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Three Faces West

Three Faces West

List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $13.48
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good action...great transfer!
Review: So far, the Republic films of John Wayne that have made it's way onto DVD have been hit or miss, when it comes to how nicely they get transferred. Some, like "The Fighting Kentuckian" and "The Quiet Man" appear to be transferred from a poor VHS source. Others, like "Wake Of The Red Witch" or "King Of The Pecos" look to come from the original film elements. So, needless to say, I was wondering how "Three Faces West" would look, when it showed up on my doorstep. I'm happy to say it looks great! It has some age-related problems, like a few "pops" and "ticks" in the soundtrack, but that's to be excused...seeing as a film like this would never get the full restoration process.

As for the film itself, it's a quick moving take on the dust bowl farmers of the 1930s, and their trek to a new land in Oregon. Many compare this film (unfairly) to John Ford's "The Grapes Of Wrath", seeing as both deal with the same subject matter. While John Ford's film was made to make a statement about the plight of the mid-western farmers, this was made to be mostly just an 80 minute action film for John Wayne. And for that purpose, it succeeds! Pick this one up, you won't be disappointed....

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good action...great transfer!
Review: So far, the Republic films of John Wayne that have made it's way onto DVD have been hit or miss, when it comes to how nicely they get transferred. Some, like "The Fighting Kentuckian" and "The Quiet Man" appear to be transferred from a poor VHS source. Others, like "Wake Of The Red Witch" or "King Of The Pecos" look to come from the original film elements. So, needless to say, I was wondering how "Three Faces West" would look, when it showed up on my doorstep. I'm happy to say it looks great! It has some age-related problems, like a few "pops" and "ticks" in the soundtrack, but that's to be excused...seeing as a film like this would never get the full restoration process.

As for the film itself, it's a quick moving take on the dust bowl farmers of the 1930s, and their trek to a new land in Oregon. Many compare this film (unfairly) to John Ford's "The Grapes Of Wrath", seeing as both deal with the same subject matter. While John Ford's film was made to make a statement about the plight of the mid-western farmers, this was made to be mostly just an 80 minute action film for John Wayne. And for that purpose, it succeeds! Pick this one up, you won't be disappointed....

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The story line is pretty good for an older John Wanyne flix
Review: Three Faces West is not Wayne's best movie,but it is worth watching. It takes place in Oklahoma right before the great depression. A refuge doctor and daughter come to a desperate town in hopes of finding a new life.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Sigrid in her last with a major star
Review: Why on earth did they make this film??? It`s rather short on entertainment value u c - dear reader. However; as a study of mileue and character it survives.. if only just.... Some scenes with John and Sigrid(they did have an affair hehehe)are potent indeed, but they could have made so much MOOOOOOOOORE of it... It`s sad really....

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