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They All Laughed

They All Laughed

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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Falls short
Review: I have heard a lot about this movie over the years and finally decided to buy it. I am a huge fan of Dorothy Stratten which is the reason why I bought it! I have also heard a lot about Peter Bogdanovich and his movies and style. I am by no means a director so it wouldn't be fair to judge by that, but I know what I like and I didn't like this! It was what I call a "feel good" movie where everything fits neatly together(e.g. Coyote Ugly, Varsity Blues) and some parts of the story are left out either deliberately or by mistake so that the whole story comes
together in the end, it was long and had some great talent which were wasted on the storyline which seemed to go in circles. I guess I expected a lot more from a supposedly brilliant Director at the peak of his career!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Mind candy
Review: Over the years a cult has grown up around this movie. And most of it centered around the murder of co-star Dorothy Stratten, who it must be pointed out is immensely appealing here. One can only wonder what lay ahead for her had she lived. It's obvious that Bogdanovich(her real-life fiance) tried to turn this movie into a valentine to her. It's just too bad he nearly lost his shirt in the process, because this is certainly a very charming picture.
But it could also be argued that charm is this film's selling point since it offers very little by way of a script. It moves along rather aimlessly from one story to the next, and for a comedy there really aren't all that many laughs to be had. Still, I completely enjoyed this movie. The charm and appeal of all the players more than made up for any shortcomings in the script. Stratten, like I said is breathtaking here and it's certainly no stretch of the imagination why John Ritter, playing the somewhat addled detective assigned to follow her would take more than a professional interest in his work(In an ugly parallel to the film Stratten's real-life estranged husband had her followed in a similar fashion in the weeks leading up to her death). Patti Hansen and Colleen Camp are both great-looking and likeable although Camp's over-the-top character can be grating at times. Audrey Hepburn brings her usual touch of class, as well as a lot of warmth to her part. Ben Gazzara shows a softer, more sensitive side that we rarely get to see. And John Ritter proves that with the right director he can be a comic force to be reckoned with.
An added bonus. The cinematography is top-drawer. New York has never looked so good.
The verdict? Yours to make, really. Just lie back, put your brain and neutral and enjoy. There are a lot worse ways to kill a couple of hours. Enjoy.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is a Gem
Review: This film is perfectly charming all the way through. There's lots of great talent in the star-studded cast and the whole effect is one of a charming fairy tale with wit and humor. The story is just a little bit far-out when private investigators break with their professional code and actually meet and fall in love with the people they are hired to watch. But putting that on one side, this is a lovely story that shows us a charming side of New York. This film rises to the delighful level that one rarely sees in films set in New York. Too many wallow in the 'mean streets' with guns and violence, but this one is a story about people who enjoy the city and move seamlessly through it, jumping from taxi to taxi arriving for meetings and liasons so smoothly. John Ritter shows us he is a master craftsman at being the buffoon and comes up with an assortment of fients, starts and gaffs to lighten the story. Ben Gazzara shows a charmingly romantic side of him, Audrey Hepburn is the masterful actress she always was. The street scenes are entirely authentic and lend credibility to the film. Nice acting, smooth cutting and humorous sub-plots are there too, and these make it all the more real. Dorothy Stratten glows with charm and beauty and is absolutely captivating. Peter Bogdanovich has posed and illuminated her well and she carries herself with confidence. What a charming legacy to leave behind is this film. How sad she was not given the opportunity to do more.
I put this film on whenever I want to be put in a good mood, and visit The City, and the film never fails to show me additional things each time I see it. What a gem

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