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Two for the Road

Two for the Road

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: music and humor add up to a great mood movie
Review: music and humor add up to a great mood movie

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Two For the Road is a down-to-earth movie...
Review: I like this movie because you can see Audrey Hepburn as a normal every day woman. It's funny, romantic, sad, and just plain wonderful. Audrey's clothes are fantastic!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Hepburn and Finney drown in the stupid 1960's dialogue.
Review: Yes, there is a bad Audrey Hepburn film and this is it. This 1960's film tries way too hard be "modern" as it looks at the trials and tribulations of married life. It has no point of view beyond its bell-bottomed, trendy cynicism. It has no wit, no human warmth. Poor Albert Finney plays a totally selfish oaf with no redeeming virtues nor vices. Why the Hepburn character stays with him longer than 20 seconds puts this film in the Mystery category.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Truely A Five Star Movie
Review: Two For The Road is an excellent look at the souring marriage of Mark (Albert Finney) and Joanna (Audrey Hepburn) Wallace. It's neat flashback techniques, stylish wardrobe and wonderful score by Henry Mancini make this movie (in my opinion) the best one that Audrey Hepburn has ever starred in. END

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Enormous pleasure
Review: "Two For the Road" is a lovely, seriocomic movie about the ups and downs of a long relationship between Joanna (played by Audrey Hepburn) and Mark (played by Albert Finney). Joanna and Mark first cross paths as students traveling across Europe. They wind up hitchhiking together and eventually falling in love.

The story is told through flashbacks. We follow the couple from their early carefree infatuation through marriage, parenthood, boredom, infidelity, and finally renewal of their relationship.

Along the way, there are some memorable vignettes involving Joanna and Mark vacationing with another couple Howard and Cathy Manchester (amusingly played by William Daniels and Eleanor Bron) and their daughter Ruthie Manchester. Howard and Cathy must be the most wittily neurotic twosome in movies and their daughter Ruthie is probably the most obnoxious child in movie history.

The performances are uniformly excellent. The direction by Stanley Donen is stylish and sophisticated. Frederic Raphael's screenplay is alternately romantic and cynical. And Henry Mancini's exquisitely beautiful score is one of this fine composer's very best. "Two For the Road" is an enormous pleasure.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic!!
Review: OK, this movie is just great!! It puts you in such a good mood and brings you to another land. I see there are a few people who made negative comments about the movie.... They are insane!! Two For The Road is a wonderful movie!! I recommend everyone watch it!! My boyfriend who has completely different taste than me even loved it!! Must see!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: fond memories
Review: I saw this movie downtown San Antonio, Texas as a teenager and fell madly in love...again (first time as Holly Golightly) with Audrey Hepburn. She was and will remain one of our most beloved movie stars of our time. This is a wonderful classic film about 2 people most happy when they have nothing but one another. Proving once again that money cannot buy happiness in life. 5 stars for sure!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brilliant film, where's the DVD?
Review: This is the finest film Audrey Hepburn ever made. Decades ahead of its time, it anticipates the crazy narrative contortions of Charlie Kaufman and still feels daring today. However, the relationship between Hepburn and Finney is so genuine and the dialogue so wittily precise that you'll never care about the exact chronology, which is almost impossible to figure out anyway. You'll just revel in one of the most hilarious and charming yet bitingly honest films about romance ever made. I have to imagine "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" owes something to this masterpiece.

It's ridiculous, however, that Fox has not yet issued a DVD. They just put out the enjoyable but flimsy "How To Steal a Million." Why does this classic still languish on a shelf somewhere?

There was a fascinating commentary by director Stanley Donen and screenwriter Frederic Raphael recorded for the laserdisc years ago. It's one of the best I've ever heard. How much work would it be to get that out of the vault, connect it to a new transfer of the film for DVD and add on a trailer or two?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Beautifully Rendered Postcards With a Peerless Audrey
Review: I read in Danny Peary's "A Guide for the Film Fanatic" that some people have formed a strong emotional attachment to this film. I am one of them. From the opening notes of Henry Mancini's evocative score (personally I think it's his best work) to the end where the main characters drive off into Italy after some verbal sparring, this movie still provides the same pleasure it did when I first saw it on TV in the early seventies.

"Two for the Road" is a time capsule of Carnaby Street fashion and French new wave scene juxtaposition, but it remains timeless in its emotionally piercing view of marriage and in the beguiling presence of Audrey Hepburn. There will unlikely be an actress with more style or grace on screen, and never has she seemed more sexy, playful or innately human. It's a shame she never played a role as rich in texture as Frederic Raphael's script provides here. His dialogue is sharp and insightful, as he has the main characters often repeat one another for the sake of getting a different meaning from the same line of dialogue.

As Joanna and Mark Wallace, Hepburn and Albert Finney get to live out more than a decade in their characters' lives from initial meeting to near-divorce. What makes the evolution more impressive is that the story is not a linear narrative but rather a series of five road trips that volley the viewer back and forth in the relationship. Finney provides a formidable match for Hepburn, and he plays with the right mix of roguish insouciance and insecure ambition that doesn't make his character always likeable but certainly believable. Their chemistry is palpable, especially in the early days of their courtship as the movie makes hitchhiking the most romantic of adventures with the couple cutting through the entirety of France in various vehicles in record time. Only in the movies. The episode with the pretentious American tourist couple and their bratty daughter provides some biting and funny moments...ironically, the actress portraying the wife, Eleanor Bron, is British. Not surprising that this movie was not such a huge hit stateside since the four Americans in the movie are portrayed in such an unflattering light.

Regardless, credit needs to go to director Stanley Donen (himself an American), who somehow pulls all these disparate elements together and uses his extensive Hollywood experience to bring a nice glossy sheen to the whole film. His third collaboration with Hepburn (after "Funny Face" and "Charade") really turns into a tribute to her as she makes a remarkable transformation from naïve choirgirl to jaded jet-set housewife that goes well beyond the changing hairstyles and clothing. This is one to treasure.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If not the best romantic film ever made one of the five top!
Review: Stanley Donen made an unforgettable film and futhermore a model film .
This is a film you'll enjoy always , for many reasons.
The script is supported by a creative edition , a road movie told at different narrative lines , where past present and future are mixed to create a excellent gaze about a simple couple in a road between England and French with thw forrest , the sea as powerful background.
The couple Hepburn - Finney was a hit. Both of them in the peak of his creative powers .

Delightful , a true song for the life and the love , and despite the crucial emotional croosroad at the end , it gives us amazing dialogues and funny situations.
In my opinion , behind Singin'in the rain , consider this one as the major work of this legendary film maker!

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