Rating:  Summary: Best Fantasy Film Ever Made (caution: spoilers) Review: I note that some are willing to review this movie before they see it. Amazing. Well, I just got home from the theatre, and I'm blown away. I've read the triogy maybe 5 times in 30 years, and this movie captured the spirit of Tolkein as well as one could hope.The entire backstory (Isildur, Sauron's fall, Bilbo & Gollum, and the Rings of Power) is clearly explained in the first 5 minutes. The scene of the battle between Elendil, Gil-galad & Sauron, where Isildur takes The One Ring, is utterly stunning. Makes Cecil B DeMille look like a piker. People who've never read any of it will be right up to speed. Sure they left out Bombidil, and lots got cut at Bree, but given the relentless drive of the film, that's a good thing. The Mines of Moria and the battle at Khazad-dum are stunning. Isengard is made real. The various races are all well done, especially the orcs. Jackson has taken some liberties (e.g. Gandalf's imprisonment is told in real-time, not as a tale told later), but every one of these helps the film. Hey, THIS IS THE BEST FANTASY FILM EVER MADE. One small complaint -- I have to wait a year for the next film. I'm ready right NOW!
Rating:  Summary: Tolkien would be horrified! Review: Despite the promise shown in the trailers, I was very disappointed by this movie. I can only be glad that Tolkien is no longer with us for he surely would have hated it. Peter Jackson et all have successfully destroyed the depth and magic of Middle-earth. From the very start of the movie, we see severe changes to the plot. The nature of the Ring is downplayed. Bilbo drops it on the floor in front of Gandalf, rather than placing it on the mantle, where it will not be as great of a temptation. Frodo is NOT at all astounded or reproachful when the Ring is placed in the fire (perhaps because this time, Gandalf has sealed it in an envelope), and, "keep it secret, keep it safe" sounds like a bad television jingle. It is also interesting how the flock of crows attempts to attack the Fellowship, and how Saruman is responsible for the mishaps on Caradhras. It is understandable that wizard duels and romances are interesting, but one could hope that in such an anticipated movie the effects would be decent. Frodo, at least was played well. Although the relationships between the characters were downplayed, the Ring was clearly a burden to him, and many of his internal struggles are depicted reasonably well. Perhaps the only consistently (good?) aspect of the film was that it was quite unpredictable. Readers of the novels certainly should not be bored by repetition of Tolkien's detailed plot. Perhaps as a modern "fantasy" flick this film would be acceptable. It is a shame that anyone would consider it worthy of representing Tolkien's work. There is nothing remaining of the deep psychological influence of the Ring, the vast nature of Middle-earth, or the history behind it. Instead, we see a sensationalized plot that would be more appropriate to middle-schoolers than the adult audience Tolkien intended. Please read the trilogy (and a bit about Tolkien's own background as a linguist and Oxford professor), and do NOT judge LOTR by this travesty!
Rating:  Summary: Loved it! Review: While the task of turning any classic into a full feature film is daunting and fraught with the possibilty of "ruining" the original integrity, I would have to say that Peter Jackson and company did an A-1 job of bringing LOTR to life! I really couldn't come up with a way to make the movie better. It did take me awhile to get use to Frodo and friends, as I had always pictured hobbits looking a bit fatter and less "polished" than they appeared in the film, on the otherhand I don't know that I would want to watch my version of Frodo for 3 hours and Jacksons choice grew on me as I watched. Everyone else (including the glimpse of Gollum) pretty much fit into my vision of how it should be. The movie remained true to the book for the most part and where it strayed it retained the spirit of the original story. I think anyone who knows the story will enjoy the film (you could watch it for the beautiful scenery alone)and it is certainly worth seeing even if you don't like it as much as I did!
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: I have just gotten back from watching "The Fellowship of the Ring" and I have to say that this was the best movie I have ever watched. It has everything, the unforgettable fight scenes, the Death's of Gandalf and Boromir brought tears to my eyes. This movie is an instant classic that should be viewed by everyone as soon as possible. My only problem is the year waits between this movie The Two Towers and The Return of the King. I guess I'll just have to wait, and I already have my calender marked for the release of The Two Towers next Dec. 18th. For those of you who would rather not sit through a 3 hour movie, you don't no what your missing, it is well worth the time.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible. Truly incredible. Review: I have long been a fan of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, as well as it's precursor, The Hobbit. After seeing the long-awaited film today, I am completely amazed. Peter Jackson is to be commended for creating a faithful, exciting, visually stunning film version of the Fellowship of the Ring. While the movie does have it's flaws, they are so small as to not be worthy of mention. And, also, the flaws are inherent in trying to condense such a long book into a film. The most noticable loss is of Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, as well as the Barrow Wights. They are completely skipped, and yet the film does not suffer for it. My only major complaint is that the film seems a bit rushed (yes, even at three hours), but I suppose that couldn't be helped. I HIGHLY recommend this film for all fantasy fans, but especially for fans of Tolkien's books. Hurrah for Peter Jackson!
Rating:  Summary: Astonishing Review: Simply put, this movie is one of the most incredible movies I have *ever* seen, bar none. Throughout the movie, my hands were sweaty with suspense. When I wasn't sweating, I was covered with goosebumps induced by the sheer spectacle of the movie. It WAY exceeded my expectations. In fact, I wanted to stay in my seat to sit through the next showing. It's that good! The creatures are realistic enough to cause nightmares and the characters are totally believable. The only critique I have is that 365 days is too darn long to wait to see the next one!
Rating:  Summary: Sweet Review: This is one of the best adaptations of a book that I have ever seen, I read the book half a dozen times and I know that there is some parts left out of the movie due to time constraints but I saw this twice already in the theater and it got better the second time I saw it. Drop everything and go see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Shameless Review: It saddens me that such a classic could be butchered so badly. That's not to say that the special effects weren't impressive, but three hours of scenery just doesn't cut it. Even then, the effects fall short because the hobbits change height several times, first coming up to people's waists, then their shoulders. Regarding the storyline, the movie portrays Gandalf as a parnoid old man, Aragorn as a shamed derelict, Boromir as an evil sissy, Sauron as a mythical monster...etc. They changed key scenes, but not the quotes they use from the book, which is contradicting. I guess what I'm getting at is, if you have read and truly enjoyed the books, don't waste your time or money on the movie for it will only make you mad.
Rating:  Summary: wow! Review: all I can say after catching the midnight showing (yep, i just got up!) is "wow" that was an incredible experience! especially with THX! there were a few changes made (where was Tom Bombidil?! why are they adding connections to the 2 towers?) but for the most part they were welcome changes. the music was just incredible, and there were times when I was on the edge of my seat even though I knew exactly what would happen next! My only gripe is that I have to wait a _year_ before I can see the 2 towers, this is the 1st series of the 21st century that will make you wait for parts 2 and 3. But that is what the DVDs will be for :) I've got to go see it again!
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable -- An Epic that Lives up to the Hype & Beyond Review: I do not know how some people can give this movie below 5 stars... sure, there is some director's license to mend the movie (otherwise it would be 10 installments not three... :) but the acting and special effects and the sheer grandness of the journey is shown with style, charisma, an beauty. I suggest that everyone watch this movie -- even my wife, a non-Fantasy fan, thoroughly enjoyed this movie. A solid movie not just for Tolkien fans...