Rating:  Summary: Part 2 now!! Review: The question that everybody has been asking himself is finally solved. Yes it is excellent, both for the fans as for the "soon to be fans". However it is in by means perfect, the fans will cringe at the tought of removing the slower scenes (the big part between the Shire and Bree lasts about 5 minutes!) and, more disturbing to me, the change in little details that could well have rested the same (for example: Merry & Pippin trowing rocks in the lake by Moria instead of Boromir). However, the good outweighs the bad by far, the story evolves a lot faster than in the book and keeps you pinned to your seat for 3 short hours. The casting is probably the best since Marlon Brando was picked for Don Corleone. Best example of this is of course Gandalf as Ian McKellen or was it the other way round... but all actors are up to their tasks even the dreaded performance of Liv Tyler was filled with a nuance we were perhaps not so used to. Another plus is that finally characters are allowed to speak their own language, about time I would say, the erie beauty of the Elvish only adds to the atmosphere the entire movie is filled with. I can be very short about the special effects, it's there, it the best ever and Elijah Wood is 3 foot 4 in real life. So get out and see this thing because if you don't, you'll miss the best fantasy flick ever and probably the best film of 2001 (Not to much competion, I admit but even in the best of years this one would stand out, BIG time)
Rating:  Summary: Well well well Review: SO I'm patiently waiting for the movie to come out, but as far as the reviews go, it's not that good. I just read the reviews below, and got really suprised about seeing some guy writing that Tolkien is childish. I'm 13, my Mom is 37, and my stepfather is 26. We all think Tolkien is great. I have never seen anyone in my life (except my Grandma who doesn't like anything that's not real - fantasy, sci-fi, etc) who didn't like Tolkien... well actually one guy, who was forced to read it in school, while he was too young for it. So ok. He said the book is childish and racist, and sexist, and stuff. Yeah, whatever. The guy below me said the same thing. Now let's guess why he said that. Ummmm.... because he's childish himself. Lord of the Rings is a very hard novel with a not-so-simple languages, a great plot, and with lots of imagination. The Hobbit IS childish, because it was supposed to be like that, but lotr is NOT. It's a novel, and people who think that the book is childish are probably childish themselves. Now, to the point.LotR is a great book, but as everyone knows, only a few movies in the world are better than books they were made after. Now look at the trailer. Arwen basically takes up a major part in the movie. She replaces the Elf (forgot his name) at the Ford, she replaces most of the smaller charachters in LotR. She becomes a tough girl who will kill everyone, and Aragorn will marry her for that. In the book, she's only mentioned in two or three chapters (Aragorn thinks and talks about her constantly but never actually mentions her name. That is needed to show us that he's really in love), but has a very definite charachter and role. She pays with her immortality for love, and that is what she does in the book, nothing else. She's a hero in this way, and not a hero in a sword-and-shield way. As far as I remember, (...) Saruman dies at the fall of Isengard, which means that the ending of the third part of the movie will be completely different. And that is one of the best parts of the book! And besides, it could be already seen that Peter Jackson tried to make a Holywood movie out of lotr, when holywood is just not the thing he needs. Tolkien's books have many ideas and messages, and he should make THEM to be first on the list!
Rating:  Summary: It's Got to be better then Harry Potter Review: After almost 20 years, they are finally brining the saga of Middle Earth to the Big Screen. All I can say is that this film must be better then Harry Potter. This is the story of magic and mystic power in it's more pure form. No laughs or nothing. It's very serious, and will hopefully put some much needed mythology back into fantasy films which is something that Harry Potter so totally Lacks.
Rating:  Summary: finally! Review: my fellow tolkin believers! at last we have seized the weapon to silence all them potter fans. their pathetic little wizard may very well beat us at the boxoffice race, but he has lost the war. he was crushed and vaporised. the lord of the rings is by far the best adventure movie ever, and that includes the never ending story and willow.
Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to those who gave it 4.5 Stars. Review: I saw this movie at a press screening, and I must say, this is one of the best movies I have ever seen in my entire life. Those who give it any less than 5 stars are just petty and picky. They try too hard to compare a movie, one that was interpreted through the eyes of another, to their own imagination. They need to let that go, and just enjoy the movie as just another way to tell the same story. The movie is absolutely SPECTACULAR! I have never seen such ambition and flawless story telling and directing. The acting and casting is perfect by any standard, and the battles are truly something to behold. The costumes and props are unparalleled, and the secenery is enough of a reason to book a ticket to New Zealand (where it was filmed). (...)
Rating:  Summary: good adaptation Review: I have done quite a bit or researching and diffing about the upcoming LOTR movie, the first in the trilogy, the Fellowship of the Rings. The trailers and television spots have been very impressive and definitely make the movie loook like a great success. It's safe to say that I'm as excited as many others are about the release, but the one caveat seems to me to be the part of Arwen. I read a fellow reviewer who also voiced his opinion about a very minor player that has been expanded upon and modified within the story. You can say that maybe the reason they did this was to make the love story a little more involved and add an important female part to the movie, I don't agree with this because the story already has, in my opnion, a very strong female character in Eowyn. Although she dosnt appear for a while, she is worth not modifying the story and having her part be the most important and influential strong female cast. Thats all that I really can say that im concerned about, but except for a few minor reservations i can't wait to see this movie and I can guarantee that I will be there the first day!
Rating:  Summary: Pure Magic Review: Working in the media has its perks and one of them was being invited to the premier of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring on the 10th of December. Just as it is impossible to describe J.R.R. Tolkien's masterpiece in a few words, so it is with this epic movie event. Life in Middle-earth is brought to life with an attention to detail that is, at times, quite overwhelming in its exquisite beauty and authenticity. The cast of gifted actors (particularly Sir Ian McKellan in the role of Gandalf and Elijah Wood as the hairy-footed Frodo Baggins) have instilled their characters with a humanity that will remain in your heart long after the movie is over. Add to that an extraordinary soundtrack and seamless special effects, and the result is nothing short of magic. Peter Jackson is a genius. He has created a movie that is about to make history. To those who have been anticipating its release as much as I have, you will not be disappointed (and that goes for hardened purists too). Now when is that DVD being released? I don't think I can wait.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not Great Review: I saw it the 10 of Dec. It was the presentation to the sponsors. I can tell you that the movie is good. It is not exceptional as the shortcuts wants you to believe. But i can say that is pretty good. It is very long, almost 3 hours. In some time the movie is a little boring. The Photography, the costumes, the effects, the fights are spectacular. The landscape is great too. In conclusion: i will see it again, It is one of the best movies of the year, not the best, but it is a good one.
Rating:  Summary: I wish to protect freedom of dreams Review: I believe the movie will be great even though they paid too much attention to make it "real". But it will also destroy the world of Tolkien the way it was inside me. Before everybody had own vision of Tolkien books. We had freedom of dreams; in our imagination we made hobbits look pretty much like we were with our own habits and speeches. We saw orcs as bad as we believed the bad creatures should look. We become older and our heroes grow with us adopting our new habits and experience. Finally most of us leave them behind with a blue of nostalgia. Well, we about to get everything back from unified view point of 40 years old kids with a lot of 3D effects and their desire to make everything looks "real". I wish them luck as much as I wish to protect my view of Tolkien even if I didn't touch it for a while. The PG-13 will protect the freedom of dream of our kids :-). Another point - the movie itself looks strong enough to live its own life.
Rating:  Summary: Expecting a Weak Ending Review: Because the Book is a Trilogy (The Fellowship of the Ring, the Two Towers, and The Return of the King), I can't see them ending the movie the way the Fellowship ends, I don't wanna give away the ending but none the less it should be weak if they follow the ending of the first book. I'm looking forward to the Two Towers myself, Gollum/Smeagol (He's a Schitzo) will captavate audiences and annoy them by saying precious over 100 times. And Just a note. Why is Arwen in the Movie? She's a 3 or 4 Sentance character, and if she rides with the company there will be a fellowship of 10 not 9 like it is supposed to.