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Agi Murad, il Diavolo Bianco

Agi Murad, il Diavolo Bianco

List Price: $6.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good Reeves flick - DVD could have been better
Review: Actually, this is my favorite Reeves movie and a nice departure from the sword and sandal Herc films.Good movie.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Entertainment with old-fashioned action
Review: Being a fan of Steve Reeves since the late 50's, I enjoyed this one. If you watch and listen carefully, one can't help but to recognize similarities in Star Wars, episode IV. And, not being a muscleman movie, but in the traditional Steve Reeves style, there is a scene where he shows off his "classic physique." These simple elements, along with a bit of cultural history, made this movie enjoyable and pure "fun" to watch.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A Great Flick, BUT....
Review: I've been waiting in anticipation for Steve Reeeves to finally come out on DVD, so it's nice to see his movies slowly but surely being released. This review is about the Platinum Disc Corporation version of The White Warrior, which was sent to me instead of the VCI version (...or by mistake). As I've mentioned in other Steve Reeves reviews, watching Italian movies can take a little getting used to, mainly due to the editing practices, in addition to dubbing the sound in after the movie had been completed; but this should not deter you from getting and watching some of these old classics. This was a Steve Reeves movie that I had actually never seen, and the plot line looked pretty good; so I was looking forward to receiving it. Unfortunatley, as much as I REALLY wanted to like this disc, I have a hard time recommending this version of it. The story is good, though there are a few slow spots in the movie, the acting is decent, and it's great to see Steve in this role; but it's quite obvious that the film stock used wasn't up to par. The decision to take an obviously widescreen movie and try to squish it to a TV format was bad enough; but it appears that no real effort was made to frame some scenes, resulting in times where you see only half the character's face, or some characters aren't even in the picture. Additionally, it looks like the picture was zoomed in or blown up to fit the TV, which resuilts in loss of clarity and washed out colors. At some times there are also discolorations, scratches and specks in the movie, along with minor sound problems; but this can be somewhat expected for a movie that's almost 45 years old and probably didn't have the best of archival care. If this is the only version you can get your hands on, then I'd say to give it a try; but I'm hoping that Amazon.com can get me the widescreen VCI version, and that it's of at least slightly better quality. Though I may sound repetetive in my Steve Reeves reviews, stuff like this needs to be said until it doesn't need to be said anymore: Some day I'm hoping to see a higher grade edition, with the film digitally restored, decent liner notes, and maybe a few extras.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A Great Flick, BUT....
Review: I've been waiting in anticipation for Steve Reeeves to finally come out on DVD, so it's nice to see his movies slowly but surely being released. This review is about the Platinum Disc Corporation version of The White Warrior, which was sent to me instead of the VCI version (...or by mistake). As I've mentioned in other Steve Reeves reviews, watching Italian movies can take a little getting used to, mainly due to the editing practices, in addition to dubbing the sound in after the movie had been completed; but this should not deter you from getting and watching some of these old classics. This was a Steve Reeves movie that I had actually never seen, and the plot line looked pretty good; so I was looking forward to receiving it. Unfortunatley, as much as I REALLY wanted to like this disc, I have a hard time recommending this version of it. The story is good, though there are a few slow spots in the movie, the acting is decent, and it's great to see Steve in this role; but it's quite obvious that the film stock used wasn't up to par. The decision to take an obviously widescreen movie and try to squish it to a TV format was bad enough; but it appears that no real effort was made to frame some scenes, resulting in times where you see only half the character's face, or some characters aren't even in the picture. Additionally, it looks like the picture was zoomed in or blown up to fit the TV, which resuilts in loss of clarity and washed out colors. At some times there are also discolorations, scratches and specks in the movie, along with minor sound problems; but this can be somewhat expected for a movie that's almost 45 years old and probably didn't have the best of archival care. If this is the only version you can get your hands on, then I'd say to give it a try; but I'm hoping that Amazon.com can get me the widescreen VCI version, and that it's of at least slightly better quality. Though I may sound repetetive in my Steve Reeves reviews, stuff like this needs to be said until it doesn't need to be said anymore: Some day I'm hoping to see a higher grade edition, with the film digitally restored, decent liner notes, and maybe a few extras.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The white warrior
Review: If you loveeeee steve reeves, you will love this movie,its better then candy,

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good Reeves flick - DVD could have been better
Review: This is actually not only one of the best movies made by Reeves, but a movie with a story to it as well. Reeves is slimmed down from his Herc movies and looks more like a normal man. Thief of Bagdad, Morgan the Pirate and Pirates of the Seven Seas are other Reeves movies that were standouts and I hope become available here at Amazon and dvd. Hopefully the dvd wil be better than White Warrior.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Now this is a great Reeves movie!
Review: Unlike the Herc, sword and sandal movies that Reeves played in, this one actually has a plot and is a great action movie.Reeves shows great athletic ability and unlike Arnold, actually did his own stunts.White Warrior is a really good movie that you'll enjoy.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: RIP Steve Reeves
Review: With the death of Reeves on May 1, 2000, it seems a lot of people are turning nostalgically to the tidy cache of films this singular star left behind. A departure from the standard 60s peplum films with glistening, loincloth-clad muscles bulging all over the place, "Warrior" is not bad at all. Reeves plays Hadji Murad, a rebel Russian leader who gets into all kinds of trouble to remain true to his ideals of liberty and justice. The film makers had to do some pretty fancy footwork to come up with plot points to rid him of his traditional folk garb so you could see his real talent: his body. But overall, the usually cheesy sets and production values are unusually high and you really DO wonder how our muscleboy is going to get out of the jams he sems incapable of avoiding. If you're a Reeves fan and haven't seen this one yet, or if you're merely interested in a non-traditional view of Russian life in the mid 19th century, check out "The White Warrior".

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