lead role. Veterans Maurice Evans, Kim Hunter and Roddy McDowell portray apes whose humanesque behavior rings frighteningly familiar. Everything about the film worked to perfection -- the suspenseful pacing, the brilliant ape costumes, the futuristic sets and, of course, the horrifically haunting ending.

Why does "Planet of the Apes" remain so popular to this day? Because the story is timeless. The apes are humanized to the point that we are able to see the good and the bad within ourselves and therein lies the genius of the film. So long as we humans remain dangerously flawed, and continue to be our own worst enemy, the relevancy of "Planet of the Apes" will remain high. You simply can not walk away from this film without shaking your head.

As other reviewers have noted, the DVD is sadly lacking in the extras department. There is a bonus disc full of interviews, documentaries, etc. currently on the market. Unfortuneatly, that disc is sold separately. As far as picture quality is concerned, this old-timer looks fantastic in its glorious widescreen presentation. Overall, a wonderful film which has aged quite well. Simply put, "Planet of the Apes" is one of the best sci-fi flicks of all-time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Move over Citizen Kane!
Review: Without a doubt,Planet of the Apes is the best movie in the history of the world!

Two nights ago, I was comfortably ensconced in my great-grandfather's smoking chair, playing whist with a fellow diplomat, when my attention was diverted by the mesmerizing grunts and groans emanating from my big screen television set. Initially, I vainly endeavored to ignore the strange sounds that were now pervading through my opulent, spacious home, but this effort was an exercise in utter futility; for my subsequent thoughts and actions were arrested by those immortal words that shall forever inspire me to fight bigotry and xenophobia--wherever it may be found: "Get your stinking paws off of me you d--- dirty Ape!"

Upon hearing those stirring words, I rushed to the living room where my servants were paying rapt, almost worshipful, attention to the half-naked man rushing across the television screen in his heroic effort to evade his gorilla captors! Truly, One cannot faithfully put into words the emotions that were evoked within me at various times throughout the epic when Heston, yet again, outsmarted the Bolshevik apes who were singled-minded in their sick pursuit to carve out portions of his brain! (They took communist 'brainwashing' to a new extreme!)

But, Heston would not be so easily duped by the hairy devils' overtures of liberty, equality, and fraternity. (He knew that they really wanted to kill him since he would not consent to their brainwashing techniques) Time and time again, the man who played Moses expressed his fervent ambition that the apes should "let him go" into the desert to live in peace ,away from the idolatry and the lewdness that pervaded the corrupt Ape-man civilization!

Drawing, if not downright stealing, from "The Ten Commandments", the director leads the viewer through a series of escapades reminiscent of DeMille's most famous picture. For instance, at the beginning of the film, we see a bored Heston, intent on only one thing, making romance with the sole female from earth, and much like Prince Moses in Demille's film, he was a military man of sorts, as evidenced by the fact that he was an Astronaut. (Certainly he involved himself in a Military exercise when he attempted to execute brilliant escape and evasion maneuvers in the scintillating scene when the ape-people trampled his cohorts down with their horses).

The parallels do not end there! When Heston refuses to quote the 'scriptures' of the gorilla's pagan religion in a dramatic court scene, one is reminded of Moses' staunch refusal to obey celebrated pagan deities of the Egyptian court. And, can anyone reasonably deny that the death and destruction that Heston wrought on the gorilla community in his attempt to evade their evil grasps is nothing more than an re-enactment of the the many curses and plagues that were visited upon the ancient Egyptians by Moses for refusing to let Heston and his people go? And much like the exodus from Egypt, as the Hebrews left their former slavemasters loaded to the hilt with gold and riches, Heston is no less burdened with treasures. (As the keen viewer will recall, Heston's "exodus" from the pagan gorilla village was blessed with the possession of many rifles, a horse, and a beautiful, if not "brainwashed", sidekick).

Nevertheless, despite the blatantly obvious "theft" of ideas from pictures past, this is a great movie! It is full of action , drama, beauty, and suspense. Its ultimate appeal,however, lies in its latent symbolism, the issues it endeavors to struggle with: bolshevism, paganism, and judaism.

This is a fantastic film. I highly recommend it!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great movie, OK DVD.
Review: This movie is absolutely fantastic, 5 stars, but the DVD version could have had more extra features, so I give it 4 stars. The photo galleries are too short but the trailers are very cool. I found the sound and picture quality to be excellent. As far as the movie goes what could I possibly say that hasn't been said before? It has one of the greatest endings in Sci-Fi movie history, the music is wonderfully wierd and the sets are fantastic. You can't beat Hestons over-dramatic acting style, it suits this movie pretty well. Well, that's all from me...now go see Beneath the Planet of the Apes.

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