Rating:  Summary: I truly hope...(MINOR SPOILERS) Review: ...that they will have this AMAZING scene included for it truly shows a huge step in Aragorn shedding his reluctance to accept his role as the King of Gondor. Plus it would be fantastic visually if done right. Picture this in the film if you can; At night & alone Aragorn taking his rightful possession of one of the Palantir (one of the Seeing Stones) and revealing to the flaming, lidless Eye Of Sauron his lineage & the reforged sword Narsil, the very same sword that his ancestor Isildur used to cut Sauron's fingers off along with the One Ring thousands of years ago! Ahhhh....A close up of Aragorn's face in the moonlight, confident with maybe even a slight smirk as if saying, "That's right! You want some more of this?" And then you see The Eye again up close along with that noise like a tempest mingled with fire.... and the pupil suddenly opens wide with recognition and fear..... I don't remember if this scene is in The Two Towers or The Return Of The King, but I really hope that Peter Jackson includes it because it would be oh so SWEET!!! Bring on December 18th!
Rating:  Summary: Heroes Review: Lord of the Rings is definatly the best movie I have ever seen. It is about a hobbit named Frodo who gets a ring of power which needs to be distroyed. Along the way Frodo meets true friends and corruptable ones. But they all play a part in this wonderful trilogy. I have to say that Boromir is my favorite character. And I am appalled when people use him as the "bad guy". He is simply "A Hero with Faults" as Sean Bean puts it. I hope you enjoy this and the following films as much as I did. Bianca.
Rating:  Summary: Brand New Trailor of the Two Towers Review: Alright, I know I'm once again breaking the rules by writing a review for the trailor instead of the movie, but in my defense I'm not the only one impatiently awaiting the next installment in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and if Amazon.com didn't want input before the movie's release, then they wouldn't have this webpage up! Anyway, if you don't find my review for the brand new trailor helpful, I hope at least that you find it interesting. The brand new trailor, not yet shown in theatres, once again got my heart pumping due to the incredible amount of new scenes, new dialouge and new characters that were held within it. It's much better put together than the first trailor which was a bit clumsy and choppy (as some reviewers have noted) but this new one can be found at the official sight and I strongly advise heading down there to download it. It begins much as the preview did, with Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas on the hunt for the captured Merry and Pippen - only in this one they are stopped by the Riders of Rohan and we get our first good look at Eomer who questions them on their presence suspiciously, but sends them on their way (and all of this filmed practically on my backdoor!) It moves to include shots of Merry and Pippen in the orc's imcampment and Frodo and Sam descending into the Emyn Muil who comment on their lack of direction. With all the broken Fellowship accounted for, it immediatly launches into shots of other characters.Many include furthering the relationship between Aragorn and Arwen - there are many shots of them together and Elrond sternly telling Aragorn - "Our time here is ending. Arwen's time is ending. Let her go" and telling Arwen - "There is nothing for you here, only death." There is certainly pressure on them to part ways, but Arwen quietly answers her father -"There is still hope," even after Elrond predicts that Aragorn will not return. Purists at this point may be concerned at these extensive love scenes, none of which appear in the book, but let me explain: although there are rumours that Arwen appears at Helm's Deep, we can be fairly certain this is *not* true. Instead the elves abandon Rivendell for the Grey Havens(there is a beautiful shot of their departure in the trailor) and Arwen takes the still un-forged Shards of Narsil with her. But the trailor doesn't focus solely on the love story - along with Eomer there are many scenes of Eowyn and the much anticipated Bernard Hill as King Theoden, who is being conselled by Gandalf and Aragorn to prepare for war. He is reluctant, but much of the dialouge includes talk of the Uruk-Hai and their purpose to wipe out the world of men. Theoden declares: "I will not risk open war!" and Aragorn replies: "Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not." Eowyn to gets some good scenes - Theoden orders her to led the refugees from Rohan, we see her looking quite feminine at one stage and there is an intriguing scene with her and Aragorn where she asks him - "Who is she? The one who gave you that jewel?" It would seem Peter Jackson is heightening the love triangle between Aragorn, Eowyn and Arwen, though for better or worse remains to be seen. And thankfully, there is more of Frodo and Sam. There was very little of them in all previous previews for the Two Towers, but here there are some very VERY amazing scenes of them struggling with Gollum and appointing him as their guide through Mordor; Frodo brandishing a sword; Frodo falling face-first to the ground (possibly fainting?) and Sam crying out that the Ring "is taking hold of you!" (P.S. thanks to the reviewers who wrote in explaining Frodo's role in the next book, but all I meant in my previous review was that there was surprising little of him in the *preview* - I assume because his journey through Mordor isn't as visually exciting as the rest of character's travels). Now brace yourselves, as the last portion of the trailor picks up speed, and to incredible music flashes through scenes of: the blazing eye of Sauron atop Barad-dur; an awe-inspiring shot of the orc legions; Saruman and Wormtongue; fleeting but clear glimpses of the Wargs; an ent swooping down and lifting Merry off his feet; an oliphaunt; tantalising glimpses of Gandalf's battle with the Balrog; Shadowfax; battle sequences on horseback; Gandalf's return to the three hunters; and more of incredible battle at Helm's Deep. Track this trailor down - you won't be sorry, as it adds even more exicitement for December! From the trailor - "The Fellowship has broken...the Power of Darkness Grows...All Will Be Sacrificed...All Will Be Lost...Unless All Unite Against Evil..." P.S. - If your reading this AFTER the movies' release, please don't vote, as obviously this review will be obselete.
Rating:  Summary: Two Towers - Where's Frodo? Review: I'm delighted that so many people are excited about the upcoming release of Two Towers. Being a fan of the books for more than 20 years, I can't wait for December to roll around, and hope that the films will encourage fans of the film to read the books. To answer some of the questions I've seen in other reviews of the trailer for the movie, specifically, why isn't there more of Frodo, here is some basic info: The Lord of the rings is actually one big book broken into 6 segments. Each of the three books, Fellowship, Towers and Return, contain two of the six segments, but the story is one continuing narrative from the beginning of Fellowship to the end of Return. With Towers, after the breaking of the fellowship, the story follows each of the characters. The first part of Towers (the book) follows Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas as they hunt the orcs that captured Merry and Pippin, then follows them into the beginnig of the War of the Ring. The second half follows Frodo and Sam as they make their way towards Mordor. The same is true in Return, continuing the stories of each member of the original Fellowship, as well as new characters introduced along the way. There will be plenty of Frodo, and plenty of all the others as well. Towers is probably the most exciting part of the series, with the most action. Return will be action packed as well, but Towers won't have to do a wrap up of the story as Return will, and it won't have to establish the main characters as Fellowship did, so it's likely to be the most exciting of the movies. Bring on December!
Rating:  Summary: here's what i think is going to happen Review: There is absolutley no doubt in my mind that this movie is going to be simpley stunning, and all the people who said that the FOTR dragged, they are going to be in for a treat in the Two Towers. Eowyn is in love with aragorn in the book his aditude about the situation is 'get away from me' but i think that jackson is going to make it seem as though Aragorn had feelings for her too. Ya know just for kix, and to make the plot line a bit more... intriguing...for the ladies. I think it would be fun.
Rating:  Summary: Has anyone checked the preview on the DVD? Review: Well, yes the trailers look fantastic, blah blah blah, but on the DVD, it gives an insider's opinion of what it will be like. Elijah Wood says that in The Two Towers, the scale will be larger but it will paint a more intimate portrait of each character. Richard Taylor says that the first movie has been hailed as this magnificent piece of work, with its computer graphics, scenery and detail, but then he says that FOTR is nothing compared to how TTT will be. That seems positive, doesn't it? Anyway, I went to see FOTR six times, but I guess there are those out there who have seen it twenty times or more. But one time, my two friends and I dressed up and went to go see it, which was terribly fun. People stared at us, and some nodded approvingly (YAY!) And then when I heard of the trailer that was added to the end of the movie, I dragged my mother along and we sat through the entire thing, recting lines and it was awesome! The new trailer is great too, so, et's wait until November, see the special edition DVD, then celebrate and see THE TWO TOWERS! WOO HOO!!!!
Rating:  Summary: They are jumping back and forth from book 3 and 4 Review: The movie will jump back and forth from book 3 to 4, and Shelob is being pushed back to the third film and it looks as if part of book 5 will be in this film > It does make sense when you understand that Frodo was at Cirith Gorgor chapter 3 of book 4 while Gandalf was at Isengard with Saruman chapter 10 of book 3 >
Rating:  Summary: A review to what I THINK it will be like Review: Okay, I am basically a Tolkien geek, but I still keep my cool... I have read the whole trilogy twice and almost done with the first two books for the third time. I know quite a bit about what the movie will be like basing it on the book. Jackson stayed basically to the book when making the Fellowship of the Ring, so he should for The Two Towers. Yes, there are some things that he had to take out of FOTR such as Bombadil and Gildor and the Exiles, but did he have a choice? Watching the special features on the FOTR DVD, I noticed that Jackson said that everyone always had said that these amazing classics could never be made into a movie. The world of Middle Earth was too large. Well, here Jackson is, an avid Tolkien fan, and he is determined to find a way. Everyone was right... there is no possible way to fit EVERYTHING into ONE movie... so Jackson fit what he could into THREE movies. The Two Towers is massive compared to FOTR, and the movie will be the same. There is more action for war-buffs, more romance for people like me, more mystery fo those who like suspense. This is a movie telling of the journey, rather than one that draws a picture of the characters which was the purpose of FOTR. Here you meet important people, such as Éomer and Éowyn and Thèoden. In the second half, you meet Faramir & Smèagol/Gollum. How can you add that many more MAIN charactors and NOT have a HUGE movie? Compared to The Two Towers, the FOTR was slow and boring. This will be a movie to remember, with one amazing battle scene, an amazing hunt, wonderful new creatures, new characters, and a whole lot of class. I thought i would mention to ravenya that most of the book is about Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli and Merry & Pippen. Frodo and Sam don't come in until the second half of the book, which makes for an interesting question of how will Jackson do the seperate books? Will he and do every other scene, or every two scenes (by scenes i mean like chapters of the book) or will he actually have just two halves, and the end of the first half is an ending of the movie? Just a thought to ponder. Here's a sum of all this babble :-) The Two Towers will be a massive movie, both in scale, and in the box office. It is a movie that has something for everyone, from action to romance to mystery. This will be a must see when it comes out.
Rating:  Summary: One Trilogy to rule them all! Review: LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING was a great movie. it takes a lot to impress me with the unoriginal dreck Hollywood crams out these days, but at least, in-between the Tomb Raiders and Planet of the Apes "re-imagening"s, films like The Lord of The Rings revamp my cinema-going enthusiasm. Ans it has now become one of my all-time favourite films. Considering that the entire trilogy was filmed as one big movie, the second instalment, THE TWO TOWERS, will continue continuity, with the masterful storytelling, great characters and breath-taking visuals seen in the first one. I can't wait.....
Rating:  Summary: Dying to watch this one Review: The Two Towers has much much more action than Fellowship,and the third one has even more action.But that one releases in 2003,so Im dying to see this one.I do hope they are faithful to the book,and I would like to see Eowyn and Faramir and Eomer get their proper focus.I love them all..and incase anyone hasn't read the book,please do.You'll love the film even more!!