Rating:  Summary: Darwinism must be in real trouble... Review: I read all the glowing reviews of this series on the Amazon website, and expected a fairly formidible defense of Darwinism against the growing tide of skepticism. After watching this series, I've lost all respect for people who give this series four stars. It's boring, tedious, and doesn't interact with the issues surrounding Darwinism at all - like the Freudians of yesteryear who dismissed neuroscience as "wishful thinking," the Darwinists who hail this series as a landmark simply seem like uncreative conformists who pride themselves on their uniformity with accepted theories. I'm not casting my lot with ID, Complexity theory, or any of the other theories or philosophies of science (where ID is rightly placed) that mean to compete with Darwinism (itself more a philosophy of science than an empirical discipline). But this series is nothing more than a few stodgy Darwinists telling hand-waving stories about how life evolved "just-so" - like any of us really know squat about it - and denying that other theories exist. But then again, I should have known - it was produced by PBS! That's the same irrelevant network that hosts Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell (discredited Jungian nonsense), has run documentaries that laud the "courage" of mentally-ill people with body dysmorphic disorder and surgical addiction who decide to castrate themselves, and recently accepted money from a terrorist nation to air a Muslim propaganda film about the life of Mohammad (100% Islamicist evangelism, brought to you at taxpayer expense). I think Freud and Marx better make room on that bench of discredited 19th/20th century pseudo-science for that stuttering, panic-striken wretch of a botanist, Charlie Darwin.
Rating:  Summary: Review the DVD, not the theory Review: I read through the reviews of this set and I am disappointed to see that several of the reviewers...took this opportunity to preach their hatred (or fear?) of evolution rather than just reviewing the DVD. Here is what I think of the DVD: It is beautifully filmed at times. It covers the subject of evolution better than any TV series I have ever seen, though it doesn't go into the depth that you might find in a college course or even a lot of popular books on evolution--like Daniel Dennet's "Darwin's Dangerous Idea". But the DVD doesn't put me to sleep like the books do. It is entertaining enough to keep you awake through a subject most of us slept through in school. I would have liked to see at least a passing mention of differing scientific opinions, such as the Aquatic Ape Theory or perhaps something about Punctuated Equilibrium, but I suppose that is too much for a PBS series. Nevertheless, I rate this series a step below "Cosmos" and "Life Beyond Earth" but higher than almost anything else that I have seen on PBS. This is a very good series, well worth owning. I must respond to a few misleading assertions of the reviewers I mentioned at the beginning of this review:EVOLUTION IS NOT A THEORY. Evolution is a fact. That the mechanism of evolution is a process known as Natural Selection--that is the theory. Evolution is observed in the fossil record; fact. Natural Selection explains the observation; theory. As for the "fossil record lacking transitional forms", you obviously didn't watch the part about transitional whales--whales with four legs, whales with only two legs, modern whales. There are hundreds of known transitional forms, and more being found all the time. And in defense of Daniel Dennet (who seems to be hated almost as much as Darwin), I have read his book "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" and I assure you he does not "seriously" propose putting Baptists in concentration camps. I'm surprised to learn that an adult could take his book that way. One final thing, scientific people, like me, should not attack religious Christians. It was not by coincidence that modern science began in Christian Europe. Without a certain amount of freedom to question long-held beliefs, modern science could never have begun. And Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Darwin and even Einstein would have made their marks in some field other than science, if at all. Christians are not backwards people. If they really practice the teachings of Jesus Christ, they are the kind of profound, incredibly enlightened people that this world needs more of--but they are still wrong about evolution.
Rating:  Summary: Not Perfect, But The Best TV Introduction To Evolution Review: I salute PBS and its Boston affiliate WGBH for producing this very good introduction to evolution; without question it is the finest television program on evolution yet produced. Unfortunately it isn't perfect since it doesn't quite describe much of the substance of evolution and of Darwin's (and Alfred Russel Wallace's) Theory of Evolution via Natural Selection. Nor does it go into much depth - aside from the fossil evidence - in noting the great diversity of evidence from all of biology which indicates that evolution is not only a fact, but is truly one of the fundamental principles of science, on par with either gravity or the speed of light. Actor Liam Neeson does a splendid job narrating all nine hours of this miniseries.The opening segment, "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" is both a splendid docudrama on Darwin's discovery of Natural Selection and general overview of contemporary scientific thought on evolution. I was quite impressed with the attention given to famous scientists such as Stephen Jay Gould, and especially to Brown University biologist Kenneth R. Miller, who notes how he sees no conflict between his devout Roman Catholic Christianity and his research in evolutionary biology (For the record I must admit my bias since I assisted Professor Miller in his very first debate against a scientific creationist while a Brown University undergraduate, yet I am quite pleased that he remains one of the most eloquent advocates of both evolution and sound scientific high school and college education in the United States.). The next two hours, "Great Transformations" and "Extinction!" are devoted to the fossil record's evidence for evolution. In the first hour there is an excellent segment covering paleontologist Philip Gingerich's important recent discoveries demonstrating the relatively rapid evolution of whales from land mammals distantly related to modern ungulates. The second hour discusses the role of extinction as an important agent of evolution, noting the significance of great mass extinctions in altering the earth's biota not once, but at least five times over the past half billion years of Earth's history. Episodes 5 and 6, "The Evolutionary Arms Race" and "Why Sex?" discuss two of the most important factors responsible for evolution; coevolution and sexual reproduction. Unfortunately the "Evolutionary Arms Race" episode may be the weakest in the series, since it spends more time exploring important - though still relevant - medical issues, and not explaining how coevolution has been an important factor responsible for evolution (For example, the Red Queen Hypothesis is mentioned without stating its relevance to understanding coevolution.). Still it makes the valid point that advancements in medical research may be more likely from understanding the evolutionary nature of those organisms and genes responsible for human diseases. The final two programs, "The Mind's Big Bang" and "What About God?" cover human evolution and the nature of science versus religion. In the latter episode I was quite impressed with the extended segment featuring part of a lecture given by evangelical Christian and professional paleontologist Keith Miller (no relation to Kenneth R. Miller) in which Miller states he sees no conflict between his religious beliefs and his acceptance of evolution as scientific fact. However, this episode could have spent more time dismissing "scientific" creationism, especially "Intelligent Design", as examples of outmoded, junk science. Instead, it tries too hard to accomodate the religious views of fundamentalist Christians who find evolution objectionable, without emphasizing evolution's scientific veracity.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting but long Review: I watched 7 out of 8 episodes in two days. It may be educational for people who didn't know much about it, but if you are somewhat familiar with the topics, this documentary film didn't offer much more.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting but long Review: I watched 7 out of 8 episodes in two days. It may be educational for people who didn't know much about it, but if you are somewhat familiar with the topics, this documentary film didn't offer much more.
Rating:  Summary: Cost Cutting Cheapskates !! Review: I watched this entire 7-part series when broadcast on PBS, prior to placing an advance order for the product. I knew what I was getting before hand ... or so I thought. I don't know who is responsible for the packaging of this product. These seven VHS tapes DO NOT have volume numbers, but the series does have a particular order that the tapes should be viewed. The trailer on each tape refers to the subject matter of the next tape to be viewed, but not to the NAME of that tape! Worse yet, the "boxed set" is not what you expect. All seven of these tapes come inside a disposable, thin, flimsy cardboard box ... one that (over time) will be unsuitable for storage. I threw it away upon receipt (and manually numbered the tapes!). If you want to watch these tapes in the proper order, they SHOULD HAVE BEEN assigned numbers as follows: Tape #1: Darwin's Dangerous Idea Tape #2: Great Transformations Tape #3: Extinction! Tape #4: The Evolutionary Arms Race Tape #5: Why Sex? Tape #6: The Mind's Big Bang Tape #7: What About God? I will not waste much space here debating the philosophical or religious issues associated with this series, as those issues are basically emotional concerns (of the individual). The whole problem with the "theory of evolution" ... is that ... if you want to believe in some kind of afterlife, then somewhere in time "God" had to install a soul into one or more bodies. This means that at some point in time, the child had a soul but the parent did not. At that same point in time, the parent would cease to exist upon death (just like every other living thing on this planet) but the child would continue onward "in spirit" after death (minus the body, of course). Nobody wants to believe: (1) that they didn't exist before conception; and (2) that they will cease to exist after death. Personally, I'm not too crazy about the idea myself. However, I must respect the universal nature of death - and I don't believe that what I choose to believe is going to change the ultimate outcome in any way. However, it is our beliefs that give meaning to our lives. With that said, I would recommend that you just choose to believe whatever serves to make your life meaningful to you - and don't waste time debating the issue with anyone else. The Universe doesn't really give a damn what anyone chooses to believe. No matter what you choose to believe (whether it be based in science or religion) you will be proven significantly in error 100 years from now. For example, what do YOU think about some of the beliefs, practices and customs that people held 100 years ago? I rest my case ;-) Just try to do the best with what you know. You can believe anything you want, for whatever reasons suit you. As someone once said: "I've given up my search for Truth ... and am presently looking for a really good Fantasy!" WITH RESPECT TO THE GENERAL THEORY OF EVOLUTION, THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST PRESENTATION THAT I HAVE SEEN. In the section "The Mind's Big Bang" ... I wished they would have devoted a bit of time to explaining the general process by which each organism with a nervous system creates its own "virtual reality" universe -- an internal model of the external world (its niche in the ecosystem). These models are built from a combination of both the genetic inheritance AND the sensory inputs of the organism, and thus are limited by BOTH the nature of those senses and the genetic heritage. That "internal virtual reality universe" ONLY has to account for the external factors that impact daily living and survival. For example, a fish has no need to understand anything about mountains. A bird doesn't need to know anything about the ocean bottom. Neither needs to know anything about the moons of Jupiter, etc. When an organism dies, its "internal universe" (the only one it knows) ceases to exist. Each organism's small internal "virtual reality" model of its world (its known universe) is but an insignificantly small subset of the much larger external environment (the biosphere containing its ecosystem). Other things being equal, a more complete or accurate internal model will provide a selective advantage for survival over less complete models. This, in part, is what drives the development of brains and nervous systems and sensory organs. As you go "up" the evolutionary chain, those models become more complex and comprehensive. The social and cultural forces driving the complexities and depth of the "virtual reality" models created by the human brain are barely explored. As the scientific method continues to reveal that which was previously unknown or misunderstood, our model of the "real" universe (whatever THAT is) becomes progressively more accurate. Any group who tries to hold on to a "static internal model" will have problems "evolving" their belief system to account for new discoveries, and for deeper understandings of what may be already known. The one-hour "What About God" tape merely explores how a certain group (in this case, Conservative Christians) tries to maintain their particular flavor of "virtual reality" in the face of constantly expanding knowledge that appears to conflict with their relatively static internal models. With respect to the ever-expanding base of knowledge, it is like a teenager trying to fit into the shoes or clothes that were worn at age five. I understand that a large part of the Western World audience for which this program is targeted is of Christian background ... however ... ... I would have preferred that the "What About God" hour long episode have been focused upon more important objectives OTHER THAN trying to change the thinking of those who hold to a belief system that makes little sense in today's "real world" science, technology and medicine. Why did we not spend an hour trying to "convert" the thinking of Muslims, Hindus, Jews, etc. ?? Also not significantly discussed in this series is the role that various pre-human tribes and bands had in wiping each other out (i.e., the strongest, smartest and best organized survive). This was a key element in the human evolution process. There is a lot to be said for killing off your dumb neighbors and taking over their resources! Recorded history is filled with examples! While this may not sit square with current norms and expectations, it was one of the driving forces that got us to where we are today. It is but one of the ways that natural selection improves the gene pool. In all cultures and societies (far back into pre-history) the human internal models of the universe (as we imagine it to be) are the most complex and varied in this biosphere. But it may only be the first step. Genetic engineering (a topic largely untouched by this series) will provide the next steps, and will do so in timeframes measured in years -- not millenniums. This series could have used another one-hour tape just to explore the "future" of human self-evolution. Maybe that wasn't in the budget! Someone obviously considered it more important to address the concerns of the bible toting Conservative Christian audience ;-) In closing, had the marketing department numbered the tapes ... and given you a sturdy cardboard box to hold them ... I would have awarded them 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Ignore reviewers who resort to name calling Review: I've always considered name calling as a sign of a lack of intelligence. You should ignore the reviewer from Walpole MA, obviously he didn't read the title of this dvd -"evolution" and not "evolution and other theories". This dvd set covers what it says it covers. If you want alternative viewpoints (always a good idea), then you should purchase material on those as well.
Rating:  Summary: I have some concerns... Review: If you have this collection, could you please explain some things to me. I have not brought this collection, though I have been longing to have an evolution DVD collection packed full of information and honesty. However, I am not going to buy this until I know I will get what I am looking for. At the high price of $80 dollars, I definitely want to get my money's worth. In some of the reviews, on the section about Creationism vs. Evolution, some viewers wrote that the DVD states that many Christians believe in Evolution. Now if the movie had thoroughly explained what exactly evolution is, from the beginning microbes to the dawning of man, what sense is it to then state later without criticism that many Christians believe in Evolution. Since when did the bible say, "And God created microorganisms". I am fed up with books and series that shy away from the facts simply because they challenge old time beliefs and may offend some viewers. I want the facts and I don't want things sugar coated or diminished to being questionable just to satisfy the religious or ignorant. As it should be in schools, only the truth should be taught, and anything else should be labeled as cultural studies, not science.
Rating:  Summary: I have some concerns... Review: If you have this collection, could you please explain some things to me. I have not brought this collection, though I have been longing to have an evolution DVD collection packed full of information and honesty. However, I am not going to buy this until I know I will get what I am looking for. At the high price of $80 dollars, I definitely want to get my money's worth. In some of the reviews, on the section about Creationism vs. Evolution, some viewers wrote that the DVD states that many Christians believe in Evolution. Now if the movie had thoroughly explained what exactly evolution is, from the beginning microbes to the dawning of man, what sense is it to then state later without criticism that many Christians believe in Evolution. Since when did the bible say, "And God created microorganisms". I am fed up with books and series that shy away from the facts simply because they challenge old time beliefs and may offend some viewers. I want the facts and I don't want things sugar coated or diminished to being questionable just to satisfy the religious or ignorant. As it should be in schools, only the truth should be taught, and anything else should be labeled as cultural studies, not science.
Rating:  Summary: Evolution is True... Period. Review: In the vast nothing that is modern television--where angels and ESP are considered quite normal--it is a breath of fresh air that we also have had this series explaining the science that is "evolutionary theory," and ignoring the popular use of the word 'theory' as this use has no place in the scientific world. Little mention is given to the fact that a few established scientists do not accept Darwinism because of their relgious upbringings. Though many evolutioniary biologists argue about some of the specfics, all who understand Darwinism, accept Darwinism. Creationism (or "intelligent design") is given no more than a cursory wave of the hand as is all it really deserves. Creationism has very dubious "scientific proofs," and it is about time that the kind of cultural relavitism we have seen in America is shown as anti-scientific bias. In fact, in the final episode of Evolution, "What about God", the writers take a fairly conservative approach. They talk to many Christains about their anti-evolution beleifs, never trying to insult them even though they are quite mistaken. Even when Evolution talks to the scientists, they talk to those soft-Darwinists like Ken Miller and Eugene Scott who think that science (evolution) and religion are compatable. They certainly are not, as every single piece of evidence for Evolution shows the Bible to be false. It would have been more honest for the directers of this otherwise wonderful series to have included interviews in the last episode with some real Darwinists like Richard Dawkins or Massimo Pigluicci. Nevertheless, this series brilliantly explains the most well-klnown, accepted, science Mankind has ever known; one with more evidence for it than even the origin of the Universe itself! This is JUST what I want my children learning in school!