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List Price: $6.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Thin Silver Lining In The Mushroom Cloud...
Review: On a lonely stretch of highway, at 4 o'clock in the morning, a deputy sheriff (Seamon Glass) begins pulling over cars and trucks; and setting up a roadblock. Among the travelers are an old man (Thayer Roberts) and his granddaughter June (Aubrey Martin), two hustlers who've just struck it big (Mary Morlas and Mike Green), a truck driver and the hitch-hiker he's picked up (Alan Austin and Ron Starr), and a vacationing couple (Carol Kent and Norman Winston) who are in a hurry to catch a flight to Mexico. Sorry folks, not tonight! A yellow alert has been announced, and martial law declared. The missiles are only an hour away from the mainland. Our band of strangers must follow the deputy's instructions in order to... what?? Survive? Unfortunately, they are standing on ground zero! TINAT is a tale of fear, control, panic, and the ultimate futility of hope in the face of certain death. It is a horror movie with a mounting inescapable dread. The fact that the hitch-hiker in the truck is a serial killer on his way to watch his dad suffer an agonizing death is eclipsed to insignificance by the true "monster" of the story. When the "big one" comes, of what use is law and order? Love? Money? Revenge? Anything? The only flicker of hope lies in two young people, whose futures are left unknown. Watch this one with ATOMIC CAFE...

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