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Thunderbirds Are Go (International Rescue Edition)

Thunderbirds Are Go (International Rescue Edition)

List Price: $14.95
Your Price: $13.46
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Thunderbirds Are DEFINITELY Go!
Review: Just to briefly correct the reviewer from Massachusetts on July 2nd, this film does NOT use footage from Captain Scarlet as Scarlet was filmed AFTER this - the only link being a Zero-X mission. It is good to see a TV series transcend so well to the big screen, the effects work (considering this was filmed in 1966) is A-1, Zero-X is a stunning piece of hardware and the Martian Rock Snakes scenes are some of tne most eerie and spectacular in the picture. Pure escapism!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My Kid Won't Stop Watching This!
Review: My son (age 6) came across another T-birds movie at the video store & wouldn't stop talking about it, so I looked here & discovered Thunderbirds Are GO. Well, my kid now thinks I am the coolest dad in history. He's watched it faithfully twice a day for a week--I'm begining to worry! When I found that it was a 34 year old film I was astounded with its quality of character development and technical accuracy (I'm an aerospace journalist)--much of the story is plausible if we could ever afford it! The dream sequence is hilarious. I especially like "Brains" a 60's era Nerd who helps the Thunderbirds. All he needs is a pocket protector.

I hope someone makes a new release of the other T-birds titles.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A "7-man" mission to Mars
Review: The bits of Thunderbirds Are Go are very interesting. Whenever I watch the movie, I couldn't wait for the big launch of Zero-X. My other favourite bit is when Alan Tracy dreams that he goes to The Swinging Star with Lady Penelope to watch Cliff Richard Jnr. and The Shadows. My most adventurous and climaxing part is when the International Rescue Team (i.e. Scott, Virgil, Alan, Gordon and Brains) save the Zero-X crew from death before the rocket crashes into Craigsville. The funniest bit is when I see the International Rescue team (excluding Gordon) in their disguises at The Swinging Star. The last bit is one of my favourite bits, when this brass-and-percussion marching band performs the theme music.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I can't believe I found this
Review: When I was very little, about twenty years ago, I remember watching a movie with these puppets with my brother and all I remembered was the name "Thunderbirds". I kept remembering that I liked the movie and thought it was neat, almost like a James Bond type of cleverness. I was looking it up on the internet the other day to see if it would ever be playing on any cable stations and found that is was only playing in Europe. Then I thought to look it up here at Amazon, and found many of the Thunderbirds movies. It brought back a lot of memories. I bought this video for myself and my two boys - ages 7 and 8. I wasn't sure how they would like it as compared to today's moves, but they ended up liking it alot. What really impressed them was the cool ships and the James Bond like atmosphere and equipment. The fact that the puppet's mouths didn't always look like what they were saying didn't bother them much. And there actually was more action in the movie than I remembered even though the start of the movie was slow. I thought that Zero - X ship was never going to get off the ground! I can't believe Amazon still sells these old movies and am so glad they do. I plan on buying the other videos.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Buy it while you can
Review: You are lucky to have a chance to get this film. First, quality videos of all the Supermarionation pieces are few and far between. If you have had to rely on bootlegs, you won't want to miss this chance to see a crystal clear version! If only it had been letterboxed!

The famous dream sequence is worth the price of the video alone. Lady P is perfect, never more ravishing than when she whisks him away -haven't we all versions of this dream? I know I have.

I also think the camera work is very good. And the music, God! Also amazing. Buy it while you still can.

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