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To Catch a Thief

To Catch a Thief

List Price: $24.99
Your Price: $18.74
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: to catch a thief
Review: I like just about all cary grant movies. This is one of my favorites if you like this one I would also recomend charade and north by northwest

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Ogden
Review: This was great! It had a picture of Grace Kelly on the front looking gorgeous, and the pocket frisbee inside works a treat.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Class!!!
Review: Good story - Excellent Cast - Good Photography - Why can't we have more movies like this?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Experience
Review: What a great experience it has been to watch this long-cherished Hitchcock film, on DVD format, thus watching it in full glory, Widescreen (Vistavision), with crisp, sharp images, brilliant colors, etc....after of years of watching faded, full screen prints on TV. On top of this, you get excellent bonuses: excellent documentaries, comments, still galleries,... What more can I say? Paramount is doing its best with their classics!...

Top performances by the very attractive two leads' (Kelly and Grant)....in fact Kelly never looked so ravishing and gorgeous than here, only perhaps in "The Swan" (1956)....being one the most sensual, elegant and beautiful women of all time....a Real Goddess-come-to-earth.....How can someone so perfect did ever exist!And besides talented!Grant his usual man-of-the-world, excellent timing, top actor and comedian.

Great support by the wonderful character actor John Williams and by everybody's favorite sophisticated mother: Jessie Royce Landis (although here she plays a woman of humble origins who became rich because of Oil being found in her Oklahoma Ranch-anyway she looks and behaves like a Queen) and by French grand actor Charles Vanel.

And what about those great landscapes of the South of France (Cannes, Monaco, Côte D'Azûr,...), breathtaking!!

Vintage Hollywood Classic.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The French Riviera, Cary Grant, Grace Kelly....more
Review: Alfred Hitcock's 1954 thriller about a retired jewel-thief(Grant)
and the lovely American girl(Kelly) who falls in love with him.
Grant at 50 is at his debonair best playing John Robie, "The Cat." He is a former jewel-thief who became a hero fighting for the French Resistance during World War Two. Thanks to his heroics, he has been pardoned and he lives quietly in the Provence hills. Until a string of jewel robberies brings him out of retirement.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: light=agile
Review: There is nothing more comforting for a film viewer then to be in the hands of a master. unless it is to be in the hands of a master so confident of his abilties that he stops pushing, lets up on the throtle and just lets tumble out of him the instinctively great within him.
In to catch a thief you have a hitchcock at the hieght of his carreer, in between cinematic triumphs, and endowed with stars, and settings to compliment his impecable style. In thier roles of support in hitchcock movies actors and settings can easily be thought of as the orchestra undergirding the soloist in a brilliant violin concerto. In the case of to catch a thief the soloist has decided to let up on the more histrionic flourishes of his technical skill (which are always welcome but not always needed) and really let his orchestra shine without sacrificeing one iota of his own virtuosity.
You can definitely see hitchcock at work in this movie which one might guess would detract feom such relatively light subject matter but what actualy happens is that his ability with mood and suspense serves to bouy the subject matter far above the level of its tonal companion pieces.
His use of camera, music, economy of dialogue, veiled eccentricity of character really take the engine of the exotic romantic comedy and lifts it far beyond where had ever been before or is likely ever to go again.
Then of course there is, grace kelley...nuff said.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Light entertainment, but still suspenseful!
Review: This movie has humor, tension, beautiful scenery, and very sharp dialogue between Grant and Kelly. The costume ball and scenes at the end of the movie are just wonderful. Grant and Kelly definately have sparks flying between them, and the give-and-take between them is both funny and very sexy (for that time).

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: cary grant being cary grant
Review: it's time to everyone to admit that cary grant basically walked through the last 20 years of his career. originally, he was incredibly funny, different and interesting. he was what a movie star was all about. but for most of his career he effortlessly cruised on his reputation and good looks, and people loved him no matter what he did. watch those movies now and they aren't very interesting at all. it was such a waste. with that all said, this is still a pretty good movie, thanks to kelly at her most glamorous and the elfish gremlin's touch of hitchcock.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Slick and Masterful: Hitchcock's caper comes off a cropper
Review: John Robie (Cary Grant) has a big problem: no one will believe he is innocent of a string of jewel robberies on the French Riviera. Grace Kelly plays Francie Stevens, an American tourist who doesn't know whether to kiss or kick John. On thing's for certain: she's going to get to the bottom of things. Hitchcock's outstanding chase flick is blessed with sharp dialogue, marvelous locations, stellar casting and a really solid screenplay. Unfortunately, all are marred by a rather shoddy transfer from Paramount Home Video. Though colors are rich, they are not well balanced and are sometimes extremely muddy. Contrast and shadow deliniation are rather low. Digital and film grain intrude and distract. At least the film is presented in its original VistaVision 1:85:1 aspect ratio. Included are several featurettes, one on the film, another on Hitchcock and one on resident costume designer, Edith Head. A stills gallery and theatrical trailers top out this offering. Bottom line: The movie is worth its weight in gold. The same can't be said for its digital transfer.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great film!
Review: Cary Grant and Grace Kelly are beautifully paired in this film. It's exciting, mysterious, romantic, and overall entertaining. It's well worth seeing. The wardrobe is very good and it holds one's interest.

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