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Cape Fear

Cape Fear

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Masterpiece of Suspense
Review: J. Lee Thompson directs this sophisticated cat and mouse thriller starring Robert Mitchum and Gregory Peck. Mitchum gives a marvelous performance as Max Cady, the calm yet menacing Max Cady, an ex-con who has been paroled from prison after serving eight years for rape (the word "rape" is never said throughout the entire movie, because back in the times, it wasn't allowed by the censors, but it is implied.) Cady wants revenge on the lawyer who sent him to prison, Sam Bowden, portrayed brilliantly with strong assurance, yet fearfulness by Gregory Peck. He is a man who loves his wife and daughter with all his heart, and soon, Cady begins implying threats involving them. Bowden tries taking matters into his own hands, but it goes awry, and the result is a suspenseful battle between good and evil on Cape Fear River. This film is an absolute classic, with plenty of suspense, witty one-liners, a classic score, and exquisite directing, writing, and performances. It's a movie that the whole family could basically watch, because it's not all that inappropriate for today's times, and not too scary, just a good movie! I don't see why, however, this movie and the remake must be compared so much! The remake is a remake, it is a totally separate thing. The remake, directed by Scorsese, was much more brutal in its depiction, but still a great film. I don't see why people can't just look at it as it's own movie. Anyway, this is a terrific movie that I highly recommend.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Review: Gregory Peck... Robert Mitchum... Martin Balsam... Polly Bergen... Bernard Herrmann... J. Lee Thompson... John R. McDonald... Telly Savalas... Sam Leavitt... James R. Webb...

This list comprises all the pluses that go into making a thriller of lust, revenge, retribution and calculated rumblings of a volcano ready to blow, in Cape Fear. This is not the pale imitation that was directed by Martin Scorcese in 1991. That later production was an unmitigated conglomerate of overacting, blood and heavy violence galore, teamed with a hammed performance by Robert De Niro, although Mitchum and Peck provided small cameos in the film and were a much needed relief from all the pyrotechnics.

In the much better realized original version of Cape Fear, Sam Bowden (Gregory Peck), a lawyer in a laidback Florida town, confronts his worst nightmare in the form of Max Cady (Robert Mitchum), a man he helped to incarcerate 8 1/2 years previously in Baltimore, Maryland. Cady has come to extract the vengeance that he feels is his due, by stalking Bowden, his wife Peggy (Polly Bergen) and young teenage daughter, Nancy (Lori Martin), and wreaking havoc in the process.

A game of psychological cat and mouse entails, with the police chief Mark Dutton (Martin Balsam) and private investigator, Charles Siever (Telly Savalas) being called into play as enforcers and blockers in the line of defense that is orchestrated to prevent Cady from advancing his desires and seeing them come to fruition. The story that develops runs the gamut from law-abiding citizens seeking to remedy the course of events through attrition, to seeing their machinations destroyed through the sly maneuverings of Cady and his knowledge of the very law that is attempting to lasso him in.

Robert Mitchum as Max Cady has a clear grasp of the situation that he has been called to perform. He has gotten into the skin of the beast and emits a persona of a cobra, laying in wait, ready to strike at the drop of a hat at the least bit of invitation, as he sees it. Mitchum has the look of a man who has been around the block more than a few times and in the process, has beaten his way to the top, and left broken bodies and psyches in his wake. He has not the slightest redeeming value to him and his vulgar and crass attitude towards others is noted with due process. He is a bad rash that is so hard to shake and he leaves the scars of an emotional rollercoaster ride in his wake. Mitchum is 'mad, bad and dangerous to know' and that's the way it should be. It can be said that Cady is the devil personified, and one would not be off the mark in its utterance.

Peck's portrayal as Sam Bowden is masterful in its deliberate pacing, as he strays from the upstanding citizen along the path of criminal intent as Cady draws him into the same mire he has called home these past years. Will Bowden become as animalistic as the man stalking his human prey or will upstanding virtues project a revenge that Cady never intended to have happen?

The supporting cast of players lend credence to the appointments they have undertaken. Martin Balsam and Telly Savalas etch memorable sequences, with Savalas taking top honours as the street wise private dick. His Judas goat leading Cady into the final nightmare has that little extra something that conveys a bit of film noir about it. If there is one small fly in the ointment, it is with Lori Martin. Her acting as the teenage daughter of Peck was a little too Lolita-ish, although it was not entirely the fault of the actress. The skimpy shorts outfits sent off the wrong message to the potential pedophile within Cady and to this reviewer. Virginal, they did not look!

The score by Bernard Herrmann was a huge plus, and he wears the moniker of 'master of his craft' with complete credibility. His music takes on the nuances of terror, southern hospitality, warmth, and typical Herrmann in a Hitchcock sort of way. In fact, almost everything about this production of Cape Fear seemed to scream, 'this is a Hitchcock film!' I almost expected to see Hitch make his way across the screen, in a comical cameo, as he is wont to do with his films. A film of this nature would not have been complete without the renderings of this consummate professional.

The black and white photography by Sam Leavitt paints pictures as only this medium can do. The lights and shadows, the sunny days, the dark of night, the portraits of evil and good are brushstroked with a tendency to reveal the true natures of the people they capture.

John D. McDonald's script, based on his novel, The Executioners, is taut and compact. His characters are drawn from everyday life and are set on a course guaranteed to equate the emotions of a small multitude, and to cast a feeling of care and concern from the audience as to what does or does not happen to them. McDonald's feel for the essence of the hatred of Cady and the potential fall from grace that Sam Bowden skirts with, are communicated front and centre.

Direction by J. Lee Thompson is standard fare. He simply holds his flock in minor check, allowing them freedom to let the tale spin itself into the web of terror and horror that we see unfold before us.

It must be reiterated again, that one must not accept 'any imitations.' Cape Fear, the original, is the one to bet your money on. Let the pretenders to the throne allow their death throes and sense of gotterdamerung to thrust itself across the screen. MY Cape Fear is the winner, hands down

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Robert D. is no match for Robert M.!
Review: Like they always say, the original always outlives the remake. The 1990 Cape Fear with Robert DiNero got great reviews but it doesn't compare to the classic. DiNero's a fine actor but he didn't capture the mysterious quality Robert Mitchem did in this version. DiNero's character was too cocky and came off more like a dweeb than someone you should be frightened of. The plot was excellent. The acting was superb. This is a movie that proves a remake cannot do the original premise justice. Get this movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "Max Cady isn't a man who makes idle threats!"
Review: Prior to his Oscar-winning role as lawyer Atticus Finch in "To Kill a Mockingbird", Gregory Peck portrayed another attorney in 1962's "Cape Fear", a psychological thriller also starring Robert Mitchum in one of his most despicable roles.

No two actors were better suited than these two. Their characters are a definite study in contrast. Peck's Sam Bowden is a civilized intellectual forced to resort to some underhanded means to protect his family and himself from the treacherous taunts of Mitchum's crude, rude antagonist. Tension builds as the two men make a final confrontation at the location of the film's title.

Polly Bergen and Lorie Martin as Peck's respective wife and daughter are quite good a show a strength of character rare for women in the early 60's. They are not just "screaming Mimi's".

Martin Balsam, Jack Krushen and a pre-Kojak Telly Savalas round out a superlative cast; Barrie Chase is also quite memorable as a woman that runs afoul of the Mitchum's sadistic Max Cady.

Southern locations and crisp cinematography provide a picturesque yet menacing background and look.

To top off the film off is another remarkable score from Bernard Herrmann. Music by the late composer elevates this already superior thriller to a higher level.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cape Feared
Review: As much as I like the Martin Scorsese remake of CAPE FEAR from '91, I still prefer the original, 1961 version over the updated film. Lawyer, Sam Bowden (Gregory Peck) and his family are being tormented by an ex-con (Robert Mitchum), who was sent to jail because of Bowden. After deciding to seek help from the town Police Chief (Martin Balsam) and getting nowhere, Bowden hires a P.I. (Telly Savalas) to track con Max Cady. The film is a game of cat and mouse personified. Mitchum as Cady gives one of the best performances of his stellar career. J. Lee Thompson crated a great thriller here. He uses tension and mood to draw us in, rather than anything else. A big part of the film's atmosphere is set right from the start with Bernard Herrmann's memorable theme and score. Peck also is at the top of his game here. His goal is to protect his wife (Polly Bergen) and daughter (Lori Martin), no matter what. The climax is expertly staged and is even more satisfying in black and white.

The standout extras on the DVD are an all new retrospective 35 minute documentary and the still gallery. It also includes a vintage trailler and a few production notes. I highly recommend this classic thriller .

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A great suspenseful thriller for its time!
Review: A terrific suspense thriller, Cape Fear is the tale of lawyer Sam Bowden, played by Gregory Peck, who's family is being stalked by vengeful ex-con Max Cady, played by Robert Mitchum. It seems that Cady is around every corner that Bowden's family turns, and Sam is terrified of what may happen to his far too pacifistic wife, Peggy, and gorgeous teen daughter, Nancy. The film provides suspenseful moment after suspenseful moment, though half the time you are wondering what the heck the Bowdens are thinking. They are repeatedly leaving Nancy in dangerous situations, knowing that a criminal psycho has his eyes on her and is always around waiting for any opportunity to do something horrible. The film is still strong and interesting though, a great watch. There's plenty of shock value when you consider it's made for an audience just coming out of the fifties, and Lori Martin (Nancy) is just too, too cute. A classic at any rate, and any film fan should at least see it, though I recommend buying it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Tight thriller with great acting.
Review: I have decided to write reviews for both the original and remake of the fabulous film back to back.
Gregory Peck play's Sam Bowden an lawyer with a nice family and a good structure around his life. He is unprepared however when Max Cady,Played with fantastic menace by Robert Mitchum, is released from prison and shows up in Bowdens life. Cady is angry with Bowden becouse he testified agianst him at a assault trial that resulted in Cady's incarceration.
Two of the most different actors stay in this fantasticlly paced thriller. Mitchum is scary and itimmidating as Cady while Peck's Bowden is so reserved you wounder just what would happen if they got into a life and death struggle. This movie delivers on all leavels. You care about all the charators and feel a real sense of dread whenever Mitchum comes onto the screen.
I also reviwed the other Cape Fear but forget the remake and see this one instead.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Purely classic!
Review: The 1962 version of "Cape Fear" is a classic horror movie in every sense of the word, with its high-pitched, screaming soundtrack, its acting, and the story that strays away from the violence seen in today's movies, but still takes a daring step for its time. Director J. Lee Thompson weaves suspense into every moment through his pacing, and with the help of gifted actors Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum, who play the cat-and-mouse battle exquisitely.

Peck is Sam Bowden, an attorney who begins to suspect that recently released convict Max Cady, played by Mitchum, is after his family in a game of revenge. Bowden testimony against Cady is what put him away for eight years, and Cady is out for more than just a monetary payoff. As he watches the Bowden family, he is careful not to overstep the boundaries of the law, which makes it increasingly difficult for Bowden to bring him up on any charge.

Bowden soon realizes that the only avenue of protection for his family is to set a trap for Cady, prove that he is out to harm his wife and child, and have him either arrested or killed on the spot. This leads to the famed showdown on Cape Fear, in which Cady brings out the family's worst nightmares.

It's interesting to watch thrillers from this day and age, and compare it to the tactics used in such movies as "Cape Fear." In a society where we resort to such violent and gruesome tactics in movies, sometimes it's nice to escape that and find something out of the norm. The scene in this film in which Cady physically oppresses Bowden's wife only gives off the impression that rape is almost inevitable, but to see her face frozen in that moment of utter fear is as frightening and eye-opening as anything Hollywood can dish up.

The movie plays with the audience on many occasions, with effective results. A scene involving Bowden's daughter running from the pursuing Cady is charged with suspense, though in the end, he was not the one coming after her. Much like it's main protagonist, we are left in the dark as to solid evidence to convince us of Cady's guilt in such crimes as poisoning the family dog, leaving us to invest our own opinion in the characters.

This is an easy task, given the stellar acting from the two male leads. Gregory Peck portrays a man driven to the end of his rope quite well, and the inner collapse we see in Sam Bowden is given a believable complexity. It is Robert Mitchum, however, who steals the show with his heart-stopping performance as Cady, evoking a subtle chill that permeates the entire movie. His ability to portray a character who remains calm in the most disturbing moments makes his performance a stand-out, one to be heralded for its authenticity and true-to-life nature.

"Cape Fear" will go down as a classic, and deserves such a fate. It is the ideal model of a classic thriller, and it proves at many times that there is such a thing as subtle terror instead of big gross-out effects that will keep the audience in the mindset of the movie. I look at the picture as nothing more than a suitable thriller that's a bit risky for its time period, and it works well.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "Max Cady isn't a man who makes idle threats!"
Review: Prior to his Oscar-winning role as lawyer Atticus Finch in "To Kill a Mockingbird", Gregory Peck portrayed another attorney in 1962's "Cape Fear", a psychological thriller also starring Robert Mitchum in one of his most despicable roles.

No two actors were better suited than these two. Their characters are a definite study in contrast. Peck's Sam Bowden is a civilized intellectual forced to resort to some underhanded means to protect his family and himself from the treacherous taunts of Mitchum's crude, rude antagonist. Tension builds as the two men make a final confrontation at the location of the film's title.

Polly Bergen and Lorie Martin as Peck's respective wife and daughter are quite good a show a strength of character rare for women in the early 60's. They are not just "screaming Mimi's".

Martin Balsam, Jack Krushen and a pre-Kojak Telly Savalas round out a superlative cast; Barrie Chase is also quite memorable as a woman that runs afoul of the Mitchum's sadistic Max Cady.

Southern locations and crisp cinematography provide a picturesque yet menacing background and look.

To top off the film off is another remarkable score from Bernard Herrmann. Music by the late composer elevates this already superior thriller to a higher level.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Original......Classic Thrills and Chills
Review: This review refers to the "Cape Fear"(1962) Widescreen DVD edition by Universal.....

"Cape Fear" from 1962 is a terrific example of great film noir. Filmed in black and white, director J.Lee Thompson uses shadows and light, and the art of suggestion(the censors were pretty tough back in the 60's), to bring us this bone-chilling and suspenseful classic that over fourty years later, still, has not lost it's draw. Not unlike many of Hitchcock's films, Thompson has the audience on the edge of their seats,our hearts in our throats, and in fear for the hero.

It's good vs. evil, as Greogory Peck and Robert Mitchum, put their immense talents together for this spine tingler. Max Cady(Mitchum) has just been released from 8 long years in prison. From the moment we meet him, we KNOW this is one bad hombre. He is bent on revenge, and Sam Bowden(Peck) is the man who must pay. Sam's young daughter and beautiful wife are the targets of Max's obssession. He is slick and devious and will stop at nothing to get even. Sam does everything in his power legally to try and stop him, but must take matters into his own hands to protect his family.

Mitchum is simply powerful in his performance of this menacing threat, and Peck as always is perfect in his portrayal of the family man whose life has just turned into one big nightmare!
The film is also helped by the wonderful talents of Telly Savalas and Martin Balsam. Polly Bergen and Lori Martin are magnificent as the terrified wife and daughter.The talent doesn't end there though, the haunting music was scored by Bernard Hermann(who worked with Hitch on several films), and Sam Leavitt does a fabulous job with the black and white cinematography.

The transfer to DVD is crisp and sharp. It is presented in anamorphic widescreen(1.85:1)and barely shows it's age. The sound is in Dolby Dig 2.0 Mono. The dialouge as well as the music and background noises are all clear and distguishable.
There is a terrific featurette on the making of the film,production photos, a trailer, and DVD ROM. It may only be viewed in English, but has captions in English and subtitles in Spanish and French for those that may need them.

A thriller that stands the test of time. One that esteemed Director Martin Scorsese chose to pay homage to with a wonderful remake.

Get the popcorn ready and enjoy......Laurie

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