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Wait Until Dark

Wait Until Dark

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wait Until Dark
Review: Lock the front door, turn down the lights and don't forget that tub of popcorn! Here is a thriller sure to make the hair on the back of your neck stand upright. Susie Hendrix, played by the wonderful Audrey Hepburn, is a blind woman being spied and terrorized upon in her own apartment. When Susie's husband Sam is asked to hold an antique doll for a woman who mysteriously disappears, little does he know the horror that will unfold. Unknown to Susie, the drug-filled doll is in their home and a psychopath, played by Alan Arkin, must retrieve it by any means necessary. Hepburn adds much suspense to this movie; she may be blind, but she's not stupid and she quickly unravels the mind games of Arkin. For those of you who thought blind people were defenseless, think again!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wait Until Dark To Watch!
Review: In her last Oscar nominated role, Audrey Hepburn brings her role as Susie Hendrix to life in this thrilling film brought together by Hitchcock influence.

Susie is learning to adapt to her blindness, which resulted from a recent auto accident, she recieves help from Gloria, a girl who lives in the upstairs appartment & her loving photographer husband, Sam. Sam who does a great deal of traveling in his line of business, excepts a doll as a favor to a young woman, on his way home from Canada. He takes it home deciding to give it to a child in the hospital only to have it dissapear.

But what Sam & Susie don't know is that the doll is actually filled with small packets of herion & that a murderous drug dealer (Alan Arkin) will stop at nothing to get his hands on the doll. He inlists two con-men (Richard Crenna & Jack Weston) to help him trick Susie into handing the doll over while posing as policemen & Sam's friends. The plot thickins as Susie begins to realize the truth behind the criminals & turns her weakness into a powerful strength.

Many claim that the movie is a pathetic excuse for a horror & that the movie isn't at all scary but I guess they consider films like Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, & Halloween scary because of the cheap scares & gore. But if your not hooked on the slasher genre you should watch this classic, & try watching it in the dark, if you don't scare easy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Turn Off The Lights, Push Play & Be Ready For A Pure Scare
Review: 'Wait Until Dark' was made by Hitchcock influence & was one of the only thrillers that really compare to Hitch's films. The movie is about recently blinded Susie Hendrix (Audrey Hepburn), Susie lives with her photographer husband in a small apartment, when her husband, Sam returns from a business trip in Canada he brings home a doll. The doll just happens to be filled with herion.

When three con men learn of the doll they decide to trick Susie by posing as policemen & friends of her husband. But unluckily for them Susie turns out to be more than they expected, & with the help of Gloria, a little girl who is hired to help Susie, the three just might meet their match.

If you want a real scare & haven't seen the film, wait till midnight, turn off all the lights, & be ready to scream. Especally the last fifteen minutes which are some of the scariest minutes in film history.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Switch Off the House Lights for the Final Fifteen!
Review: As usual, Audrey Hepburn was giggling throughout this entire production, but definitely NOT when the cameras rolled! She turns in a very convincing performance as a terrified (for good reason!) blind woman with class and dignity. Indeed, Hepburn's spirit, and gutsy, determined character carries an otherwise lackluster storyline. Terence Young also helps save the day by directing with a Hitchcockian flare! The remaining cast members contribute solid acting despite pretty much stereotypical characterizations. Besides Hepburn, the little girl next door is undoubtedly the most savvy and memorable. This film features fifteen, count em', fifteen (continuous), of the scariest minutes ever recorded in cinematic history! It's a thrilling conclusion to a suspenseful movie that, unfortunately, possesses its share of lackluster and unsettling moments as well. Try watching the last fifteen minutes in the dark!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Classic beats out modern horror movies
Review: I first saw this movie in an after-school showing in our junior high school auditorium. During one scene, every 13-year old girl in the big auditorium screamed at the top of her lungs, and my ears are still ringing to this day....The movie is an excellent suspense thriller (more suspense than horror, really). What I enjoy about it is that the "victim" does not just sit helplessly and scream, she fights back. She is faced with overwhelming odds, but she fights back against the bad guys, and even figures out a way to turn her weakness into strength. The only criticism I have of the movie is that the "tough guys" who are supposed to be so scarey haven't aged well. Grown men who fight with tv antennas and bike chains just look silly in the days of gang-bangers with Uzis. On the other hand, Alan Arkin is still VERY creepy when he concentrates on being creepy instead of frightening. Despite the one aspect of it being a bit dated, I highly recommend the movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Play Brought to Life
Review: Psychologically, this is a thriller, gripping you, making you scream out loud, making you feel fear when you realize something, making you want to scream out advice. I was captivated by this one-set feature and I love it muchly. It truly filled me with fear, as I watched pure evil slither around. The score is weird, yet beautiful, and I have to laugh at the simple song that plays at the end "Wait Until Dark". I truly loved this, and recommend it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Watch It In The Dark
Review: This is the kind of thriller I like. I find the blood and gore slasher films to be boring and unimaginative. But Wait Until Dark builds up genuine suspense with it's clever plot and psychological tension. Hepburn stars as blind woman whose husband has inadvertently taken possession of a doll with drugs hidden in it. Alan Arkin stars as a twisted criminal that wants to get his hands on the doll, and he enlists Richard Crenna and Jack Weston to join him in fooling the blind woman into handing over the doll. Hepburn is terrific as the blind woman who proves to be more self-sufficient than she probably even thought she was, and Arkin is very scary as the psycho who terrorizes her. The way that the men go about getting the doll is fascinating, and the way the film is constructed, the viewer really feels the suspense from the point of view of someone who is blind and that much more vulnerable. This is a suspense film that everyone should see.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great film
Review: If I remember correctly, Stephen King, in his book _Danse Macabre,_ rated Arkin's portrayal of Harry Roat, Jr. as the most evil screen villain ever. I would have to agree. The way he looks and acts --the funny Jerry Lewis _Nutty Professor_ voice, the black leather jacket and little round sunglasses, the Moe Howard haircut -- would be funny if it wasn't for the fact than underneath it all is a homicidal maniac who rather enjoys kllling. I won't give any of the plot anyway, but there is a scene involving Arkin and Hepburn's ankle -- and a knife and _where_ Arkin got it from -- that is worth the entire movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: The suspense builds till the very last minute thru the movie. This movie feels like u are watching a theater performance since the film largely takes place on just one set. Audrey Hepburn outdoes herself here, so does Alan Arkin as the bad guy. He is truly chilling. The end is so creepy, don't watch this alone.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Gripping Psychological Thriller
Review: "Wait Until Dark" is a suspense film in the finest traditions of Alfred Hitchcock. The direction by Terence Young ("Dr. No" and "From Russia With Love") masterfully blends a stellar cast with mood, music, and atmosphere to create a compelling psychological thriller. The story involves a blind woman (Audrey Hepburn), who has unknowingly come into the possession of a child's doll filled with heroin. Three con men (Alan Arkin, Richard Crenna, and Jack Weston) create an elaborate scheme to locate the doll in her apartment without arousing her suspicions.

Like Hitchcock, director Young reveals the identity and intent of the con men right from the beginning of the movie. He lets the audience in on their secret. It is left to the blind and isolated victim to decipher their intent and her own personal danger over the course of the film. Hepburn is engaging in the role of a woman who is at once vulnerable yet possesses unfolding inner strength. She knows she is alone and ultimately responsibility for her own fate. The suspense grows as her suspicions are slowly aroused until all is revealed to her in one terrifying moment of confrontation with the cunning and evil Arkin. The stark confines of the apartment and the dramatic musical score by Henry Mancini accentuate the dark and foreboding atmosphere. This is a film you will not soon forget...

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