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WWE - The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection

WWE - The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection

List Price: $34.95
Your Price: $31.46
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Ever
Review: Simply put,The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection is, in one word, amazing!!!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Certainly not the "Ultimate" Ric Flair DVD
Review: This is a very good set at which to get a glimpse into one of, if not the most, prolific careers in all of professional wrestling. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair is widely considered to be the best wrestler of the last quarter century, and rightfully so. This set allows new and older fans alike to witness many historic moments in the career of the Nature Boy, as well as gain insight into the background of legendary feuds and matches as Flair introduces each segment with his own candid comments. This production is undoubtedly the best DVD set the WWE has put out in quite awhile (though the "Bloodbath: Wresting's Greatest Steel Cage Matches" DVD comes in at a close second).

As much as I hate to admit it, I cannot give "The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection" perfect rating as it is far from the "ultimate" Ric Flair. As mentioned before, this is a WWE-produced DVD. That beckons the question as to why some of Flair's most significant WWE matches left off of this set. A few WWE matches that are inexcusably absent from this compilation include the match against Randy Savage from WrestleMania XIII (1992)as well as the "Loser Leaves Town" match with Curt Hennig from an early episode of RAW (1993). There are also noticable continuity gaps in the NWA/WCW side. For starters, the entire time between late 1994 and early 2001 is not even hinted at. Sure, those years obviously weren't the best of times for Flair, both inside and outside of the ring, but they should have still been represented in some form or another. Flair's promo from the now-infamous final Monday Nitro (2001) is shown in its entirety, but not the proceeding match with Sting. Speaking of which, the first Clash of the Champions (1988) match with Sting is also M.I.A as is their battles over the world title in the early 90's. This set does contain footage of the angle building to the latter series of events, but alas, it never comes to fruition. Instead of classic Flair/Sting, we are treated to their 1994 Clash of the Champions encounter. By then, the embers had cooled considerably when it came to that feud. Kind of like day-old pizza; still good, but not as good as when it was first delieverd.

Flair's matches with Lex Luger, Kerry Von Erich, Jimmy Garvin, and Vader should have also been highlighted if only to better illustrate how Flair has the uncanny ability to take a below-average wrestler and make them look like a million bucks. There is no mention of Flair's encounters with a then very un-Stone Cold "Stunning" Steve Austin or any subsequent mention of the accompanying feud between the Four Horsemen and the Hollywood Blonds. Flair's brief, but noteworthy 1995 feud with fellow Horseman Arn Anderson was certainly conspicuous by its absence as I am sure Flair would have had alot to say about the going-ons during that time.

In closing, this is indeed a very good DVD set that was well worth the price of admission, but did not quite live up to the hype. Nevertheless, all the matches and angles are still as every bit of exciting as they were then they originally came to pass years ago. This set showcases Flair in his prime when compared to the fact that he has sadly been played off as nothing more than Triple H's gopher on WWE TV as of late. There are countless times when you will be watching this DVD set and say to yourself (or out loud), "Hey, I remember that!!".

This DVD set will definately bring back some memories. However, many die-hard Flair fans and many older fans will be left with a sick feeling as they think of what all was NOT included on this 3 disc set. Here's hoping for a follow up Flair DVD soon with the aforemenioned criminally absent matches and angles included.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ultimate Ric Flair Collection
Review: I usually don't write reviews and I usually don't buy WWE DVD's. However, this one is worth it. I had doubts about Flair's legacy because his in ring style just doesn't work with todays fast paced 5 minute matches. Watching this DVD I came to understand why he is considered so great. He can wrestle for long lengths of time and keep the crowd on the edge of their seat.

This DVD highlights his feuds with Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Barry Windham, Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk, Sting, and his tenure in then WWF in the 90s. Included is a cage match between Race and Flair, Rhodes vs. Flair, Windham vs. Flair in a 30 minute classic wrestling match, 2 matches against Ricky Steamboat (on is around 52 minutes long while the other is half an hour), an I quit match with Terry Funk (I didn't really care for it), Flair vs. Sting in a 17 minute bout (they should have instead had the 45 minute match from Clash of Champions I that Flair speaks of, the entire 1992 Royal Rumble which Flair goes in at #3 and wins.

In addition you also get another Windham vs. Flair full match (about 10 minutes), a tag team match pitting Flair & Windham vs. Steamboat and Gilbert, HHH vs. Flair from RAW and the celebration for Flair never seen before, Flair's WWWF debut way back in 1976 and countless other extras (there are so many it is hard to even remember which parts you have seen and havn't).

There are also many many interviews with Flair which shows how a wrestler should do an interview. He is brilliant on the mic.

This DVD is about Ric Flair, but it is also about the history of wrestling. You will be opened up to an entire new world if you are a young fan like myself and havn't seen wrestling the way it used to be. Wrestling is refered to as a "sport" throughout the DVD which gives a different look than nowadays, Time Limits are a big part of matches, matches are a lot longer, and all the guys can give great interviews. Buy this DVD you won't be let down it is a look at Ric Flair and a look at the way wrestling used to be and in my opinion should still be.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WHOO! Diamonds are Forever and so is Ric Flair!
Review: First off, if you hate Ric Flair and this DVD, you have absolutely no right calling yourself a wrestling fan. Any TRUE fan you have to appreciate the true art of wrestling and promos. Well, Nature Boy Ric Flair is the man to teach you that very fine art and it's WHOO! right here in this DVD set. I grew up watching Flair in the WWF when I was a little kid and saw some of his WCW stuff in the 90s. Last few years, I have collected his classics from the NWA and he is surpassing Randy Savage as my all time favorite wrestler. If you think I am a mark just because of what I'm sayin, then I laugh at you as YOU are the mark who doesn't understand what the business is all about. Any smart mark knows who the greatest of all time is and it's Ric Flair.

Disc 1
This covers his big match at Starrcade 83 with Race as well as the feud. Also on it are the Starrcade 85 Match and feud with Rhodes. The Flair-Race match was an easy ****1/2 star match. Rhodes has never been a good wrestler, but he could talk on the mic real well. I felt Flair carried him to a *** star match, but the lame Dusty finish hurt the overall match itself in the long run as it felt like it was all a pointless match. For those that don't know what a Dusty finish is, he was a booker for the NWA and he was famous for having big title matches at huge events (ie Clash, Great American Bash, Starrcade) end in controversy and always have a decision reversed. The only thime it worked well was in Disc 2 and you will see why. Final Match on here was Flair vs Barry Windham in a definite *****star match. Just absolutely perfect wrestling in that one. The first disc was excellent. It covers the early years of Flair, but I was a little disappointed that we didn't get more into his feud with Luger in 88 as well as maybe some classics that he had in Japan.

Disc 2
This disc right here is the main reason to buy it! 3 fabulous matches and if you don't like them, then you can go and take your markish little beliefs and stick where the sun doesn't shine. Flair vs Steamboat from Clash of the Champions VI is my all time fav. match in their series. It was an easy *****star match and here the Dusty finish WORKS! You have the match end in controversy, which leads to a blowoff match between the two for WrestleWar 89. What does that mean? Another nice match for all to see WHOO! I consider Clash VI the Greatest match of all time. It was 55 or 56 minutes long, but people it has PSYCHOLOGY galore! Headlocks are used as pinning combinations! Not for resting like horrendeous wrestlers such as the Mark Henrys, Steiners or whoever use them today. Chopfests are always MUCH BETTER than slugfests. They are realistic! They are stiff and it feels like a war! Wrestle War 89 is considered the greatest match ever. Hard to argue that one as I love it as well. It is a *****star match all the way. It had the perfect angle afterwards with Flair and Funk which lead to the 3rd match on this disc. Flair-Funk Clash IX was the stiffest match I have ever seen. A classic and it has to be seen to be appreciated. Yeah Funk's piledrivers were lame, but it didn't hurt the match as a whole as it was another *****star match. This disc is my favorite of the 3, but there are some things that I wish were on it. They clipped the Flair/Windham vs Steamboat/Eddie Gilbert match. WHY?!?! I have that match in its entirety and it is an easy ****3/4 match. I also wish they included Flair-Steamboat from Chi-Town Rumble 89. That was another ***** star match that had to be on here to really show why their series ruled.

Disc 3
I loved this one a lot because I grew up watching the WWF Ric Flair. I can remember him when I was a kid and how I rooted for Piper and Hogan to destroy him. Royal Rumble 92 is the greatest Rumble ever at ***** stars. All action, eliminations were timed perfectly, the dead weight was in and out at perfect times. There was always an interesting thing going on in the ring. Heenan's commentary made it all the more fun to watch. Then we have Sting vs Flair from Clash XXVII. An easy ****star match. Fabulous wrestling, even if Sting's title didn't mean squat. Then there's the tribute. I got goosebumps seeing it and it was a classy thing done by the WWF (I REFUSE TO CALL IT BY IT'S CURRENT NAME!). Triple H vs Flair was **1/2 as Triple H is not as good as he was in 2000-2001. Flair's debut vs Pete Sanchez in 1976 is something to see. It was **1/2 as well. I wish they showed some rare Flair-Hogan and Flair-Piper matches on this one so people could get a sense that those feuds had blowoffs to them.

Despite some things left out, this is a great set. This helps newer fans learn of Flair and wrestlings past and what the NWA was like. Get it and see why wrestling from the 80s and early 90s will always be better than the soap opera stuff you see today. Promos and wrestling had art back then. Now it's nothing more than stupid hollywood knockoffs as it's all scripted talk and less wrestling.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This was a wonderful, wonderful DVD that captured why "Slick Ric" is the greatest wrestler today. Any true wrestling fan must have this DVD.

The matches with Steamboat, Rhodes, Funk and the history of The Four Horseman brought back ALOT of memories of wrestling in the '80's.

Because of Hogan and the WWF machine, Flair didn't get his proper due, this DVD should do just that.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: To date, The Best Wrestling DVD Ever Produced
Review: Simply put, it will be very hard for the WWE to produce a better DVD than this.

In a nutshell, here are my favorite gems:

1. Seeing Harley race cut eerily calm promos predicting the end of Flair's career. Not to mention, his baffling choice of facial hair (has to be seen to be believed)

2. Watching a young Bob Orton and Dick Slater actually collect on the bounty set by Harley Race (and my God, does Randy Orton look like his father.

3. Flair and the Horsemen turning on Dusty after Rhodes saved Flair from an attack by Ivan and Nikita Koloff. This has to be one of the 3 or 4 most brilliantly conceived angles in my 25 years as a fan

4. The humbleness and dignity that Flair comports himself with when setting up each feud.

5. Absolutely nothing compares to the ferocity with which Steamboat and Flair chop each other. On no less than 5 occassions did I jump out of my seat from a chop...I half expected Flair head to fall off.

6. The Horsemen vignettes with Tully and Arn are fascinating. It is evident that they lived their gimmick 24/7 and got lost into a fantasy world of what their characters were portrayed to be.

7. Flair's promos (maybe 15-20 total) are beyond reproach. Wrestlers should be required to view them to learn how to work the audience and tell the story of an angle. Somewhat lost in his career is what an effective babyface that Flair was in his feuds with Funk and Race.

8. Seeing David Crockett and a graying Tully Blanchard.

9. The night the Horsemen kicked Sting out of the group. To me, this is the essence of Flair's greatness: A well laid out, perfectly told, logically played out angle that begins with Sting having the opportunity to bow out quietly and ending with his violent beatdown (while Flair is in his tailored suit)

10. The post match Flair-HHH tribute. I love things like this and this may be the best one I have ever seen

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The high water mark for wrestling DVDs
Review: It was said that in his heyday, Ric Flair could carry a broomstick to a three-star match. Apparently, the same holds true for a WWE DVD.

After a series of substandard releases, the WWE hit paydirt with this sprawling collection, chronicling some of Ric Flair's highest-profile feuds. Instead of focusing entirely on Flair's time with the WWE, the bulk of the DVD set focuses on Flair's time in the Mid-Atlantic territory. Instead of glossing over the feuds with selected highlights, full matches are shown. Bonus footage on the DVD covers most of the background, providing full promos, clips from the NWA's flagship TV programs, and dressing room interviews. As Ric Flair was the NWA's highest profile wrestler through the 1980's, this comes off as much as a history of the NWA as it does a career retrospective.

Included on the DVD are some of Flair's best matches - two against Ricky Steamboat from 1989, a one-hour match against Barry Windham that aired on NWA World Wide Wrestling in 1987, Flair's 1992 Royal Rumble victory, and an "I Quit" match against Terry Funk. Interspersed throughout are some of Flair's best promos, and Flair himself providing commentary to set up the matches. For the most part, however, Flair steps aside and lets the action do most of the talking.

As much material as this provides, there is still enough material to perhaps justify a second volume of Flair highlights - his 1987 title win over Ron Garvin is covered on another WWE DVD title ("Bloodbath"), his 1988 feud with Lex Luger is ignored entirely, the first match of the 1989 Steamboat-Flair trilogy (where Steamboat ends Flair's fifth World title reign) is mysteriously absent save for a few clips, and there is very little of Flair in the 1990's, ignoring matches with Vader, Eddie Guerrero, and Hulk Hogan. But as it stands, this is still a must-own DVD, and a worthy addition to any wrestling fan's collection.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ric Flair - A TRUE Icon in Pro Wrestling
Review: I have been around the business for the past 20 years and have gotten to personally know the caliber of Ricky "The Dragon"Steamboat. I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to hang out with The Road Warriors, Sting, Ricky Morton etc. TRUE Old School wrestling is the REAL WRESTLING!!! This 3 disc cd of Flair was MAGNIFICENT! I watched it one night and got up the next morning and watched it again. If you want to be entertained by the GREATEST NWA Champion ever then - this is it. I can only hope that The Dragon will get a dvd set together for the fans. Ric Flair the greatest bad guy and Steamboat the greatest babyface. I loved their feuds and the stamina wrestling an hour is surely missed nowadays where everything is interference, maybe go to 20 minutes and is all about T&A and who has power with the creative team. FLAIR and STEAMBOAT-in a class by themselves! BUY THIS DVD SET! Flair is a TRUE LEGEND and this is a great tribute to him.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Superb!!!!
Review: Any wrestling fan who has previously not had access to these matches needs to purchase this DVD. Ric Flair has often been mentioned as the greatest professional wrestler of all time, and this DVD proves that over and over and over and over again. Anyone who has ever been even a vague fan of professional wrestling will adore this DVD collection. Kudos to the WWE for producing something so strong. I just can not wait for "The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection-Volume TWO" as so much more material is available.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 3 discs aren't enough...
Review: Hey, I've got to admit, I've been a Flair mark for years, but watching this sprawling DVD package was overwhelming. You can check out other reviews for what's included, but the WWE production team did the man real justice with this one, as they could've added another disc or two for my tastes. I had the opportuninty to meet him back in '89, and he's a great guy, really down-to-earth, and this is quite the tribute to a wrestler who has all the traits one looks for in a pro wrestler: athletic ability, charisma, drive, a respect for the business, and cuts a great promo at the drop of a hat. And with the less-than-stellar product the WWE has been putting out lately, this should be required viewing for all WWE employees. Remember as you watch this that most of his accomplishments came after his plane crash in '75. This is a must for Flair fans, and is highly recommended for all wrestling fans. And by the way, the Greenville tribute at the end of disc three is worth the price of the set all by itself. Classic stuff...and I understand it's the hottest selling WWE DVD ever...find out why for yourself.

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