Rating:  Summary: A wealth of information for the real LOTR fan!! Review: Rarely do you run into a DVD version of a movie of this level. Peter Jackson set out to provide fans of LOTR with a treasure to keep for life, with an extended version of the movies (provided in two of the four discs, just like he did with the "Fellowship...") that thoroughly complements the story we saw in the theaters, along with an extra couple of discs devoted to telling the story behind the storytelling.The added material was the result of uncovering a whole additional layer of footage that was left out for time reasons, but with the same quality of the rest of the movie, just having been edited out because it was not critical for the purposes of telling the story, yet I'd argue that it complements it in such a way that I can't conceive the movie without these moments now, such as the case of showing a prologue-like scene with Boromir, Faramir and their father, before Boromir set foot to Rivendell for the Council of Elrond. As for the features, once again, the movie lent itself to a very broad array of things to share. I thought it would be impossible to top the features offered on the first Extended version, but Peter Jackson once more shut me up! The two extra DVDs of features from "The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers" had a wealth of information for the real LOTR fan. For example, I was blown away by the details behind the design and evolution of the look and performance of Gollum, from the initial sketches, all the way to accomplishing a sense of realism with translucent skin details. Also incredible was to see the level of detail behind putting together footage with its live sound with sound effects and score... If you take the time to watch all the features, you gain a new level of respect for the work Peter Jackson and his team did, and for moviemaking at large: it certainly involves so much work, that we normally take for granted as sheer moviegoers. Needless to say I am anxious to see what the Extended Version of the third and last movie will have to offer. In the meantime, I will probably give myself a fix of LOTR 1 and 2 now and then to keep the memories fresh! :)
Rating:  Summary: Stunning Review: A fantastic performance. The photography was superb, as was the music and the acting. I have no complains. See this movie, even if you haven't read the book (as I hadn't when I first saw it). It's worth it. But pay attention because the story can escape your concentration sometimes while you're gawking about all other fantastic aspects of the film.
Rating:  Summary: Totally Awsome!!!!!! Review: This Movie was so cool!I really loved John Rhys-Davies and Orlando Bloom in this movie.They are so funny.Even though this film is not exactly like the book it's still good.I loved the battle of Helms Deep that was really cool!Viggo Mortenson was so good as Aragorn.I really like the love story between him and Arwen,it is so sweet.This movie had great special effects;I loved those wolf things,they were really cool.And Andy Serkins was so good as Gollum.All the Hobbits rocked;especially Billy Boyd as Pippen.You should really watch this movie.
Rating:  Summary: What a Second Epic Delight! Review: This is one of the best movies ever made. So what if it did not follow the book precisely? The movie was better. Rarely do any of the "Book Adaptations" to the big screen do the original book justice, yet this movie has mananged to do that and then some. First of all, the cinematography of this movie is mesmerizing and the DVD set does it complete justice. The acting performances were superb as was the way it was meted out. If you have not seen this movie or any of the other ones in the 3 part saga, then you are missing out on an Epic treat. This is an excellent movie that was executed perfectly. The DVD set has many awesome features and "Two Towers" specials and documenteries. Of course the added footage is what seals the deal for buying the set. Don't think twice about it, buy the set today!
Rating:  Summary: Legendary Review: "The Two Towers" extended edition surpassed all of my expectations. It amazes me about the criticism I hear from fellow Tolkien fans. I think that people need to remember two things before they invest so much time into this movie: a.) transitioning a story from novel to the screen is an arduous task, which rarely ends up doing justice to the original work and b.) when dealing with a trilogy, the middle chapter seems to always get the blunt of critic abuse. The thing to remember is, that "Two Towers" is astonishing from all parts: the story sticks with the novel, all the major characters are represented, the special effects seem all too realistic and the film makers go into each character's personality without loosing the focus of the action. Of course, scenes had to be added after the theatrical release, because of the length, but sometimes, the smallest overlooked dialogues can really flesh out a character and make him/her worth cheering for. I personally felt that Gimli, the dwarf, was overlooked in the first movie, but I was excited to really see him develop as into this personal character, who was powerful and secretly sensitive to his comrades. I don't think this movie was "sloppy" at all! A lot of viewers, especially the younger generations, haven't read through the books yet. Well, if anything, Tolkien certainly mastered the art of creating a world and giving it its: mythology, history and politics. One could even go so far as to say that he wrote an alternative history in comparison to both the World Wars. This, of course, makes reading through the volumes of writing as much a chore as an enjoyable magical experience. Its translation to screen however, is just short of a miracle. One can watch this and have a decent concept of what's going on, who the characters are and where everyone is going - without having read the books and not being too familiar with "The Fellowship of the Ring" movie. The several different story lines are all well explained and well developed. As with the added scenes, if you didn't see the original theatrical release, you really couldn't tell where the new additions were put in. In other movies, those transitions seemed awkward and you kind of wish they had just left them out. It's the small details that really pack in a little humor and character bonds that help keep us invested in this war-torn epic. The character of Golem was portrayed beautifully - as if great minds like Steven King and H.P. Lovecraft were called in for advice. His mental instability really adds chilled and spooky premonitions on the viewers. Also, we get a chance to invest in the humorous competitive friendship between the elf, Legolas, and the dwarf, Gimli. The middle chapter shouldn't be a let-down. It should cherished along with the brave opening in "Fellowship" and will certainly carry us through to the ultimate conclusions of "Return of the King." There's no need to trash such fabulous efforts and ingenuity. Sit down and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: An awfully sloppy Movie Review: It is to bad that overhyped and aggressive movie advertisement already hands out ready made and popularly rated opinions. Such is the case with "The Two Towers", a typical Hollywood Bigbudget movie, greedily roasting on the popularity of its Title, fanbase and mucht better predecessor. This Movie is nothing but smoke and air, the special effects only barely covering the sloppieness and terrible editing. Trimming the great story to the tastes of the average movie goer, the Producers and Director decided that giving it just enough action and the Occasional "WOW Factor" will abase and satisfy Moviegoers wordlwide. The old Hollywood recipe worked once again. The artificiall action scenes, which pretend to make the story more interesting, completely weigh down any kind of emtional center,and cut loose any kind of connection and sympathy we might have developed with the Characters. No only does the Hollywood Hype give the movie an air and noise feel, but it make obvious the complete lack of cinematic genuenity and the terriblĂ˝ weak script. This Film has no less then 190 terrible Movieblunders, mistakes so sloppy and careless that one is amazed how well they were covered up by the Bigbudgetfeel and the so called Epicscale.These mistakes can be seen at a Webiste called "Movie Mistakes".
Rating:  Summary: Simply a new classic! Review: This movie rocks! I can't wait for the extended version of Return of the King!!
Rating:  Summary: One Ring To Bring Them All And In The Darkness Bind Them Review: With the Fellowship broken, wars begin to brew in Middle Earth and the fate of the ring looks grim. Allies turn to enemies and hope begins to fade. Orcs gather together in an attempt to exterminate man. And as the ring moves closer to it's master it wants to be found more than ever and as it's yearning becomes stronger, Frodo's heart weakens. Again an excellent DVD with almost an hour of deleted scenes that are put into the movie. All of the deleted scenes are excellent and give you a little bit more of he story.
Rating:  Summary: should I spend money for this? Review: I already have the non-extended version on DVD. Is it worth getting it? I love the series but im not sure if its worth it. And I dont even know if their going to make another special edition DVD. If you think I should or shouldent buy it email me. Sorry to Amazon if im not aloud to put my email punchdoll2003@yahoo.com!
Rating:  Summary: If you've got a lot of time to kill. Review: This was an impulse buy for me, but I figured since I had "The Fellowship Of The Ring," I should invest in "The Two Towers." I'm a behind the scenes sort of geek and I loved the extra footage of how Peter Jackson and crew put everything together. The real treat for me though was the behind the scenes music footage with Howard Shore composing the score. Do I think "The Two Towers" is better than "TFOTR?" I lean more towards "TFOTR" because of its introduction to Tolkien's worlds. However, my favorite character, Eowyn, is brought in with this one, and the Battle for Helm's Deep just flat out kicked ass. So, overall, I'm tied with these two. What I liked about the extended edition also is the extra footage added. We see the situation with Faramir and his complex relationship with his brother and father drawn out more which I was always interested in. If you've got a lot of time to kill, get this one. However, if you're not really interested in the behind the scenes footage and/or extended scenes, then just purchase the regular edition.