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List Price: $6.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: One of the better Bs
Review: . As a true horror flick, you can definitely do worse than this. The acting ranges from average to bad (there's a big shock, right?), the special effects are pretty cheesy, the plot is fairly lame, the direction equally so, the screenplay fairly trite -- in other words, all the necessary ingredients for a great B-horror movie experience. And despite it all, there are a few moments here when you'll definitely feel the hairs at the back of your neck bristle. This is great for an evening of 1-2 equally bad/good flicks, some popcorn and maybe a beer or two. For this price, there's no way to go wrong.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A True Cult Classic
Review: This is a great movie with a thought provoking skript and resonable acting the plot is this...
A man pushes his mistress out of a lighthouseto her death,only to have her ethereal body parts come back to haunt him.I though this would be a terrable movie when I fist bought it but I was suprised its still veary much a B-Movie but being more of a phycological thriller its really good

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