Rating:  Summary: Highs and Lows Result in an Average Effort Review: It is hard to believe that these installments are all in the same series. Brilliant segments seem to intertwine with filler. The first, two hour installment (25% - a dramatization of Darwin's life) would have been a complete waste of time if it hadn't been salvaged by ~ 30 min worth of spots on a couple of brilliant professors and the extinction episode (which I was looking most forward to) was moralistic and not very helpful after the first few minutes. However, some episodes soar. The 'What about sex?' episode, with its steamy jazz and smirking talking heads was thoroughly entertaining and informative (one of the best hours of documentary I've seen) and the Great Transitions episode had high quality segments on two of our era's great contributors (Philip Gingrich- Basilosaurus and Simon Conway Morris - Burgess Shale) that were thoroughly engaging. In all, I expected a more consistent effort from PBS (especially at this steep price) but in the end had learned more than I would have in 8 hrs of reading. Final analysis: it was worth the time but not $80. (It might have been 4*'s if I had gotten it at the library or paid $30).A couple particular critiques if the reader has interest: The depiction of Darwin as deep and conflicted while Owen was unreflective, mean and conspiratorial was irresponsible reductionism with a polemical intent. The series' continual tendency to be moralistic and draw ethical conclusions from materialist premises got old and seemed a little dangerous at times ('evolutionary psychology' sounded an awful lot like 'social Darwinism'). The 'What about God?' episode was adequate, but the selection of a marginal (though admittedly popular) voice like Hamm rather than a Philip Johnston, Michael Behe or William Dembski showed that they were more interested in creationism as a social phenomena than design as a philosophical premise. This was their prerogative and made for an interesting segment, but it came off like Hamm was the ridiculous champion of the whole movement, which was just not a fair rendering.
Rating:  Summary: Highs and Lows Result in an Average Effort Review: It is hard to believe that these installments are all in the same series. Brilliant segments seem to intertwine with filler. The first, two hour installment (25% - a dramatization of Darwin's life) would have been a complete waste of time if it hadn't been salvaged by ~ 30 min worth of spots on a couple of brilliant professors and the extinction episode (which I was looking most forward to) was moralistic and not very helpful after the first few minutes. However, some episodes soar. The 'What about sex?' episode, with its steamy jazz and smirking talking heads was thoroughly entertaining and informative (one of the best hours of documentary I've seen) and the Great Transitions episode had high quality segments on two of our era's great contributors (Philip Gingrich- Basilosaurus and Simon Conway Morris - Burgess Shale) that were thoroughly engaging. In all, I expected a more consistent effort from PBS (especially at this steep price) but in the end had learned more than I would have in 8 hrs of reading. Final analysis: it was worth the time but not $80. (It might have been 4*'s if I had gotten it at the library or paid $30). A couple particular critiques if the reader has interest: The depiction of Darwin as deep and conflicted while Owen was unreflective, mean and conspiratorial was irresponsible reductionism with a polemical intent. The series' continual tendency to be moralistic and draw ethical conclusions from materialist premises got old and seemed a little dangerous at times ('evolutionary psychology' sounded an awful lot like 'social Darwinism'). The 'What about God?' episode was adequate, but the selection of a marginal (though admittedly popular) voice like Hamm rather than a Philip Johnston, Michael Behe or William Dembski showed that they were more interested in creationism as a social phenomena than design as a philosophical premise. This was their prerogative and made for an interesting segment, but it came off like Hamm was the ridiculous champion of the whole movement, which was just not a fair rendering.
Rating:  Summary: Propaganda, not science Review: PBS' series "Evolution" is a public relations vehicle produced by America's corporate elite (Microsoft) and an entrenched scientific establishment (Daniel Dennet, Richard Dawkins, Kenneth Miller, etc.). It flatly states that all real scientists agree with Darwinian evolution, that opponents are religious fundamentalists, and that Charles Darwin was a hero who bravely endured the bigoted rantings of the dark-age religious establishment of his day. As "proof" of Darwinian evolution, the series offers us only one example: the evolution of the AIDS virus against anti-sense drugs. It is easy to see why the corporate and scientific establishments would collude to produce a series like this. The corporate establishment relies heavily on Charles Darwin to justify competitive business practices and national economic policy that punishes the poor. Academics like Ken Miller and Richard Dawkins would no longer make lucratic salaries at Brown and Oxford if it were known that they were just maintaining the status quo rather than advancing research. Is "Evolution" scientific? No, it is not. A large and growing number of scientists are questioning the neo-Darwinian synthesis. None of these scientists are "Creationists" like the idiot fundamentalists paraded before the camera in this series. Some (the so-called "Intelligent Design movement") speak for a theistic evolution alternative, but many of these scientists are non-religious and simply see neo-Darwinism as inadequate to explain the diversity and complexity of life. Even Stephen J. Gould has printed opinions to this effect (allow the resultant criticism nearly cost him his career, so now he pretty much just toes the orthodox line, as he does in this film). It is fair to say that neo-Darwinism is in deep paradigm trouble, and unless folks like Richard Dawkins and Ken Miller stifle debate through the dishonest, intellectually-grotesque, and immoral means they've used so far, that neo-Darwinism will collapse in about 25 years or so. This series uses the same tactics that Dawkins and Miller use in their personal writings - namely, lies about what their opponents believe, personal slander toward those who disagree, and dishonest use of so-called "evidence." For example, in a segment on "young earth creationists," who are portrayed as the ONLY people who disagree with neo-Darwinism, we see books by prominent evolutionary biologists placed next to the writings of Ken Hamm and Henry Morris, two notorious young-earthers. The message is clear. The crime that these evolutionary biologists committed? They questioned whether natural selection was adequate to drive evolution. I was especially alarmed that this series included Daniel Dennet, the author of a "Mein Kampf" type book (Darwin's Dangerous Idea) that recommeds a return to concentration camps and the raising of children by the state, as a prominent "talking head." At the very least, the series should have identified Dennet for his totalitarian views. After all, we're talking about the effect Darwinism had on modern life. If Concentration Camps and state-sponsored Totalism flow naturally from Darwinism, we deserve to know. The science in this series is incredibly poor. I saw numerous debunked "proofs" of evolution - like the now debunked "peppered moth" study - paraded uncynically as example of real, recorded evolution. The series didn't even mention evidence that contradicts Darwin, like the absence of intermediary forms in the fossil record. This is strange, since Stephen J. Gould is famous for attempting to find a solution to this dilemma. In short, Darwinists know that they can't win the debate based on facts or logic. Instead, they've resorted to propaganda. I'd laugh, except I'm worried that someday Daniel Dennet will be at my door to send me to his "cultural zoos," a.k.a, concentration camps for those who don't believe in natural selection.
Rating:  Summary: Evolution is fact Review: There have been bad reviews for this series. Creationist say things like there is evidence for creation and that there is no evidence for evolution. This series proves them wrong. It shows convincing facts that evolution is real. Evolution is the fact that all life came from lower life over millions of years. Creation is the religous fariy tale that the earth was created by god in 6 days less than 10,000 years ago. Creationist say major scientists don't believe in evolution but 96% of scientists believe in evolution. This series shows evolution has been proven and observed. Creationists say there is evidence for creation and this series doesn't show it. The evidence doesn't exist and if the slightest piece of evidence exists than I would be a creationist. If you are a creationist watch this series it will help you see the light. No evolution is not athisum since god is the one who controls evolutions path. The fossil record, DNA, early embryos say evolution and they believe a book written by ancients. I think that creationist should stop writting false reviews and saying there is evidence without evidence existing. So get evidence or get out. Watch this series and see what the creationist are hiding from you.
Rating:  Summary: Not one shred of evidence for accidental life...0 Stars Review: There is not one shred of evidence that life can, or ever did, spontaneously start apart from infinitely complex design pre-existing the formation of living cells. This series is based on old science that has been discredited. Forget the faith and religion issue for a moment. Spontaneous accidental generation of life cannot and did not happen. No scientist has ever gotten close to proving such a preposterous idea, and yet most still hide this fact. Why is this the case? Because if life and creation were in FACT created, then EVERYTHING changes. We are NOT alone living a purposeless, meaningless existence. This DVD and the PBS series is about human intellectual arrogance more than it is about truth. Is evolution as a scietific force somehow intrinsically designed into living things? Clearly! Did evolution accidentally start or design life on Earth? Ridiculous! That is a leap of faith only an idiot can make.
Rating:  Summary: great for learners Review: This boxed set would be a great addition to any DVD or VHS collection of any scientists. Of course, if you are interested in learning the evolutionists' point of view, this will also be a great addition. We must remember, however, that evolution is a theory and will never be proven as fact. That being said, the creationists' view is that there is a God. OK. Here's where it gets difficult for some. Evolution is a theory, but creationism is also. I do believe in God; however, no one was there at the time. We HAVE to believe he did all this. Science, on the hand, is basically problem-solving in a methodical way, using evidence. Some of you are saying I'm wrong, and I might be. Nonetheless, science has to rely on "evidence." This evidence leads us to certain conclusions. I used to mix the two (creationism and evolution), believing that God may have created man, but how He did it is the question. I know kmany people will disagree, but creationism gives credit to someone who did things that no one was around to see. Science, on the other hand, must look at evidence and derives conclusions from them. One must remember, however, that theories can always be wrong. Look at Lamarckism or Heackel's ideas. Science is only about our conclusions on a problem. Science cannot, and will not, say there is a God. If they did, we might as well throw everything out of the door. including medicine. If evolution was somehow proven true, wouldn't it be a law as the "Law of Thermodynamics?"
Rating:  Summary: Informative, Well Produced, Timely Review: This is a DVD Boxed set that belongs on every shelf, period. While highly informative and very well presented, it is also entertaining to watch. Before I knew it, I had watched through the entire series and was wanting even more! I wish that more had been done in the series, particularly an episode dedicated to the budding science of Evolutionary Psychology for example. It provides an exacting overview of Evolutionary Theory in our current understanding. At the same time, it provides well explained and detailed analysis of the evidence that has been building behind the theory over the last century or more. Of interest to some was the time spent on the debate between Evolution and Creation *Science*, with a full hour dedicated to the issues of faith and science in and out of the classroom. All in all, entertaining and informative to the open minded, likely an affront to the closed minded, this boxed set comes HIGHLY recommended for anyone regardless. Easily worth more than it costs.
Rating:  Summary: Detailed yet accessible Review: This program is a must see for anyone interested in biology. It goes into amazing detail yet remains understandable to a wide audience. This is one of the best science programs I have seen in recent years and I would recommend it to anyone. The companion book is also very high quality, full of information yet also smooth reading. Together they are important contributions to American culture, a culture that is steeped in technology yet is often scientifically unsophisticated. This show brings top notch science to the masses.
Rating:  Summary: First Class Education! Review: This series blew me away. I have always been interested in Evolution. Also Anthropology and Biology in general. I think it may be one of the most signifigant subjects ever studied. After all, Learning the past can build a bridge to the future. (wow, thats my original little phrase, ...:) Anyway, this series takes a colorful, open minded, chuckle-at-ourselves view of evolution. Which quite frankly I believe is needed, badly. The battle between creationists and evolutionists is a waste of time. My personal opininion leans far toward the evolotionary theory. And before all the creationists shout their famous mantra "Yes, that is right, the THEORY OF EVOLUTION, it has never been proven that we evolved from apes..."Might I remind you that your argument is just as hol(e)y (no pun intended, snort, snort). We have bones and DNA and you have a big old book written far too long ago by believers (not objective witnesses). What I am trying to say is nobody gets to be right! We will never get an answer. As much as we want to believe we will, it's not gonna happen. Be content not knowing! None of us has the right to block someone else's view point. When you do that you only prove yourself ignorant. Intelligent (not smart) people are open to listening to the world around them and appreciating the differences there are. Life would be so boring if we all thought the same. It would be just like that movie "The Time Machine" we would be like the Eloine (sp). Walking around going DUHHH...and then get swallowed by a Morlok. If God intended us to follow one ideal he would not have given us individual, independent minds. Uh oh, I said the G word. That means I better go. I will leave you with two significantly insignificant thoughts: #1 What if there is a god and he DID create the universe. Maybe he also put into motion that first spark of life that ultimately began to evolve in different directions. And maybe from that came all of the life that exists on this or any other planet. I believe that would make us all pretty much right. Or We ALL could be completely wrong! Who knows, just don't loose too much sleep (or friends)over it. #2 Buy this series, if you don't believe in evolution it is still good entertainment. You could also use it to show your kids what crazy people evolutionists are. Or, maybe you should pray to god for guidance. No, I didn't mean that. My best friend in the world is Mormon (You know from those funny commercials). If I can love her I can love you. Love ya, kiss, kiss...my lips are sealed!
Rating:  Summary: high interest for students Review: This series has up to date and accurate information that is appropriate for use in a high school class. I used about 2 hours edited from the series in class- the students were attentive and it explained difficult to teach concepts well with some good computer graphic segments. About 6 of the 8 hours was of high interest for me - about 4 hrs. for the average teen viewer. A few dull spots here and there but overall rivals Life on Earth, Living Planet or Body Atlass for quality series.